Dancing in the Kitchen

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*i need fluff rn so deal w it<3*

everyone has long days so there was no use in complaining about yours. you were curled up on your couch with a blanket thrown over your lap and a bowl of soup in your hands. you blew on the spoon before slurping some of the liquid into your mouth. the tv was on a random channel. you didn't bother trying to switch it, but the show seemed interesting enough so you watched it. a quiet knock came at your apartment door. struggling to untangle yourself from the blanket you hopped over to the door, unlocking it. when the door opened you saw your boyfriend, katsuki bakugo. he still had remnants of his hero costume on and smelled like smoke, it was a smell you'd become used to.

your face lit up like a christmas tree upon seeing him smiling at you gently. your arms quickly wrapped around him in a tight hug. you heard him grunt at the sudden push on his chest as he hugged you back, "Hey, dumbass."

"katsuki!" a high-pitched squeal left your throat. You didn't expect him to come over tonight. Especially unannounced. but nonetheless, you were happy he was here. "what are you doing here?" you questioned while releasing him and letting him inside your apartment.

"tired." his eyes did seem glazed over the more you looked at them. he walked over to the couch and was about to sit down but you grabbed his arm.

"wait! go change you still have dirt all over you. and change your hearing aids." you pushed him towards your room where he kept clothes and an extra set of hearing aids for situations like these.

"yes, mom." bakugo gave you the middle finger with a smirk. you pulled on the bottom of your eye and stuck out your tongue. after he entered the bedroom you went to the kitchen to pour him some soup into another bowl so your angry pomeranian boyfriend could eat. you set it beside yours on the coffee table. grabbing an extra blanket you plopped back down on the couch to continue watching the show you still didn't know the name of.

30 minutes later bakugo came out in sweats. you didn't notice him until he lightly tapped your foot with his. you looked up to see him holding his hearing aid out to you. that was his way of asking for help. you patted the spot next to you and sat your soup on the table again. he put the hearing aid in your hand and sat down next to you. after putting one in you snapped next to his ear to make sure it was working. he flinched at the sudden noise. you kissed his temple to apologize and gently pushed his head into your lap so you could do the other side. his eyes were closed the whole time. after finishing you had to sit him up and force him to eat or he would fall asleep. he glared at you when you forced the bowl into his hands. you shot him a sour smile before sitting back and watching your show.

bakugo didn't eat for long. he sat the half-finished bowl on the table and leaned against you. you'd finished yours a little before him so you could freely wrap your arms around him. "i love you and i love that we can do this together but I need to clean the kitchen." i braced for backlash but only got a groan. "come on. up." bakugo did get up but he did not enjoy it. he just wanted time with you. even if he felt tired off his ass he still wanted a little time to be around you.

you turned the tv off and walked towards the kitchen with the two bowls in your hands. placing them in the kitchen you started the hot water. for good vibes, you turned on your speaker and played a playlist on shuffle not caring which song played first. the song genres varied from anime openings, pop, and 50-60s music. your mom raised you on 50-60s music so it sort of stuck. bakugo sat at the counter droopy-eyed and watched you. he watched as you cleaned the dishes and put leftover food away. you unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher putting everything in. an old 50s song came on and you danced around in your own world. singing the lyrics to yourself. bakugo came up behind you and took the towel in your hands, setting it down. you turned around a little surprised.

without warning, one of his hands rests on your waist while the other held your hand in a waltz-like manner. his forehead rested atop yours as you both swayed gently to the music. not many words needed to be shared between either of you. it was always easy to understand the other.

"imagine if denki and mina saw you so soft." you giggled softly.

"shut up." his words only made you laugh harder. his eyes opened slightly to watch you smile. that was his favorite thing about you. your smile, how it beamed like a star. he liked how whenever you smiled your cheeks would turn a little pink color. you noticed his gaze on you and it quickly shut you up. a red hue is painted on your face. "you're weird." bakugo teased you with a smile of his own.

"only in front of you though."

"yeah, yeah... now, shut up. this is damn peaceful." his voice was rough and low. his eyes closed again as you nuzzled into his chest. you could hear his heartbeat. it wasn't fast but it wasn't slow either. the swaying motion you were making calmed your senses. the music drowned out and you could only hear bakugo's slight humming. you knew he was downright exhausted and contemplated letting him go to sleep, but the moment was too rare to spoil. very rarely does bakugo ever do cheesy romantic things with you, he calls them a waste of time. everything tonight added up to his exhaustion and you hoped he'd even remember this, you weren't quite sure how fully conscious he is right now. 

the song had ended not too long ago, but bakugo didn't move. everything was still. the world stopped to watch the rare calmness of your partner. you did too. even if it was because he was only tired you enjoyed the much-needed break from loud conversations and laughing, all the play fighting, and competitions you two had. you let go of his hand making his eyes flutter open a little. your arms enclosed themselves around him and your head buried itself in his chest. he wrapped his arms around you in return and rested his head atop yours. you were afraid to speak, in fear you'd ruin the serenity that coated the room. alas, you knew bakugo would fall over soon. you lightly rubbed his back and spoke softly. "come on, tough guy. time for bed." only a hum was given as a response. he released you from his embrace but kept your hand in his. you turned off all the lights and your speaker too, leaving it there for another day. you pulled bakugo into your room and walked him over to his side of the bed. 

"am i taking the hearing aids out or are you?" you asked. he shook his head and began taking them out himself. you let go of his hand so you could get in bed first. there wasn't much peace when you settled in because bakugo quickly got in after you. he pulled you to him and made sure you stayed there before murmuring an 'i love you' and passing out. you couldn't help but giggle a little. kissing his jawline, you whispered the words of affirmation back. 

that night repeated in your dreams all night long...

hi.hey.hello. my gf is currently in a different country to see her family for the holidays so i needed that... i hope you guys enjoyed that much needed fluff. SEE YAA!!! NEXT TIME!!!

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