Long Distance pt.5

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*manga spoiler* *seroroki*

"denki's not answering his phone!" mina ran up and down the hallways of the dorms in a complete panic.

"mina, chill out. bakubro sent me a text last night saying to not worry about him. y/n and him took care of it." kirishima watched ina continue to worry like a mother.

"oh, y/n, that woman is an angel. she's too good for bakubro you know." 

"mina, he'll be back later in the day. go eat breakfast." kirishima's voice was a bit more stern making mina listen. sero had already been informed of the situation so he happily ate his food without worrying about denki, who was in the amazing care of...bakugo. it should be fine, right?

an alarm sounded. it was loud and uncomfortable. y/n and bakugo both let out groans of discomfort. the sun was brightly shining through the curtains. y/n was facing them. bakugo had his arms and legs securely wrapped around her. his body pressed in her back, keeping them close. he groaned into her hair before rolling over to grab his phone to turn off the horrible noise. "why?" 

"sh, go back to sleep." bakugo whispered. y/n turned to face him. the light beaming reflected off of his crimson eyes making him look 10x more beautiful than normal. a small smile glittered across y/n's face. she reached her hands up to his hair and lightly played with it. his eyes closed on instinct. "what time is it?" y/n already regretted asking. they'd gone to sleep when the sun had just started to rise. denki cried throughout the entire night, they didn't blame him though. 

"9" bakugo's voice was flat, full of displeasure. y/n automatically released her boyfriend's hair and with a large groan, she mushed herself as close as she could bakugo.

"no." a muffled protest was all bakugo could make out. he smiled and wrapped his arms around y/n. quickly they both fell back asleep.

denki had not woken up once. he was completely comatose at this point.

"i cant! i can't do it!" the pink alien slammed her hands on the table and began to stand to walk towards the door.

"mina!" kirishima followed after her. sero and jiro close behind. mina turned on her heel, a shaking worry overtaking her.

"kiri. he was calling us all night and none of us answered. he needed us and we weren't there."

"i understand that, but bakugo answered. even if he is rough around the edges, the guy has a heart. besides, he said they'd bring him back later in the day. bakubro is too manly to go back on his word."

deku's green hair popped into view, the curiosity surrounding the situation got the better of him. "what's happening?"

"denki came out to his mom last night and then she kicked him out and then bakugo and y/n picked him in the middle of the night and now none of them are responding!" mina said it all in one breath without hesitation. 

"w-well they're probably still sleeping." deku stammered a bit,  "i don't think there's anything to be worried about, mina." his hands were up in a kind protest. deku knew that y/n wouldn't let kacchan do anything. if anything she'd probably coddle denki. even if interacting wasn't her favorite thing to do, y/n would never let someone suffer alone. she always got in between deku and kacchan when they'd fight, even though bakugo did most of the fighting. 

mina stood there, bouncing up and down on her toes. she couldn't just stand by while she knew that one of her closest friends was in pain. she hadn't met y/n long enough to know that she'd take care of him no matter how much people tried to reassure her. the weight the situation had on her caused her too much anxiety.

"mitsuki, let them sleep," masaru whispered as katsuki's mother peered into his room. y/n was spread out on top of katsuki and he seemed quite content. closing the door without making too much noise she nodded and they both went off the work. they'd been up all night too. informing teachers and contacting authorities. it was irresponsible of denki's mother to kick him out for his own personal beliefs and preferences. the bakugo's made sure that none of the kids would have to come into contact with the police out of fear it would draw denki further into himself. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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