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An: warning for death, and drunk driving!! This is sad get the tissues. And if you've gone through a loss. I don't know what to say that can help. I can give you the " They're in a better place. Free of pain and worries ".Or the science " They've moved onto a different plain of life". Then the religious response " God saw the prettiest flower so he had to pick himself. To have it on heaven ". But no amount of words can fill the hole you feel right now. Grieving is different for everyone. Just know. They're never gone. They are with you every step. They are guiding you through life. But that's another normal response. Humans don't understand death. We don't know how to grieve. We learn. And we learn the hard way. I'm sorry for what's happened to you. And I'm here to listen to anything you need to say. Don't be afraid to reach out to me. I love you. Stay safe. Peace n love ✌❤

Keiji looked at the test feeling his heart well up. They weren't trying. They'd been careful every time. But here he was holding a positive pregnancy test. The raven then began thinking on how to tell his boyfriend. They'd never talk about kids. He felt scared he'd react negatively.
" I'll wait till after the first trimester. To make sure everything is safe" He spoke lifting up his shirt. His stomach still small, but soon it would be big. And the creature he held in his womb would be big as well.
" I'm home! " His boyfriend's voice rang through the house. Keiji could hear the pitter patter of little feet running to that voice already. But that would never happen. He'd never be able to see his boyfriend interact with there baby.
After a month he decided to tell Bokuto. At dinner he said he had a gift. He gave the spiker a box wrapped in a paper covered with baby rattles. The golden eyes held questions in them as he opened the box. Inside was a onesie that looked like Kōtarōs MSBY jersey. Taped to it was a sonogram picture showing the little bean. The words " Your #1 fan" Written next to the outline of baby Bokuto.
" Holy shit Keiji! A fan is having a baby! " The owl smiled. Keiji sighed looking at his boyfriend.
" That's our baby Kō. I'm pregnant " The raven watched realization hit his lover.
" Even better! We're gonna be parents! " The giant kid practically threw his arms around the raven. Keiji smiled holding his boyfriend close. Something he grew to miss.
Keiji laid on the couch his shirt pulled up to show his three month stomach. He did this every night. Lay down with his shirt pulled up and just talk to the baby. Most nights when Kōtarō came home from practice. He'd lay down and rest his head on Keiji's stomach. He wouldn't be doing that tonight.
Around 8 keiji got a phone call from Kyomi He answered it expecting to hear a calm germ. But he was greeted with a worried one.
" Akaashi.. Um I have some bad news" He did his best to sound calm.
" What is it? " Keiji sat up rubbing his stomach.
"... Bokuto is at the hospital. He left to go grab us sonic and... " Kyomi heard the line go dead. He wasn't going to tell Keiji. He wasn't gonna say his boyfriend wasn't gonna make it. That because of a drunk driver he would be dead.
It wasn't long before a frantic raven met him in the waiting room. Once Keiji saw the look on everyone's face he knew. He knew his Kōtarō Bokuto would never meet there child.
" Room 45.." Atsumu whispered hugging the raven.
" He isn't do great Kaashi.. "
" Can you come with me?.. Mental support " Keiji asked taking the setters hand. The golden dyed hair nodded walking with Keiji.
" I'm not gonna lie to you.. He doesn't look good. He's beat up bad" Atsumu spoke giving Keiji's hand a squeeze. The raven nodded taking a breath as he stepped into the room. The breath he took in getting caught in his throat. His Kōtarō laid in a hospital bed hooked to machines. Wires poking everywhere. Keiji walked over taking Kōtarō's hand Carfuly. He looked up at the banged up bruised face and let a silent tear fall. Kōtarō's right eye was swollen. His jaw didn't look right and his nose was slanted more.
" ... Did they say what happened.. " He spoke softly scanning the broken body.
" The driver was drunk. He was texting when he crossed the line. Bokuto tried to swerve to miss him.. But they hit head on. The other wasn't harmed.. Bokuto was ok till another hit him. Then he started rolling eventually wrapping around a tree.. His ribs are broken. His lungs is punctured... And he's suffered severe head Injury. " Atsumu choked out.
" Could you.. Step out? " Keiji mumbled looking down. The setter nodded leaving the couple alone. The raven looked at Kōtarō and broke down. His head resting in the lap of his angel as he wept. His heart was cracking and everything he looked forward to in the future. Burned away. He was now going to have to raise their child alone. Their little bean would never know their father. They'd never be able to experience his hugs. They'd never be kissed goodnight from him.
Kōtarō would never be able to hold their child. That thought hit Keiji hard. He'd never dreamed of being a single parent. He saw himself growing old with this man.
" I-i know.. There's a chance you can't hear me Kōtarō.. But I love you. I will always love you. I will never stop loving you. You are my soul mate. And will forever be my soulmate.. You're taking a piece of my heart with you. I'll never love again.. I will focus all my time and attention.. On raising our child" He choked out. Taking the hand of his lover he placed it on his small bump.
" They love you.. And if they'll never know you. I'll make sure they know of you. Our child will know you as their father.. " Keiji smiled a bit feeling the hand on his bump give it a slight rub. He brought the hand to his lips giving it a soft kiss.
" I love you Kōtarō.. I love you more than anything you can think or say. It's ok to go" He choked as the long beep filled his ears. Keiji dropped down to his knees. Crying on his dead lover as doctor's rushed in. Everyone knew there was nothing they could do. Keiji stood outside the room crying into Shugo's shoulder. The captain crying with him. The team was crying, but they would never feel Keiji's pain.
He'd be burying the man he loved. Then giving birth to their child alone. Life wasn't fair. But why? Why was his big question. Why him? Why now? Why? Every what if and why swam his mind. They kept him up at night unable to sleep. He began staying in bed all day. He didn't eat. He didn't sleep.
It hurt more when they lowered the casket into the ground. Keiji by then was 4 months along with their son. He watched his lover be laid to rest with a hand on his bump. Silent tears falling as his heart was buried with him.
Once the crowd had gone he stayed. He looked down at the head stone. Kōtarō's smile carved in stone. Along with dates. Never did he think he'd be in the position. No one ever did though. You never plan for this to happen. You can't control when someones time is up. And Keiji learned that the hard way. He understood how precious time was now. He'd spend all of his dedicated to his son.

Three years later Keiji stood in the stadium holding Kozue on his hip. The MSBY team gathered around him. Tonight was a special night. It marked the 3rd anniversary of Kōtarō's passing. And now they were inducting him into the sports Hall of fame. Kozue snuggled close to his mother hugging his stuffed owl tight. It was made out of his father's jerseys so it was special.
" Tonight Lady's and Gentle men.. We honor the greatest wing spiker of all time. Kōtarō Bokuto left this world three years ago. He left behind a loving boyfriend and son. Now they stand surrounded by the team in the middle of the stadium. " The announcer spoke in a melancholy tone.
" Keiji Akaashi shall be retiring Bokuto's high school team captain jersey into the Hall. Along with his MSBYs jersey. "
Keiji took a breath holding the Jersey's tight. He walked up the announcer who offered a kind smile. Keiji set his son down and folded the jersey's. Placing them in a frame to be hung. Kozue slipped in a drawing just before the announcer sealed it. The team came up each signing the frame for Kōtarō. Writing loving messages to there friend.
Once all was said and down Keiji and the silver haired child stopped to visit the late kōtarō. Kozue didn't understand. He knew his daddy was asleep in the ground. Marked by stone.
" Would daddy be happy? " Kozue asked taking the raven's hand.
" He'd be over joyed right now... He'd be jumping up and down. Holding you tight and celebrating. " Keiji smiled getting to his sons level. Kozue was a spitting image of Kōtarō. He had golden eyes that held the stars in them. And a smile that could outshine the sun. Keiji tucked a piece of silver hair behind his son's ear.
" You remind me more of him each day.. Some days I wonder if there's any me in you. " He kissed his sons freckle covered cheeks. Those are how people could tell he was Keiji's. The owl hadn't a freckle on him.
" I love you Kozue "
" I love you too mommy.. " The boy turned looking at the grave. He hugged the stone.
" I love you too daddy "

An: next is ' Martha Divine ' it's based off my Beautiful Boy series. You don't have to read it to understand

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