Special Chapter: A War on Pranks

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-Y/n's POV, Two Weeks After Getting Blake Back-

"Damn, I really don't wanna have to study today." I said to myself under my breath as I sat in the dorm room at one of the desks, staring at the words on a page rather than actually wanting to read them. It was Saturday and I had to study, but I sure as heck didn't want to. Finals were coming very soon. The girls were sitting on their beds, Yang and Ruby were on their scrolls, Blake was reading a book, and Weiss was tooling around with her dust vials. They were talking to each other, rambling on about random things until my ears were able to pick up Yang quietly saying the words, 'prank' and 'Y/n' with an almost mute giggle afterwards. I stopped and thought about it for a second. She was gonna do something to me. My pranking instincts then kicked in, and I started thinking about everything around me and what she could use against me. I heard her drop from her bed to the ground, her footsteps slowly closing in on my position. I then knew exactly what she was going to do.

"I gotcha!" Yang shouted. I felt the chair move as Yang pulled it out from under me....


...I stayed in the sitting position I was in previously, my hand and feet holding my entire body up while there was no chair under me to sit on. It was as if nothing even happened. I didn't even move a muscle, though I did have to strain a little bit to keep myself in place. I could tell by the silence that they were all looking at what just occurred.

"Woah!" Ruby awed in amazement.

"How?" Yang asked me in a bit of shock and confusion. I got up from my air-sitting position and stretched my arms and legs a bit.

"I think you've forgotten that I've pulled just about every prank there is throughout my time at Signal Academy, and I'm still learning now. Someone pulling out a chair from under me is kinda weak. Sorry, but it's going to take a lot more than that to prank the Prank Master, Yang."

"Well, I was only doing it to get your mind off studying. You've been doing it for a couple hours now... That and I was bored." She sat the chair down and I put it back into its place.

"Yeah, you're right though. I should probably take a break and do something fun. First thing on the list, bathroom!" I walked over to the bathroom, the door left ajar for easy entry. I stopped the second before my hand touched the door to open it. Something felt fishy about it. Normally, the girls kept the door closed at all times, even if no one was in the bathroom. I had a sneaky feeling that....

I grabbed the doorknob and pulled it towards me, closing the door shut. I then heard a splash and a metallic thud on the other side. She was trying to get me again! I put on a smug look and turned my gaze over to Yang. She stood in defeat with her arms crossed. I giggled a little before going into the bathroom.


After the bathroom break, including cleaning up the failed, and sad attempt at another prank, I came out with a slightly greedy smile on my face.

"Yang...Xiao...Long." I said her full name. "Did you just try to trick me a second time?"

"Yeah, but that one was Ruby's doing, though I had the idea." She grinned. "I had her set the bucket of water up while you were out getting a book from the library."

I displayed the same grin as she did, crossing my own arms.

"One attempt flatters me. Two attempts mean you're up for a something."

"And maybe I am up for something: An All Out Prank War!" She pumped her fist in the air, a fiery aura surrounding her.

"YES!!!!" Ruby cheered along with her older sister. Both Weiss and Blake groaned in annoyance. I laughed in a slightly evil and smug manner before my mood grew more serious in nature.

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