Keeping My Feelings Hidden

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   An: trigger warning for death and blood

Hanahaki. Coughing up flowers as a result of one sided love. Keiji found himself reading off his laptop as he'd just finish throwing up petals covered in blood. It had come on suddenly after Kōtarō had left his house. It started with a squeezing feeling in his chest. Then he started coughing. He made it to the restroom spewing the red covered flowers.
He drew in a broken breath turning the screen off. Pushing himself up from the chair he stumbled to his bed. Legs week and wobbling with anxiety and fear.
The setter falling onto his bed gripping his chest. His heart hurt knowing why he was suffering. He'd fallen in love with the tall owl. A stupid mistake he let himself do. Now he was dealing with that mistake. That night he cried himself to sleep wishing he'd never met the man.
In the morning he felt another wave of hurt wash over him. He sat up covering his mouth coughing the petals into his hand. Drawing away from his mouth he stared at the pink buds in horror. He went to the bathroom brushing them into the trash. Washing the blood off his hands. This must be how criminals felt after a murder. Only his murder would be killing the love he felt before it killed him.
Keiji was about to leave the house when he felt the soft tickle in his throat. Pushing it down he opened the door to his best friend. Holding the hand of a brunette girl. He'd seen around school, but he never bothered paying attention to her. Suddenly though he was playing more attention to her than he wanted. He walked in silence behind the happy two. Flowers and blood pooling up in his mouth as he refused to let it out. Scared that if he did he'd also spill his love for his ace. He wasn't going to ruin the relationship between Kōtarō and this girl.
" you're quite Agaashi" the older purred looking back at his raven friend. A feeling fluttering inside Keiji hearing his name on the owls tongue. If he answered the mixture of hate and love in his mouth would spill out. He gave his friend a shrug then disappeared into the school yard.
The setter locking himself in the bathroom stall allowing everything he held in. To finally escape greeting the world with a sickening splatter of blood. Keiji cried as he emptied out the red stained buds. He brought this upon himself. His heart had chased after a man who couldn't reciprocate his feels. Now he was slunched over a toilet hacking up blossom pedals. His favorite flower. Now his favorite flower was killing him.
" Akaashi? Konoha said he saw you run in here" the subject of his desires speaking from  opposite of the door he hid behind. He didn't want to talk to the ace. He didn't want to see the man who caused this. Though the other responsible person was now hiding behind a creme door of a stall.
" yeah. I'm here" his voice raw and cracked from the burning in his throat. The blossoms had turned his throat sore from forcing themselves up. Keiji stood up flushing the blood and flower filled water. Leaving the stall the ace caught a glimpse of a broken pedal on the ground. A bead of red resting in its center. He turned to his friend who was washing his hands. Kōtarō caught a glimpse of a red stain on the uniform sleve of his best friend. He was going to press the younger but was cut off by the ring of bell and the close of a door.
During lunch Kōtarō had sat beside his setter chatting on about his math class. His eyes beaming when the brunette devil sat next to him taking hold of his hand. A flower escaping from keiji's thin lips as his heart squeezed. His chest feeling tight and heavy as another blossom slipped past blood coating it like a blanket. He left the table without drawing attention as he ran to the bathroom. After the round of blossoms had subsided he finally returned to the empty table. The flowers laying on where he had sat holding a mocking tone at him.
School soon ended and Keiji walked to the gate ready to be freed. But he froze in hid tracks as he saw that devil kissing the man he  chased. He touched his lips imagining it was him. The feeling or course chapped lips brushing against his. The thought sending a chill through his spine. An ache growing in his lungs as opened his mouth to speak. A single flower falling from his tongue. Kōtarō caught a glimpse of the pink from his friends mouth. Wanting to ask the setter if he was ok. But was met with Keiji running past him covering his mouth. Soft pink petals flowing from the gap in his hand.
The owl picked up one that landed at his feet. Laying it in his palm to examine it. He found that when he moved it blood smeared from underneath. The blood of Keiji Akaashi who was locked up in his room crying over the man. Salty tears mixing with red as they trailed down his cheek. Blossoms collected at his feet along with the satin red clots.
He was to distraught to notice big arms wrapping around him. The pain he felt growing as he collapsed to his knees. Kōtarō following him to the ground. Flowers and blood staining both sets of hands. Keiji looked behind him gazing upon the person he would never be able to have.
" Hanahaki" he stuttered through a blood filled mouth. Keiji tearing up as he cupped his friends face. If he said it. Everything would end, and he wouldn't be suffering anymore. Kōtarō pulled Keiji close to his chest taking in a shuddering breath.  He'd knew about the disease but never thought it could happen. Not to his Keiji.
" I love you Kōtarō " the raven's voice barley a whisper as he kissed his friend. A rush of pain seizing over Keiji as his mind began shutting down. His heart slowing down till it stopped and he fell limp his ace's arms. Flowers blooming now on the grass where he rested. Kōtarō realized that day Keiji's feelings weren't one sided. He was too scared to admit that he loved the raven. Till he watched the coffin close on that beautiful smile. A beautiful smile that would never shine again.

An: next is ' Gender Reveal ' fluff

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