Chapter 14: A Date

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When I came to I could feel someone gently caressing my cheek with their hand. I was so confused and opened my eyes all the way.

Hannah: Good morning~!

I hear Hannah's angelic like voice fill my ears and I smile at her.

Y/N: G-Good morning? It still seems dark.

Hannah: Hehe! It's is! It's around 2 in the morning! Looks like you ended up sleeping in here after all!

I felt kinda bad because it wasn't my dorm. I quickly got to apologising.

Y/N: S-sorry Hannah. I-I didn't realise that I would! Do you want me to go?

Hannah: What?! No of course not!

She quickly looks beside her to if Barbara was still asleep in the bed next to her. Once she knew she was, she turned back to me and spoke in a hushed voice.

Hannah: Why would I want you to go? I love you Y/N! I think you need me with you.

She sits up straight and puts her legs on either side of me and lies down on top of me.

Hannah: You. Are. Not. Going. Anywhere!

She buries her face in the crook of my neck and squeezes me tightly.

Hannah: You stay here. With me...

I put my arms around her and she nuzzles my neck with her face.

Hannah: Good boy~.

I blush a lot at the way she called me that and heard her giggle.

Hannah: Hehe! Awww you're so cute~!

She removes her face from neck and looks up at me with a smirk.

Hannah: You're just so innocent~.

Her eyes were now half open as her face comes closer and she kisses me gently on the lips. She continues to do this while searching around for my hands and eventually taking them in hers and intertwining our fingers.

She was doing this for so long that fatigue caught up with me again and I shut my eyes and drifted away, with my girlfriend gently kissing me as I did.

[Hannah POV]

When I pulled away and saw that he had fallen asleep again I silently giggled and felt my brain get overloaded with love.

Hannah: Ahhh!! He's too cute!!!

I had to see if he wanted to go on a date or something with me tomorrow. That would make things even better!

But for now I would have to wait for my chance to do that. At least I could watch my cute, sleepy boyfriend while I drifted off.

He was a great sight to wake up and fall asleep to!


When I opened my eyes again I could see that Y/N was still fast asleep underneath me. I smile and lean in and kiss him.

Barbara: Awww.

I jump up and turn to see Barbara smiling over at me.

Barbara: Hehe! Don't get embarrassed! I'm happy for you! And you can show your affection to him whenever you want!

Hannah: I-I know. You took me by surprise is all.

Barbara: You're gonna have to change that uniform. How did you sleep in that?

Hannah: I'm not sure. He was just so warm and cuddly!

Barbara: I'm so happy for the both of you! You two are already so cute together!

Searching For Love~ (A LWA Story) {Hannah England x Male Reader}Where stories live. Discover now