blind to the world

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Keiji awoke greated by the warmth of the sun. Feeling arms around him he knew his husband was still asleep. So he laid there silently listening to the birds outside. He didn't want to wake the man up. Even if he had to pee really bad. He reached his arm out gliding it across his nightstand. Stopping when he found his lamp. Carefully he traced his fingers up the base till he found the switch. He figured it would be on a low setting, but judging by the face that pushed deeper into his shoulder. He knew it was too bright.
" sorry Kō " Keiji mumbled his lover letting go of him.
" issfine " the older still drunk with sleep. The raven carefully sat up to stretch. The man next to him eying the raven. Keiji gave a small chuckle.
" you're starring " he hummed looking in the general direction he heard the voice.
" how would youuu know? "
" I can sense when people stare. " the young shrugged getting out of the bed. Hesitantly walking towards the bathroom. Using his hands to guide him as he touched the walls. Texture helped him a lot to navigate their house. The smooth lightly divited wall faded into glassly feeling squares. Broken up by a rough cement feeling line. he'd found the washroom.
Keiji was born with Leber's Congenital Amaurosis ( LCA). This is caused by the impaired development of his retina. The light sensitive film at the back of the eye. He could see some light, but very little.
Since he was born with it he'd learned to manage. It wasn't until he found Kōtarō that things have gotten better.
The raven left the bathroom finding the bedroom empty of sound. He drew in a sigh and guided himself to the living room.
" Kōtarō? " he asked hesitantly.
" I'm here Keiji. " the older spoke taking his lovers hand. Keiji reached up with his free hand to lay it on the side of his face. His thumb stroking his cheek.
" how do you think I look? " he asked the younger.
"I've been told you have very owl like features.. And using your voice as context, and what I can feel.. I think you have big alert eyes a darker color like brown or a yellow ish gold. " the younger moved his hand tracing out his face shape.
" your face narrows out at your jaw and chin.. And your lips are fairly thin. " his finger tips finding the curve of his nose.
"It's has a slight curve.. But it's definitely forms a point at the end" he giggled slightly booping him. Kōtarō smiled slightly kissing his lovers cheek.
" I love you " Keiji hummed hugging his husband.
" I love you too ya blind bat" the older laughing as the mentioned ' blind bat' kicked his shin.

An: next is ' Freak Show ' fluff?

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