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  An: Candy_of_sins 😎 your request my friend! Enjoy! Sorry if it's a to crazy and murderess.. Or not enough.. Hehe heh enjoy

      Yandere, derived from two Japanese words. Yanderu meaning to be sick and deredere  lovestruck. Those are perfect for describing Bokuto Kōtarō. He'd gone mad with love as soon as he met the raven haired setter. He was crazy. Needing to be by his side 25/8. And if he wasn't near him. He was holding the knife over a friend of his love.
    He'd murder everyone in this school just so he could be with his Keiji. He'd do what ever to have him in his arms. Being able to kiss his soft lips. Smelling his hair as they cuddled.
    As he walked the school halls he found the raven conversing with a blonde. Her hand slightly passing his shoulder. Kōtarō made mental note of what she looked liked. He'd find her after school and pull the blade on her. A smile came to his face imagining her screams as the knife ripped open her flesh. 
    " You're staring Bokuto-san " The setter smiled approaching his friend. 
   " Oh sorry" He shrugged smiling slightly at the shorter.
    " It's fine. You're lucky it's just me. Anyone else would've found it rude. Now come on it's lunch time" He smiled linking arms with the owl. Kōtarō felt his heart speed up at the action. All he wanted to be closer to the raven. He carved Keiji's touch always needing it. The older went as far to steal the raven's gym  shorts.
     " Bokuto-san. You're zoning out again. Why are you day dreaming so much? " The raven asked as they sat at a lunch table.
    " Oh nothing. My mind is just racing I guess. " He laughed.
     " Why? Anxiety up?"
    " I guess " The owl shrugged.
     " Have you tried-" keiji was cut off by the blonde running over to the table.
     " Keeiijiiii" She whined.
    " Yes Maddie? " Keiji asked looking at the girl. Kōtarō slipping her the stink eye.
    " Just wanna say thanks for the help on my history project! " She turned red kissing his cheek then ran away to the bathroom. Keiji turned red looking down at his lap fidgeting with his hands.
    " Excuse me Agaashiiii " The silver haired man spoke as he left the table. He couldn't wait now. That stupid just kissed his  Keiji Akaashi.
    Entering the bathroom he found the blonde hiding in her hand. The mirror showing that stupid smile.
    " Oh Bokuto-san!.. Um you're in the girls-"
   " I know " He smiled walking over to her.
    " Ok well.. I'll be goi-" She was cut off by the cold metal against her throat. The girl drew in a breath.
     " That kiss you gave Ak-"
    "I-i didn't mean to! It-it was an ac-accident" She sputtered out tearing up. An insane smile coming to Kōtarō.
    " An accident? An accident! " He started laughing.
    " Just kissed him on his cheek by accident. Suppose your foot slipped?" He smiled pushing the knife just enough to bead up blood.
    " Bokuto-san? Maddie? " Keiji spoke stepping into the bathroom. He froze seeing the knife.
    " Wh-what is going on! " He panicked looking at his friends. Kōtarō walked over to Keiji keeping the knife to Maddie.
   " I didn't mean for you to see this.. But since you're here" He chuckled placing the knife in Keiji's hand. The owl grabbed Maddie holding her still for Keiji.
    " Why don't you do it this time? I've murdered everyone else. You can have her" He smiled. The girl crying slightly. That's when something in Keiji snapped. He gripped the knife firm then looked at the girl. 
     " Come one Keiji. Right between the ribs will do" He spoke watching the man of his dreams approach the girl. Kōtarō grabbed her mouth keeping her screams silent as Keiji plunged the knife into the skin. Blood pooling out soaking the white shirt. The raven smiled slightly repeating the motion. Kōtarō dropped the body Keiji still keeping the motion on the lifeless body. He didn't plan on stopping till kōtarō pulled his arms back. Pulling him off the body.
    " Th-that felt good.. " Keiji smiled shyly.
    " Yeah... Now we run since it happened during the school day" The owl smiled pulling Keiji to the end still. Where a window laid at the top of the wall. A few hits and broke. First was Keiji to get through then kōtarō. Off they went hand in hand off school property. Once out of site Keiji grabbed the back of Kōtarō's neck kissing him. The raven pulled away looking at Kōtarō.
    "That felt good as well" He smiled.
    " I love you Keiji"
     " Love you too Kōtarō "he stopped hearing the sirens.
    " Now let's go! " The raven yelled taking his hand as they ran.

An: next is ' I Dream of Akaashi ' fluff

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