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An: trigger warning for self harm, and  panic attacks

His chest tightened, making it difficult to breath. His body was holding on to the breath he had remaining. Keiji dug the heals of his palms into his eyes, trying to stop the tears. His back sliding down the stall till he hit the floor. He panted through silent cries, a few ripping a noise from him. The raven shook as he looked up at the lights. His body felt hot, he couldn't stop crying, he felt scared.
The teacher had just asked a simple question. Yet it was enough to send him spiraling.
" what's going on in math? " Mr. P spoke soothingly to the second year.
" nothing. It's going great! A perfect 59.." He sighed closing his computer shrinking into his chair. He dug his hand into his pocket reaching for his earbuds. The hand emerged with one perfectly fine, the other loosing the speaker. Already pent up with emotions he ripped it in half.
" what happened to your earbu-"
" nothing! Just falling apart faster than my parents marriage " Keiji folding his arms as tears filled his eyes.
After that he was sent to the bathroom. Where he sat wanting to rip his hair out, but that wouldn't sold his problem. So he resorted to his default bringing his knuckle to his lips. Keiji bit down on the pale skin, breaking the first layer of skin. The pain wasn't enough so he started scratching till it burned. Then his teeth dug back into the skin finally drawing blood.
He looked at the red beads, still feeling it wasn't enough. He needed to do more. So next came the fat of his thumb. Just as he bit down the door swung open. He stayed silent as not to alert the person to his presence. The  foots entering the stall next to him. Panicking he got to his feet leaving his concrete coffin. He went to the sink holding his hand under the cold water. He looked up hearing a door squeak, there he found Kōtarō standing. Looking at him with worryful eyes.
" you ok-"
" I'm fine get back to class" he managed out biting his lip, fighting back the tears.
" I don't wanna be in class right now. It's boring " the older yawned approaching his friend.
" is it weird if I ask to for a hug? " the setter spoke barely above a whisper. To this his friend responsed by pulling him close. Keiji letting everything out on the grey fabric.
" i-im sorry" he forced out through broken and shallow breaths. Kōtarō only rubbed the crying ones back. Attempting. Trying to sooth his friend.
" you're fine JiJi.. Life can become too much, and all we can do is cry. Though no matter how much life sucks ass" he took the nimble hand in his lifting it to his lips for a kiss.
" I never wanna see you take it out on yourself like this. I'll walk you to class, but I want your scissors. And with the teachers permission I'll take you home to breath"  Keiji didn't argue, instead he slumped to the door. Leading the third year to his class.
The teacher let them leave no questions asked. Kōtarō had only left his side once to hide anything sharp.
" thank you Bokuto-san" Keiji muttered as he sank into his couch pulling his stuffed pig close. It was his crying pillow, since it was so big. Plus if he undid the velcro under it's belly, then it would become an actual pillow.
" JiJi you know I'd do anything for you. I'll drop everything to make sure you're ok mentally and physically. " he hummed planting a soft kiss upon the setters forehead.

An:... Based on a true story. Only I didn't have someone like Bokuto. Goodnight.

Next is ' Mafia' smut

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