Happy Birthday, Katsuki!

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"y/n, mina, sero, denki, tomorrow is bakubro's birthday." kirishima stood in front of the four of you with a very serious look on his face.

"right, we knew that." sero said in a duh kind of tone.

"and we're going to get y/n and him together by the end of tomorrow."

"HELL YEAH!!" everyone stood up and cheered. expect for you. you were sitting there with wide eyes.

"bitch what?" you squealed, your face becoming red. mina kept bumping her hip into your side while wiggling her eyebrows. you turned to denki out of desperation but was met with sero and denki already plotting something. kirishima watched as you groaned and fell back onto denki's bed. the red-haired boy sat down next to you and looked sympathetic for a moment before erupting into continuous giggles, "aww, come one. he always talks about you AND always makes sure that you're standing next to him, or in his line of sight." the eyes you'd previously closed in destress reopened. you sat up and looked around the room for a minute,

"i don't see him." you shrugged, trying to disprove the theory.

"you're also the only one allowed to call him by his first name." mina laid her head on your shoulder after taking a seat behind you. you were about to retaliate but a loud bang came from the door cutting off the conversation. bakugo stood in the doorway looking extremely pissed off. all your heads tilted to the side as bakugo dripped with anger, "where the fuck is the daddy issues, teapot trauma looking dishit?"

"oh, that's a new one." denki whispered. the rest of us nodded our eyes never leaving the red eyed teen.

"why you lookin' for him man?" kirishima asked.

"i gotta fuckin bone to pick with that zuko looking bitch! tell me where the hell he is!" bakugo roared louder. you started to push yourself off of the bed,

"he's using references, this is bad." sero cowered a little. you made your way in front of him.

"katsu, what're you doing? why are you so- OH GOD!" before you could finish your sentence bakugo grabbed your arm and pulled out of denki's room, dragging you down the hallway he cursed to himself. his grip on your arm got tighter and tighter as his mumbling went on. you started pulling back in pain,

"katsuki, let go." you didn't want to use a harsh tone, or sound in pain, so you tried your best to keep a monotone voice. he stopped walking and kept his back turned to you. the grip on your loosened but he didn't let go.

"what's gotten into you?" you asked. his head dropped. out of shame? embarrassment? suppressed anger? you couldn't tell.

"that half and half asshole said something about you..." his voice just above a soft whisper. you had to squint a little to hear but still got the message. you stood still for a second to think of what todoroki could have said about you... you two were on good terms, right?

"what'd he say?" bakugo groaned at my question, obviously not wanting to answer it.

"fucking ask him yourself." he let go of my arm and kept his stance. i huffed out and started walking in front of him, towards the commons,

"then i guess i will. oh, and don't get snappy with me, i didn't do anything besides try to help you." your eyes held a sad tone. bakugo's eyes followed you in slight surprise, but that turned into horror when he saw your wrist a bright pink color where he'd previously held it.

once you made it to the commons you summoned midoryia to help you find todoroki, not noticing he was sitting next to broccoli haired boy, "i am here."

"ok, all might, calm down. i just need to ask you a question." midoryia chuckled at your sarcastic attitude. before todoroki could respond a booming voice vibrated off the walls,

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