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both of you had had a long day. katsuki still had some of this hero costume on with loads of sot on his face. you smiled to yourself as you looked at his sleepy face with black dirt covering his cheeks. there was an outline from where his mask laid. as tired as you were, you knew katsuki was closer to crashing than you were. you walked up to him and gently placed his face in your hands. he didn't even fight you this time. you placed a soft kiss on his nose before you moved your hands to his ears. he flinched a little at the touch, "i'm just taking out your cochlear implant," you reassured him. his hands came up to yours to try and stop you,

"wait dumbass. if you do that i won't be able to hear you."

"i know katsuki, but you've had them in all day. you could get an infection," you tried to reason.

"i won't able to hear you say 'goodnight' or 'i love you', i mean. i don't want to sign it, i want to say it." hearing those words fall from his mouth made your heart sore. it wasn't easy when he first lost his hearing. katsuki figured it was going to happen at some point.

your mind brought you back to the day it happened. all of class 1-A was sitting in homeroom, aizawa sensei hadn't walked in yet. you were talking with mina about something you couldn't remember when all of a sudden katsuki starts screaming for kirishima and you. his best friend's head shot over to me before we both took off for him. katsuki's ears were covered by his hands, he was bent over in a position of pain. kirishima got on his knees and looked at katsuki's watery eyes; looking at me he said, "snap by his ears."i gently removed his hands from his ears and saw they were bleeding a little, i reported it to kirishima before snapping. katsuki knew what i was doing but he couldn't bring himself to say he couldn't hear the snap. he let out a small whimper before he covered his ears again and leaned into you. you placed a calm hand on his head and combed through his hair. everyone was dead silent. the memory was still fresh in your mind, but you were snapped back to reality when katsuki bent down to put his head on your shoulder. moving your hands from his ears to his back, you rubbed tenderly.

after a while, you moved his body onto the edge of the bed where he sat slumped over. you moved to the bathroom where you wet a piece of cloth and squeezed out the water until it was damp. walking back over to katsuki you saw him now laying down in a semi-fetal position. you bent down by his head and easily moved his head; starting to wipe off the dirt caked on his face you smiled. once most of the dirt was gone you kissed his forehead and brushed away some of his stray hairs that were also dirty and definitely and darker shade than usual. "good night, katsuki. i love you." he smiled at your words but never opened his eyes.

he only revealed his vermillion red eyes when his hand trailed to my chin. i watched his face with a soft expression. his eyes focused on your lips where his thumb started to trace. "i love you..." his voice barely above a whisper. your smile got bigger as you leaned into his touch a little. "please kiss me, dumbass." katsuki now focused on your eyes, lightly grabbed your chin, and started moving you towards him. you did the rest of the work before gently clashing your lips into his. the kiss was soft and loving, something he rarely gave. when you separated he hummed quietly and closed his eyes, turning his head into the sheets.

you giggled in a babyish tone," katsu, the cochlear implant needs to come out now." he groaned and tried to move away from you. this caused you to giggle more while moving to get the device."come on you baby, just let me take it out."

"i'm not a fucking baby, y/n."

"well, babies would let me take them out," he stopped and opened his eyes to quickly form a scowl on his face. he sat up with much difficulty and lowered his head in front of you, "just fucking do it already." you gently took out the first and saw his face drop a little. you moved your lips close to one that was still in and whispered a soft tone, "i love you, katsuki. you're my hero." then you took out the last implant and kissed his temple. it was always hard for him to take out his implants because he didn't like not knowing what people were saying, but most of the people from the UA class learned sign language so they could include him in the conversation.

smiling lightly, you kissed his lips once more before getting up to clean off the implants. stepping into the bathroom, you turned on the lights that were too bright for this time of night. you still had your hero costume on too, but obviously, neither of you cared. you'd clean off when you woke up. after finishing cleaning the implants you walked back into the bedroom and saw katsuki passed out on the bed. you placed the devices on his end table and walked over to your side. getting beside him you draped the covers over you two and put your head against his back and closed your eyes. you listened to his soft breathing and quiet snores. katsuki was always someone to mumble things in his sleep, so you always listened for that. before you knew it both of you had passed from exhaustion.

hi.hey.hello. i wrote this for another POV. im getting way too comfortable doing these lol! SEE YAA!!! NEXT TIME!!!

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