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Y/n had been staring at the other side of the bed that formerly comforted her fiance, Bakugo Katsuki. He's been away a lot on hero business while she remained behind. Soft piano music filled her ears and a soft coat of fur filled her sense of touch. Y/n and Bakugo shared a cat named King Explosion. Y/n normally just calls him King, but Bakugo uses his full name. The cat is very docile and calm for the most part, but the explosion boy trained the cat to hiss at Deku when they meet.

Y/n sat in a dark blue armchair with King curled up in her lap. The piano music still played as she stared into open space. Y/n wasn't much for TV or video games, she liked reading and writing but her eyes were strained and tired from a long day. Bakugo said he was going to call her when he was done for the day, but the clock read 11:38 pm and her phone hadn't rung. King purred quietly as he dreamt.

A single tear dripped down her face as the clock ticked by another minute. Her worst fears started plaguing her mind. Was her hurt? Dead? Kidnapped? The next time she looked at the digital clock it read 12:02 am. A shaky sigh left her lips before nudging King off her lap so she could stand. As her arms stretched towards the ceiling her phone buzzed. Glancing down at the side table where it laid, her fiance's name glowed on the screen. Rushing to pick it up, worry hit her square in the chest. He was facetiming her, he never does that.

"Katsu?" She hid her teary eyes from the screen, pointing towards the cat roaming around below.

"Why the hell are you showing the damn cat? I wanna see your face, dumbass." He was propped on his elbows. The light in the room was dim, she could barely see his red eyes being illuminated. His face bore his usual scowl. Y/n sniffed a little and laughed dryly.

"King misses you."

"I bet. What the hell is wrong with you? Are you crying? Why won't you show me your god damn beautiful face?" Y/n caved and turned the camera so it was facing her. Y/n smiled meekly and wiped the tears from her eyes. Bakugo's eyes softened immediately at the tears still falling from her eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"I-I'm just glad you're safe..." More tears fell from the girl's eyes. Bakugo huffed and put his head down in the sheets under him. He mumbled something you couldn't understand. Your head tilted to the side in confusion while you took your armchair. Bakugo looked up and scanned your face as you patted your lap for the tabby cat to nap on. Y/n heard her soon-to-be husband huff heavily, making her head snap to screen. Her eyes filled with question, "We finished what we needed to finish. I'm on my way."

"What? Katsuki, no. You need rest. I'd rather you come home tomorrow when y-"

"I'm already fucking up, Firework. Give me 45 minutes." Bakugo started throwing his clothes in his bag. Y/n didn't want to protest because she knew how he'd respond. Wanting to avoid conflict Y/n hummed softly and watched him. He still wore most of his hero costume, the innermost layer. She watched the way his muscles moved and how his clothes folded along with the movements. Bakugo's face turned to the camera, "Time me." He snickered.

"Ok. 3. 2. 1. Go!" Y/n's childish tone made Bakugo smile a little as he grabbed the phone and started running out of the hotel room. Y/n laughed as her lover ran down a hallway when the moon was at its peak in the sky. She sniffled her nose again as she watches Bakugo's face twist into a stern and focused gaze. When he got into the elvator the connection on the phone got a bit hazy, so Bakugo waited patiently for the doors to open again. He hated that he had to leave for so long. Bakugo knew that sometimes it would be like that, he'd be gone for days or weeks at a time. It festered a worry in the back of mind that seemed the show on his face,

"Hey, dummy. You're on the clock." Y/n giggled from the other side of the screen as the elevator doors opened. He looked down at the phone and saw her bright smile peering back at him. He growled lowly and took off once again.

For Y/n, the minutes couldn't pass by faster. She was timing him because she was curious if he could be home before the timer ran out. He had 10 minutes left. The two had disconnected the call on Bakugo's halfway point because his hand was starting to hurt from holding the phone and running. Y/n's foot tapping the carpet endlessly as she watched out the window that gave her a clear view onto the street where her lover would appear. For a moment her gaze faltered onto the tabby cat in front of her before she glanced back to see Bakugo walking calmly with his hands in his pockets. Y/n practically flew out of the armchair and bolted towards the door. She unlocked the door and ran outside barefoot. She screeched loudly with a large smile on her face. Her arms outstretched for Bakugo who caught her in his arms. He had to spin around once or twice to keep his balance. "Katsuki!!!" She placed countless kisses on his face making his nose crunch up.

"Alright, you damn nerd. Get the hell off of me." He grumbled. Y/n chuckled at his rough nature. She only giggled and wrapped her legs around his waist. He responded to the action with a sigh and started walking towards the door where King waited. He's strictly inside. Bakugo shoved his fiance off of him and closed the door, locking it. Y/n stamped her foot and pouted like a child after she got pushed off Bakugo. He turned to her and dropped his bags before grabbing her waist and pulling her in for a kiss. It was slow and long. Nothing more than an "I missed you."

Y/n's eyes shimmered in happiness as her mouth began spilling out questions only seconds after being let out of a kiss, "Are you okay? Are you hungry? What do you want? I can make it for you? Do you need water? Coffee?" Bakugo gently grabbed Y/n's arms,

"Sleep. I want sleep, Firework" He guided her to their bedroom and left her near the bed before going into the bathroom. Y/n still followed in hopes of seeing what injuries he'd gotten, so she could patch them up of course. He only had small scratches, peppering his hands and wrists. She moved wordlessly beside him and dampened a cloth before beginning to wash off the dirt.

"I can do it myself." He spoke in whispers. Y/n smiled and looked in his eyes for a moment,

"So can I." Bakugo made a small 'tch' at her words.

After Y/n finished cleaning his cuts and making sure there was no bleeding they both snuggled in bed. Her head resting in the crook of his neck. Their legs intertwined. King Explosion slept on Bakugo's side and nestled his head under his naturally warm hand.

Hi.Hey.Hello. I thought of this one at like 1 am and stayed up writing it;) anyways...SEE YAA!!! NEXT TIME!!!

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