Prologue (Part 2)

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-Y/n's POV, Several Months Later-

It's been several months since I got into Signal and it's been fun as hell. I'm finally able to curse without my parents breathing down my neck, and I was able to learn about how to build and forge weapons. I had made new friends, a couple girlfriends, okay, I lied about that one; but, so far, my first year has been exceptional. I've been making perfect grades in my other studies and life was good.

"...Dude, didn't you hear? I think we're gonna start making our new weapons today." A friend of mine sat next to me while I was eating lunch in the cafeteria. I almost spat out my food in excitement. I quickly finished chewing what I had and spoke up.

"No way! You're Joking!"

"I'm not kidding! After lunch, we're supposed to go to the forging classrooms. I'm super hyped."

"You have a weapon idea in mind?" I asked him.

"I was thinking of a Bow-like weapon that can be used as a glider and twin blades."

"That sounds sick. High mobility, can be stealthy, that works out. I'm assuming it's gonna match your style?"

"Yep. That's the plan. And what about you? What are you thinking for yours?" He rested his hand on his chin and his elbow on the table. "I bet it's gonna be kickass."

"I talked to my dad about it a while back before I got here. I was thinking about having a large sword, but with some fiery aspect to it."

"You're gonna have some sort of dust compartment?"

"I'm still thinking about that. I don't know yet."

"You gonna have a range component?"

"Still thinking on that too."

"Dang man, you really haven't put that much thought into it, have you?"

"Nope. It'll come to me when it does." I shrugged at his question, taking a sip out of my tiny milk carton.

"It's gonna take several days to finish our weapons anyways, then we have to get them tested to move on to the next year. After that, it's combat training for the next three years. You think you'll be ready for that?"

"Damn straight. If I'm going to Beacon, I'm gonna have to make sure my weapon is perfect and that I train hard with it."

"I hope I get Professor Branwen, He's so badass!"

"I've heard he's pretty cool. I've seen him in the halls a couple times. There are several different combat teachers, so you have a one in a bunch chance of getting him."

"I'll take that chance!"

"Pshh, Alright." I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face. He and I sat there, talking about our weapons until the bell rang. We got up and I threw my food away and went straight the forging classrooms. When I walked in, I was instantly hit with excitement. The room was big and filled with a bunch of stations for forging. There was a table in the middle of the classroom with a lot of materials that the students could use. The class sat about ten to fifteen people. I had time before the rest of the class came in to think about what I truly wanted.

Soon, the other students walked in the classroom as well as the teacher.

"Good afternoon, Y/n. Good to see you're here early." The teacher went up to the front of the room.

"As always. Plus, I heard that we're starting our weapon making today."

"That's correct. Now students, as I just said to Y/n, you will start making your weapons today and it will take several days to complete them. Now, I'm going to give you some tips. It is recommended, but not mandatory, to have a close range and long range component to your weapon which could include a gun or some sort of dust compartment. Make the weapon special to you, but make it work. Remember, it has to pass all of the tests for you to move on to the combat classes starting next year. With all that I've taught you about forging different weapons with different materials, I think you have what it takes. On the table, there are plentiful amounts of material at your disposal. After you are finished with your weapon, do not toy with it. I believe in you. Make me proud. You may begin." The students and I all went up and grabbed the materials and went back to the forge stations.

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