No Strings Attached

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An: I wrote this while babysitting. So I'm sorry it's shit and rushed. Enjoy lovies

After graduation Akaashi and Bokuto driffted a part. The two hated each other all through high school and would force a friend ship. Now that both were older and graduated, they'd verbally express it. Especially when they caught s glimps of one another while out with friends. Kuroo being with Bokuto, while Kenmar had Akaashi.
"Fuck" The owl growled glaring at his ex-setter. He looked at his friend who looked away whistling to himself.
"Oh my god" Akaashi groaned returning the glare. The others around them watching the tention grow as the two stood inches apartm Analysing the opposite as if to be predators sizing up their prey.
" what a coinkydeenk! You're both in the same mall! Maybe we can get along-" Kuroo getting cut off by the raven resting his arms on the older shoulders.
" I'll pretend to like him-"
" You only like me when we hook up in bathroom stalls " Akaashi smirked allowing the oversized sweater he wore to fall of one shoulder. Fading hickies scattering his sun kissed skin. Both cats drawing in a sharp intake of air. They never pegged these two for that kind of relationship.
" You only like me when I'm pinned against your bedroom wall. And honestly" The younger letting his arms to fall to his side. The other sleeve falling down exposing more darker marks on his chest.
" that's fine" what the actual hell was Akaashi doing! Kenma and Kuroo locked eyes both giving a shrug. The bed head raising his hand to ask a question. Akaashi being one step ahead booped Kuroo's nose, winking at his secret lover.
"Oh honestly, no, I don't really mind " He hummed walking past the friends all three watching him as he walked away. His back just as equally marked up causing Bokuto to give a gag.
" I spent so long hating every move you made " He called out following the smaller raven waving an arm in the air. Kenma and Kuroo hurrying after the two to keep them from murder.
"I've wasted years calling you pompous and haughty and vain! " Akaashi snapped whipping around to make a strangling motion with his hands . The ex-nekoma captain holding his friend back as Bokuto's demeanor grew dark. Kenma could see the murder being planned out in the golden eyes.
"And honestly, was I wrong?" He spat out smirking as he taunted the older. He loved provoking Bokuto it was his favorite thing to do. Kuroo looked at his friend feeling him relaxex, so he eased up the grip he had. The owl gripped Akaashi by the shoulder pinning him up against, the brick wall outside a clothing store. Akaashi pushing out a moan at the action just to push him more as he fought to free his hands.
" Well, none of that really matters 'cause you know how to use your tongue" Bokuto smirked feeling both cats pull him off the younger.
" please don't get us kicked out! " The bed head warned pointing an accusing finger at the other raven. Akaashi just smiling as he patted Kuroo's cheek. Turning his attention back on the fuming owl.
" I hate you, but I love it when we're fucking. I hate you, but the passion is there! " Akaashi mused in a cheerful tone, clapping his hands together. Kenma attaching himself to the other setter so he couldn't do anything more stupid.
" I hate your condescending demeanor"
"And I'll bite your lip when you pull my hair" Bokuto snapped walking into the clothing store. The group following him as the teasing grew worse from both parties. Akaashi enjoying the reaction he was receiving.
" I'll glare at you in public then sneak you into my room" Bokuto picking up a skimpy dress and holding it up to the raven. The younger scoffed slapping his hand away. The navy bodycon falling to the floor.
"I love it when you bite my neck but I hate everything else about you" he hummed kneeling down to pick up the dress. Holding it closer he saw the sides were cut out to show a bit under boob.
"And honestly -"
"it's super hot" the owl pushing the editor to a changing room. Both friends being long forgotten, so they just buckled up for the ride. Kenma preparing to pick his friend up tomorrow morning from a hook up with this man.
"I hope the neighbors are away 'cause you sure yell my name a lot" the wingspiker bit his lower lip as he waited to see the dress. Kuroo failing at convincing his kitten to buy one.
"Don't say a word, shut up and rip off all my clothes" Akaashi flirted steeping out in the dress. His curves being accentuated from the cut outs and tight fabric. He places his hands on his hips walking over to the older. Akaashi opening his mouth to speak but the owl cutting him off.
" Each time you speak I want my hands around your throat" the wingspiker licked his lips scanning the younger up and down.
"Your voice is only tolerable in bed" he added grabbing the editor's slender hips. Jerking him closer so that any space between them was closed.
"Like when you mumble breathy curses as" he dropped to his knees more than ready to blow Bokuto in public. The editor starting to undo the zipper on the owl's jeans.
" I'm giving you head-" Kenma grabbing his friend off the floor and shoved him back into the fitting room. The raven stepped back out dressed in his original clothing.
He bought the dress and it now sat in a bag as they walked around the mall. The feuding two walking in front of the cat couple.
"I hate you, but I love it when we're fucking
I hate you, but the passion is there" Bokuto slapping the other ass keeping his hand their. The editor jumped pushing his hand away. He stuck his finger in the olders face scolding him" I hate your condescending demeanor-"
"And I'll bite your lip when you pull my hair " The MSBY member smirking as he held the others face in his left hand. His thumb stroking the slightly quivering bottom lip. Akaashi reached up taking hold of the olders wrist.

"I know this oughta stop. 'Cause you're the only thing I ever think of" Bokuto hummed caressing the Raven's cheek. He gave a sigh running his thumb over the youngers cheek bone. Kenma and Kuroo looking at each other really confused.

"But hating you is far easier. Than falling face-first into love" he laid his head on Akaashi's shoulder mumbling.

" I recognize this is unhealthy. I realize you're super pretty" Akaashi cupped the olders face bringing him to look at the smaller. He pressed a soft kiss to the slightly chapped lips. It was far more simple, and soft then most kisses they'd shared. He pulled away looking into the golden eyes.
"But kissing you is simple. And I can't afford for you to...Break my heart. No, you can't break my heart" he placed a hand on the center of the spikers chest. His heart beat thumping against his palm.

"So let's keep things as they are" he removed his hand taking hold of the others. He placed it on his own chest finding his own heart beat.
" So you don't break my heart..Again" he mumbled gripping the olders hand tight. The streamer gasping with realization. This was all an act Akaashi was playing. He never hated the owl just pretended to since Bokuto hated him. It was better to play along than hurt himself.
"I like you" he whispered catching the older off guard. The couple behind them growing giddy with excitement.
"and I love it when we're fucking"

I like you, and the passion is there" Bokuto dropping his own act. This was a miss communication on both sides.

" I love your condescending demeanor" the raven smiling softly to himself. Maybe this could work between them.
"And I'll bite your lip when you pull my hair" the spiker winked hugging the raven tight. The cats behind them confused as hell, but happy this two got their heads out of there ass's.
" I CALL BEST MAN! " Kuroo yelled with a shut eating grin.
" I wanna be a braids maid at least " Kenma hummed.

An: next is ' Lust ' angst

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