The Cut That Always Bleeds

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An: trigger warning for self harm. I just want you all to know. I love you. And I mean it. You're so much more then a reader. I'm always here to support you, and to help you. I know life is terrible at times. And the past two years have been ass with covid. But just know I'm always rooting you on. I'll be your cheerleader when no one else will. I'll be the friend you need when you need to vent. Please don't ever think people would be better off without. Just think. Their are people you haven't met yet who will love you.   I'm always a safe space. Peace and love friend

Akaashi and Bokuto looked like the perfect on the outside.. But they far from it. The two were constantly on and off.
" I don't love you anymore"
Always being said at least once a month sometimes more. Akaashi had grown used to this blaming it on the mood swings since high school. But a part of him knew it wasn't the mood swings. It was Bokuto that's just how he was. Akaashi had simply learned to live with it.

A pretty line that I adore
Five words that I've heard before

The bed was always cold missing a warmth he craved. His pillow was stained with tears from restless nights. His arms adorned with scars that held anger. Akaashi loved Bokuto beyond words. His heart ached every time he left, but he knew he'd come back to him. In the end he still chose Akaashi.
"Cause you keep me on a rope. And tied a noose around my throat. You're gone then back at my door. "  Akaashi mumbled looking at the sleeping body next to him. A pain in his chest forming. The spiker had just returned from another weeklong relationship. Her name was Zada, and she was beautiful. Soft curves, silky brown hair, stark emerald eyes. She was everything Akaashi wasn't.

'Cause if you're gonna leave
Better leave, better do it fast

Akaashi's friends had always told him to leave Bokuto. Kenma was the one who had pushed the hardest. He knew his friend was suffering, and it hurt him. The smaller had even offered to let Akaashi live with him. Kenma couldn't count the times he stayed up till 10 am. On call with his friend listening to him talk about Bokuto.
"Can't live a little longer sitting on his lap "  Akaashi whispered setting the phone on his pillow. The older on the other side sighing starting to sound like a broken record. Pleading the same lines over and over.
" Cause he knows what he's doing. When he's coming back" Kenma leaning against his kitchen counter holding the phone tight. Akaashi on speaker so the extra human in the room could hear. Kuroo sat silently listening to both talk. He'd been boths friends since day one. He was one who pushed for them to date back in high school.
" And I don't want to have another heart attack. You can't be his lover on a leash-"
"Every other week. When he pleases" Kuroo cut in making himself known. This was shit. They were both adults with good paying jobs. And yet the older hadn't matured. He was still acting like a kid. Akaashi hearing the other voice sat up in panic. Not knowing what to do he hung up throwing his phone on the night stand. Tears flowing down as he hugged the pillow, from the other side of the bed. It was soaked with the smell of Bokuto tearing at his heart even more.
"Oh, I can't be..The kiss that you don't need.
The lie between your teeth. The cut that always bleeds"  blind hands searching for a slender object. When the blade was found in his night stand. Akaashi hesitated before pulling it out. Cool metal meeting skin sending a wave through Akaashi. The feeling sparking sorrow, and pain. He sat watching as blood dripped down his pale arm. Crimson becoming his favorite color.
"The cut that always bleeds" he whispered pushing himself off the mattress. His feet taking him to the bathroom so he could clean his newest scar.

Say you love somebody new
And beat my heart, to black and blue
Then they leave, and it's me you come back to

Bokuto turned the door knob entering the shared apartment. He found his raven lover sitting on the couch with a book in hand. Keeping silent he stepped into the living room. Sitting down next to Akaashi. Holding him in a warm embrace. The manga editor was cut off guard, but not surprised Bokuto was back.
" I love you Keiji " he whispered into the youngers ears. Causing Akaashi to perk up with false hope. It was temporary, and both knew it.
Gentle hands took Akaashi's examining the rough skin. Bokuto sighing as he brought the cut flesh to his lips. A soft kiss being placed on every little raised part of skin.
" you know I'm here for you. It hurts too see you hurt yourself like this" he hummed hugging Akaashi tight. Allowing him to cry into his chest. Bokuto placed a kiss to the raven curls stroking them down.

To say you loved me all along
And kissed the bruises 'til they're gone
Bittersweet, 'cause I can't breathe
Inside your arms

But the moment was soon to end. Akaashi watching as his lover left. A blonde girl attached to Bokuto's hip. The raven looked down at his arm brushing a finger over each line.
" you know I'm here for you. It hurts too see you hurt yourself like this" He repeated what was once spoken to him. Akaashi sat on the couch staring at the empty wall.
" 'Cause if you're gonna leave
Better leave, better do it fast"  the words flowing out as Akaashi looked with a glare at a picture frame.
" Can't live another minute bleeding from my back " The image of Bokuto and Akaashi. After the first win for Bokuto as a Black Jackel. The spiker was holding the editor in the air. His hands resting around Akaashi's hips. Both smiling like idiots at one another.
" 'Cause I don't have another one
For you to stab"  footsteps climbing the staircase to the front door. Drawing him away from the picture. Akaashi tensed up bracing for another moment to get his hopes up. His mind thinking that maybe Bokuto would stay forever.
" And I don't want to have Another heart attack"   He whispered hearing the door creak open. Keys being withdrawn from the knob. Bokuto entered the apartment heading for the couch. Arms open ready to hug the younger. But he never got the chance. Akaashi left his spot watching the older fall.
"Oh I can't be..Your lover on a leash. Every other week when you please!" The editor spoke stern. Finding confidence in his voice to finally speak his peace. Bokuto looked dumbfounded as the younger spoke. Now that Akaashi had his attention finally he wasn't going to stop.
"Oh, I can't be! The kiss that you don't need" he cried out letting his feelings known. Feelings he'd been hiding for months.
" The lie between your teeth! The cut that always bleeds! "  he yelled gripping his fist tight. Anger bubbling up, but it faded. Akaashi sat down on the couch hiding his face in just palm.
"But even though you're killing me I-" he stopped lowering his hands. Akaashi drawing in a breath letting it out slowly.
" I need you like the air I breathe. I need..I need you more than me"  he whispered taking hold of the rough smaller hands. Gripping them tight as he looked to the older. Tears painting lines on the raven's cheeks.
" I need you more than anything"  he admitted getting to his knees in front of the spiker. His grip growing tighter on the limp hands.
" Please, please"  Akaashi pleaded begging on his knees.
'" Cause I could be! Your lover on a leash. Every other week.. When you please" he whispered letting go of the older hand. Akaashi sat on his heals hanging his head low.
" Oh, I could be..Anything you need"  Akaashi spoke feeling a body shift off the couch. Panicking he reached up grabbing Bokuto's waist. Fear taking up over him as he gazed into the golden hues.
" As long as you don't leave"  arms pulling him up into a tight hug. Bokuto sobbing as he came to his senses. He'd hurt the only human he'd ever held feelings for. Each girl he went out with was a mistake. He belonged with the man he thought he was wrong for loving. But he was wrong leaving him.
" I'm staying with you Keiji. I promise. I'll be better. I will do nothing to hurt you anymore. I will do everything in my power to heal the pain I've caused you. You don't have to forgive for what I've done. You never have to. Just please let me stay." Bokuto gripped his lover tight.
" you've always been aloud to stay Kōtarō. You've just never chosen to stay. " Akaashi let go looking at the man. He reached up brushing away the salty tears that fell.
" I choose to stay with you Keiji. Till death do us part"

The cut that always

An: GayInsomniac I hope I did your request justice. This was a challenge cause the song is full of strong lyrics. With amazing symbolism, and hard deep meaning. This is my third attempt at writing this. I hope you enjoyed it!
Next isn't a chapter

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