Road Trip

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bakugo's POV

i've been driving for a while, i don't know how long. all the other extras had fallen asleep. y/n was in the passenger seat beside me. shitty hair, tape face, and dunce face were all sleeping on each other in the furthest row. ears and raccoon eyes slept directly behind me and y/n. since everyone was dead asleep i played music from my playlist but kept it quiet so they wouldn't wake up and bother me. the music faded into the background as my thoughts became louder. i would never admit that this road trip was fun. the only reason i was driving at 3:30 in the morning was that everyone else's driving sucked ass and i didn't feel like dying. 

y/n started to stir in her sleep. i glanced at her and quickly took note of the small tears that gradually slid down her cheeks. another thing i would never admit was my soft spot for y/n. i found her presence calming and her personality admirable. the blanket that loosely covered her body had begun to fall off from her movement. while keeping one hand on the stirring wheel i gently shook her knee that was pulled up against her chest, "dumbass." there was a meager hum in her throat then a childish whine before her eyes opened lazily. she looked at me with cloudy and confused eyes. i had to keep my eyes on the road but i peered over at her every now and then. my hand had stayed on her knee without me thinking. i only realized it was still there when y/n's hand fell on top of mine. "why'd you wake me up?" her voice was gravelly but still seemed to drip with honey. y/n's fingers slowly laced with mine. i felt a fear rise in me. what if my quirk accidentally goes off and she gets hurt? when i didn't answer her question she shook my hand and looked at me with doe eyes.

"you were crying, in your sleep." my breathing turned into an accelerated motion while i forced my head to stay facing the road. 

"oh... thank you." her honey voice dripped with a sort of sadness now. i took a quick look at her to check on her but her head was facing out the window. i squeezed her hand gently which made her head turn towards me.

"whatever it is... it can't hurt you. as dumb as i think these extras are, they'll protect you." i didn't recognize my own voice and 100% blame y/n's effect on me. 

"will you?" her e/c eyes glimmered with tears yet to be shed.

"more than anyone." i saw her smile to herself in my peripheral view. my eyes happened to look down at the monitor for a second and i noticed we were low on gas. i muttered a curse to myself then got y/n's attention.

"dumbass, can you look at where the nearest gas station is."

"yeah, one sec," she said as she pulled out her phone. i took a second to look at our hands that stayed intertwined. she didn't let go and neither did i. i didn't want to. "there's one, two minutes up the road from here on your right." y/n's eyes flickered from her phone to my face as i watched her from the corner of my eye. 

"what?" she smiled at me. i huffed out a smirk and shook my head, 

"nothing." i pulled into the gas station and ignored her oddly cute pouts. pulling up to the tank i hesitated before getting out. i loosened my grip on y/n and waited for a reaction. her head looked up at me, eyes hiding a sort of sorrow as our hands separated.

"want me to drive the rest of the way so you can sleep?" y/n quietly unbuckled from her seat then made her way next to me at the pump. our voices still in whispers.

" i can do it."

"bakugo, you need to sleep. i'll drive." her demanding tone had a motherly tone to it. i had no other choice to agree. 

"fine, but i'm gonna get snacks from inside. man the pump dumbass." i shoved my hands in my pockets and started walking away.

"oh! can you get me one of those starbucks lattes in the coffee section?"

"the ones in the glass?" i questioned, trying to understand her explanation.

"yes please!" y/n smile sweetly before i walked off.

when i came back she was already in the car waiting for me. sitting in the driver's seat she scrolled through her phone and nodded her head to the music. i couldn't tell if any of the extras had woken up, but i highly doubted they did. getting the passenger's seat i was able to confirm my assumption. everyone was in fact still asleep. i handed y/n her latte and opened my water. "thanks."


"oh stop with the tough guy act you love us." she smiled at me simply. something clicked in my head. i thought that everything i felt for y/n was just a school girl's crush, but the number of times i've felt the need to be near her was uncountable. when it was my turn to cook in the dorms i would always make her favorite foods just so i could see her smile. i tolerate the other extras that hang around me, but i want her to be around me. her smile, her laugh. they're so contagious. i've been in love with her.

"i don't love them." without thinking the words left me mouth. while keeping the same facial expression i mentally cursed myself. y/n went to open her mouth but she closed it. her face became red and her eyes locked with mine. i didn't notice that both of us had leaned closer to each other until i noticed how her breath felt against my neck.

"what about me?" y/n asked with a small glump, nervous for the answer. 

"tch, you're stupid," i smirked inwardly. 

"am not!" y/n whisper yelled as she started the car. i watched her huff out a pout and drive out of the gas station. my playlist continued to play and didn't seem to bother her. after a bit of silence i decided to turn my back to her and sleep until we got back to the dorms. just as my eyes closed i felt a tap on my back. when i looked over at y/n she had her hand extended out, reaching for mine. i gave her a silent questioning look. after forcing a breath of air through her nose she started to retract her hand and continued to drive. 

y/n's hand laid slack on her lap while she drove with one hand. i didn't move and tried to commit her features to memory. her resting face was cute, even though she may not think so. i turned my body to face her and stuck out my hand for her to take. i kept my face turned away from her so she couldn't see the blush growing on my face. even if it was darker out it'd still be visible. i began to think she wasn't going to take it but kept my hand out in hopes she would take it. just before i was about to retract my hand i felt her hand slid into mine. our fingers interlaced softly. 

"hey... call me katsuki." i said as i brought her hand into my lap while getting into place. i didn't hear a response, but i know she heard me because her hand stiffened for a moment. i kissed the top of her hand before drifting off to sleep.

hi.hey.hello. this was inspired by the playlist at the stop. SEE YAA!!! NEXT TIME!!!

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