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An: genuinely had fun writing this xd. Enjoy

Every morning Keiji started with stretching and some yoga poses. After he'd meditate till his husband awoke and wanted attention. Kōtarō had expressed interest in wanting to join him. He would say he would then sleep in past his alarm. Keiji would chuckle kissing his cheek as he went to the living room. Today though the sleepy owl had awoken just in time to join his husband. The raven smiling as he rolled out his mate. His husband laying the extra one next to him.
" how about I coach you on some easy positions? "He hummed sitting with his legs folded up. His husband more than eager to be doing this morning routine gave an very excited nod.
" ok. Start by laying on your back " he instructed watching the older lay flat. A giddy smile coming to his lips. Keiji standing to his feet stepping behind his husband.
" next bring your legs up towards me and spread them. As wide as you can go" he snickered helping his husband push his legs apart. Keiji reaching over to place the olders hands on his thighs.
" now pull up. You should feel this in your back " he hummed seeing his husband like this. Last night he found a video of a girl putting her boyfriend in the position she's in during sex. She told him they were yoga positions to test his flexibility. So Keiji was inspired by that and thought it fun to do with his beloved husband.
" ok good! Ready for the next one? "
" yes! This is fun! " he cheered bringing his legs down. Kōtarō was completely unaware of the plan.
" roll onto your side, and bend your knees- there perfect! " Keiji covering his smile with his right hand.
" why aren't you doing these with me? "
" I don't wanna make you feel bad with how I'm much more flexible " a small bit a bragging leaving his tone. His husband scoffed rolling his eyes.
" let's test that "
" alright " Keij laid on his mat out getting in the position his husband currently laid in.
" now lift your top leg and straighten it out" the younger bringing his leg to lay at an acute angle above his side. His foot hanging out by his head. He watched as his husband tried to mimic him. Kōtarō only making a ninety degree angle with his legs. His knee not able to straighten out.
" ok this one should be easy. It's called the happy frog" Keiji moving to sit cross legged. His husband mimicking his actions.
" get into a squatting position with your butt close to scrapping the ground " a small laugh escaping his thin lips. Kōtarō letting out a pathetic groan.
" is not funny" he pouted sucking in his lower lip.
" sorry honey. Now jump but keep your toes on the ground-" laughter bubbling out of him as he fell over to his back. Tears pricking his eyes as his husband stood up walking over to his laughing lover. He stood over him a trying his best angry expression. Keiji smiled up at him getting to his feet.
" last one. I'm sorry for laugh Kō" he giggled placing a gentle kiss to his cheek. Keiji took his lover over to the couch saying he'd need support for this.
" so put your knees on the couch and grab the  back- perfect " he bit his lip standing behind his husband.
" now  your left leg here" he patted the spot leaving Kōtarō in a kneeling position with one leg out. His husband stepping back slowly.
" now just stick your ass out-"
" Keiji Bokuto! " the older scolding leaving the couch. Realization hitting him as to what his husband was doing to him. The raven tried to scurry away but was laughing to much. So when big arms wrapped around him and threw him on the couch he didn't fight.
" you were putting me in sex positions! " Kōtarō scrunching up his face.
" and laughing at me" he pouted falling onto his love. Keiji running a and through the two toned hair. The last bits if laughter leaving him as he calmed the older.
"I'm sorry baby. Will cuddles make things better? " he hummed kissing his husband's forehead.
" yes they will doll"

An: next is ' no strings attached ' enemies to lovers

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