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An: Candy_of_sins I did it!! Enjoy my dear friend!

When Bokuto accidentally summoned a demon. He didn't expect to be stuck with it for the rest of his! The creature was a nightmare and a total brat. He couldn't do anything with the raven peaking over shoulder. Akaashi wouldn't say anything just giggle and smirk!
When he started dating the succubus would do everything in his power to make it go terrible. Like tonight! Bokuto's laying on the couch with a lovely blonde named Jayden. They sat together watching reruns of The Golden Girls and eating some pizza. It was going great. And both were getting handsy with each other. Till Akaashi started on his horror show.
First it was the sound of thrashing against the bed. It scared the shit out of the two on the couch. Bokuto who was in the middle of kissing the girl gave a defeated sigh.
" why don't we go for a walk-"
" B-BABBYYYYY " the demon yelled from the door pushing out a loud long moan. The girl looked up at the man raising an eyebrow.
" what's that? "
" my dog"
Bokuto was running out of lies and patients with the male in the other room. The blonde stood up gathering her things in a hurry to leave.
" I ummm.. Have a meeting with my pastor soon" Jayden whispered starting to leave. Bokuto walked her out of the apartment building waving her off. He groaned turning to find the smaller standing behind him. Blue eyes trained on the car as it left.
" she's got nice boobs! " Akaashi morphing his chest to resemble a DD cup. He pushed them together puckering his lips. His body returned to normal as he started laughing.
" how much you think she paid for them? " his expression growing serious as he tapped his chin. The male next to him only sighed grabbing his arm to drag him back inside.
Akaashi flopped onto the couch laying his head in Bokuto's lap. He took on the form of the girl who left earlier.
" oh bokuto-san~ why don't you kiss me! "
" stahp it! " Bokuto scolded pushing the male away. Akaashi sat up returning to his normal state. Minus he's defining demon features. He had a pair of large wings made of black feathers. One horn poking out from the left of his forehead. He often hid them since Bokuto didn't like being reminded of his drunken mistake.
" you know.. If it's a casual hook up you wanted from her. I could step in" he hummed rubbing the males plush thighs. His nails growing sharp to claw at the bare skin. Marking Bokuto's body was his favorite thing to do.
" I despise you "
" oh baby! I love when you talk dirty to me! " Akaashi winked laying his head upon the man's shoulder. The wing spiker pushing him off with a huff.
"Why are you like this? Bokuto rolled his eyes seeing the blue eyes pout. The succubus only hummed in response snuggling against the body heat.
" you've ruined my life " the older( in human years)glaring daggers at the demon. Reluctantly he wrapped an arm around the smaller. Instinctively pulling him close.
"You wouldn't have it any other way" Akaashi whispered straddling the wide set of hips. Having lived for over 1,000 years he'd learned what made humans weak. And living with Bokuto since his second year of high school. He'd learned how to make this particular human weak
"It's a shame the chick left. She's missing out on the show" Akaashi kissing the mortals neck daring to suck marks on the creamy skin. It didn't have any effect as the man was texting on his phone. Akaashi groaned wanting the mans attention. So he began gently rutting his hips against the older's. Nothing still. So he got close to the males ear moaning into it.
"Come on let's play~ don't you know what I can do to make you feel alrighthe nipped on the sensitive flesh hoping for the reaction he never got. Getting ignored was Akaashi's number one pet peeve. He got off the male sitting next to him. Blue eyes catching a glimpse of his phone. He was texting the blonde.
" you're a menace " Bokuto shifting under the male. Every second he was fighting himself to stay soft.
" and a brat-"
" you enjoy it when I'm like this don't lie" He reached over pulling the phone out of Bokuto's hand. Gently tossing it on the coffee table. The raven grabbed the males collar pulling him close. His free hand cupping his face keeping him focused on the demon.
" you think you run the world" the mortal spat gripping the slender hips. Enough pressure being applied to leave welts.
"hell yeah, I'm the motherfucking princess"  Akaashi lay against the couch as Bokuto crawled a top him. Pinning both the slender wrists with one hand.
"I can tell you like me too, and you know I'm right"   The demon smirking as the older went red with embarrassment.
" you are " Bokuto groaned hating how he could see right through him. Just as he was about to kiss the demon. His phone rang. Akaashi flicked his wrist declining the call.
" She's like, so whatever..You can do so much better"  Akaashi cupping his face as the phone buzzed again.
"I think we should get together now"
At noon Bokuto was quick to leave the apartment. He'd planned a date with the girl and he couldn't miss it. While he was careful not wake up his demon from a nap he failed. Akaashi was trailing behind keeping out of site.
Heads turned as the stilleto heals clicked against the side walk. Akaashi had dressed himself in fishnets with a pair of booty shorts. A corset on his waist decorating his white off the shoulder blouse. He winked at a bystander as he passed relishing in the reaction he got.
When he entered the bar he found an empty seat and ordered a tonic. Just out of ear shot was Bokuto and the damn women. Akaashi was just about to initiate his plan when a familiar presences was felt.
" knock knock " his friend hummed covering his eyes.
" who's there? " Akaashi asked playing along with the stupid game.
" not your dad that's who! " a silver haired male laughed sitting next to him. He rolled his eyes as studied Osamu. Akaashi smirked whispering to the younger. It was enough to make the other demon blush. But Osamu agreed taking his spot next to the raven.
Bokuto was having a blast with the blonde.
He'd found Jayden's laugh to be intoxicating.  Bokuto smiled leaning into his palm watching and listening to the women. He didn't expect to get distracted by Akaashi. Flirting with another grey haired male. What pissed him off was that it was a damn Miya. Blue eyes spotted him staring and only smirked.
" kiss me " Akaashi whispered to the younger who was happy to oblige. During the kiss he peeked to see the mortal eyeing him down. He turned back to the kiss allowing the male to deepen the kiss. Osamu was good at reading his friend. He helped Akaashi into his lap not hesitating to cup the plush cheeks. When they pulled away Akaashi locked eyes with his mortal winking at him.
'I can see the way you look at me'   he mouthed as the twin began playing with the ribbon of his corset. Bokuto could feel his body tense up watching the interaction.
" you ok? You seem distracted " Jayden spoke soothingly reaching out to take the youngers hand. It startled Bokuto who jumped a bit.
" ah sorry.. I was zoning out " he forced a smile as eyes wondered back to the succubus. Seeing that both men were gone panic set in. He looked around finding nothing till.
"And even when you look away, I know you think of me" was whispered in his warm when he looked to find the voice. He found no body to match. Only the feeling of something watching him from a far. He shook his head returning to the girl.
" who's some of you're closest friends? " she asked innocently. Completely unaware of the two men torturing her date.
" Akaashi is really my closets-" he gave up when he saw that his demon was allowing that idiot to mark him up. He clenched his fists ready to burst.
" he's usually a nice guy. Except when he decides to be a brat! " Bokuto seemingly yells for the younger to hear him. It works cause a middle finger is thrown his direction.
" I know you talk about me all the time"  Akaashi hummed leaving the others lap. Osamu chuckling as he stood from the seat. He gave a wink to the girl deciding to put moves on her.
Bokuto watched as Jayden was brushed away by the miya twin. That damn man was stealing everything!.. Well not everything. The everything he'd spent so long trying to get ride of! Was begging him over with a finger.
"So come over here and tell me what I wanna hear"  Akaashi mused as the male approached him. When he wasn't walking fast enough for the raven. He took hold of the shirt collar yanking him close.
"Better yet, make your girlfriend disappear
I don't wanna hear you say her name ever again"  Akaashi booped his lover boys nose smiling to himself. He softened his grip creeping his arm to rest on the built shoulders. Plump thighs wrapping around the volleyball players waist.
"In a second you'll be wrapped around my finger"  The succubus looking through hooded lashes up at the male. The barstool was replaced by that of a plush mattress. Akaashi leaning against it as Bokuto forced him down against the hotel bed.
"Cause  I can do it better
There's no other, so when's it gonna sink in" Akaashi biting his lowest lip feeling teeth against his skin. The man atop him could mold him into putty with just a look. His bratty exterior faltering under Bokuto's finger tip.
After their heart racing events Akaashi was snuggled into the human furnace.
" god you're amazing! Jayden definitely sucks compared to you" Bokuto laughed brushing his fingers through the sweat covered curls. He looked down seeing eyes filled with ' I told you so! ' and sleep.
"She's so stupid, what the hell were you thinking?"  Akaashi yawned lazyilly punching the chest he used as a pillow. His lover only hummed in enjoyment pulling the succubus closer.
" shhhh go to sleep you brat"
" fuck you "
" you wanna try topping me? "
" get me drunk enough "
" alcoholic" then the room fell silent. Bokuto raising an eyebrow getting no sarcastic comment. Soft kitten like snores finally gave him his answer.

An: swear to Lord Farquad. I'm like Beethoven and just constantly am plagued by a melody. Only my melody is stories forming after every experience I have! I hear about my steps moms Alabama family and suddenly! " what if Akaashi and Bokuto were teen parents? " or! Someone is talking about how their partner calls them out for trying to be hushed during ;) and failing! Then my mind hits me with.
" everyone figured Akaashi would be the loud one in bed. He's normally a shy, reserved kind of person. So surly he had to be loud.. But it was Bokuto who couldn't control his volume. Nothing new!
In fact it was him while going to town on his boyfriend. Who almost got them caught by the youngers mom"

next  is Slap Bracelet smut to fluff

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