finger picking

86 3 12

Requested: no

Type: angst and fluff

Ships: Logince and backround Dukesleep

Au: Human

Prompt: roman is constantly picking the skin off his fingers, he's boyfriend,friends and family have told him to stop and what would happen if his dosent stop. They have tried all sorts of fidget toys but they don't work unill one faithful day something bad happens.

Warning contains picking skin off of fingers,blood,unsympathetic virgil,unsympathetic janus,breaking things that are not yours,ambulance,hospital, mentions of sepsis,having hand sanitizer in a open wound,

If you can't handle or don't like any of these please don't read.

Please let me know if I missed any triggers out. Thank you

I am going of some of my own experiences in this chapter as I pick the skin of my fingers.

Anyway enjoy

No one's p.o.v

Roman has gotten use to picking his fingers.

It all started back in primary/elementary (is that what is call in America?) When he had a piece of skin that was coming off the bottom corner of his thumb, roman decided to pull it off, it hurt at first but it felt so satisfying to watch.

And from that point on roman has been picking his fingers every seccond of every day.

Which leads us to now Roman sat at he desk looking at the test paper I front of him, he studied this time but as soon as he sat down the knowledge just disappeared.

Romans class was halfway through the paper but roman couldent understand the first damn question.

The question was

What is the 70th element of the periodic table and what is it used for?

Roman had no clue, roman then started pick at his fingers, he did have a fidget cube but he left it in his dorm.

Roman then immediately stopped picking his fingers as he remeberdbhis promis to his loved ones.

Roman sighed a frustration filled sigh and started to flick through the test and guessing the awncers.

Once the test was over roman immediately went over to find his lover.

He soon found logan located in the library, since rkman had a free period he figured he could sit with logan.

When roman sat next to logan, the nerd put his book down and looked at roman's fingers.

Scratch Marks, the beginning of were the picking could begin but no pulled back skin yet.

"How was the test?"

"It was hard, I could barely awncer the first queston"

"What was the first question?"

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