Eat with Me

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if having a food best friend was a thing, it would definitely apply to sato and y/n. they both loved any form of food. even though sato preferred sweets while y/n liked spicy food, they still shared a close bond nonetheless. they never actually talked unless it was about food. y/n's "official" group was technically the bakusquad. she hung out with mina and jiro most of the time, denki and kirishima always found a way to drag themselves into the conversation, sero would just appear next to one of us. the testiest dragon of the group was the ever-famous bakugo katsuki.

it always concerned y/n when he never came down for meals. everyone assumed he just ate by himself. y/n thought differently but never acted on it. thought it had been seriously bugging her for the longest time now. he would come down every now and then, but y/n picked up on how little he actually ate. bakugo always seemed so discontent being around food and normally just pushed it around. y/n had decided that if he wasn't coming down for dinner tonight she was going to check on him. she knew he'd fight her endlessly, but y/n had a trick up her sleeve. kirishima had accidentally let it spill that bakugo had a crush on y/n, which worked out for her because she felt the same way. y/n hadn't said anything to him because she didn't want to scare him; you have to cautious, he's like a deer in headlights.

when dinner time came sato and y/n put everything on the table and called dinner. everyone came in a minute or so later, but one person didn't, bakugo. y/n quietly stamped her foot and began walking towards his room. she could hear his drums playing from a couple of doors down. for a moment she was hesitant to knock, in fear she'd make a fool of herself. then the thought of him not eating created a knot in her stomach. before her brain could process it, her knuckles gently knocked against the door. to her surprise the loud banging of the drums stopped. before the door opened y/n heard bakugo mutter curses under his breath.

when the door opened, he almost looked surprised that it was y/n who had knocked. she figured he expect kirishima. "what the hell do you want?"

"i was wondering if you were coming down for dinner. we had a rough day at training." y/n's sweet smile tried breaking through bakugo's emotional walls, it almost worked.

"i already ate." he lied, she knew that. even he knew she knew that.

"you're lying, aren't you." y/n held so much pain in her eyes that bakugo had no choice but to let her in. with a heavy sigh he opened the door more to let her in. she looked confused, but went in anyway. y/n had never been in his room before, she didn't think anyone had. she didn't have much time to survey her surroundings because bakugo started talking making her head turn to him, "look, i don't need to be coddled by the dorm mother, okay?"

"just because i feed everyone doesn't mean i'm the dorm mom." it did.

"look dumbass, i can handle myself." there was a pain in his voice that made the knots in y/n's stomach tighter.

"when was the last time you ate?"

"why the fuck do you care, anyway?" his irritation rising.

"because i'm your friend."

"bullshit." of course it was bullshit. y/n wanted nothing more than to tell him how she felt, she wanted to be more. even with the information she knew, she was still scared.

"so what if it's bullshit." y/n had just as much of a pirate's mouth as bakugo did, she just had a filter.

"oh?" y/n mentally cursed herself as bakugo became extra curious.

"what?" she tried to act like she totally didn't just fuck up, but bakugo knew better. he may not engage much, but he watches and observes.

"why would being my friend be bullshit, y/n?" a devilish smile ripped through your heart and made you feel overpowered. he walked closer to you, slowly, painfully slow. he got closer and closer but y/n didn't move. there were so many thoughts racing her head she didn't know what to say, how to act.

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