The Investigation

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-Y/n's POV, The Next Day-

I was sitting in Professor Port's class, getting lectured on Grimm studies along with everyone else, though honestly his words felt like blah..blah..blah right into my ears. I was antsy, for right after this class, Team RWBY and I were going to set our sights on our investigations with the White Fang and Roman Torchwick. I was excited. I was finally gonna do something Huntsman-like and without the faculty and staff's knowledge. On the plus side, I'd be able to get to hang out with my team, and possibly Yang. I slightly daydreamed about it before realizing that I should have probably been paying attention instead.

I shook my head and started taking notes on the story he was telling before I noticed Jaune slide up next to Weiss. Oh lord, what was he up to? I listened in on their conversation...which was mainly one sided. He was trying to talk her up into doing something with him; Spruce Willis movie, Food, Study time... Kinda ballsy if you had asked me, but I had to give him props for the attempt.

Suddenly, the clock struck four and just as Port's story was reaching a high point, he stopped. "I-Oh." He straightened his posture as everyone started to leave. "Timed that one wrong, I suppose. Well, the magnificent conclusion to this story will have to wait. Until next time!"

I Stood up, ready to leave. "Thank you, Professor." I nodded to him.

"You're surely welcome, Mister L/n!"

Team RWBY and I walked together to the exit of the classroom, passing Jaune. "Don't worry, man. You'll get her." I put my hand on his shoulder as he just sighed in shame.

We all went back to the room, and as I was about to enter, the door was shut on me.


"We're changing! We'll let you in when we're done." Weiss said from the other side of the door, leaving me slightly annoyed in the hallway. Then, I heard a lot of speaking in the room. It was muffled, but I thought it sounded like it was between Yang and Weiss.

"Couldn't you just let me change in the bathroom while you're all in the dorm room? This outfit gets uncomfortable after a while, and I don't wanna stand out here like an idiot." No answer... "Ugh... Guess this'll never get ol-" Just then, Weiss opened the door for me. I looked in and saw that they were all still in their uniforms.

"Grab your stuff and go in the bathroom. If you peek at us, I'll stab your eyes out." She looked at me with a glare. Just then I felt as if my life was being threatened before me by the Schnee heiress. With a cautious smile and some sweat, I nodded and quickly grabbed my stuff before running into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I had quickly gotten dressed into my alternative clothing, some city attire. It was stylish, but still easily usable for combat if necessary. I stood and looked in the mirror for a while and waited for the signal to come out.

Then, a knock came to the bathroom door. "You can come out now." I heard Blake's voice say from the outside. I unlocked and opened the door and saw everyone all dressed up for the occasion. Ruby, Weiss, and Yang were sitting on their beds.

"Nice fit, tiger." Yang winked at me.

"Same to you." I winked back.

Blake tightened the ribbons on her arms, walking away from the bathroom. "I thought that class would never end."

"You said it. I almost fell asleep daydreaming about something. All the while, I was hyped though."

"Alrighty, guys! Today's the day! The investigation! Begins!!" Ruby then jumped off of her bed with a glorious pose.

"I'm glad to see we're all taking this so seriously." Weiss said sarcastically.

"Hey, we've got a plan at least! That's... moderately serious, right?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2022 ⏰

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