Raura Time!

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Rydel POV
I love how Elizabeth is so dedicated to get Ross and Laura together! She wants his happiness! Plus she is a true RAURA shipper! It's so adorable!! Eekkk! Her plan gotta be full proof! I want this to happen to. If this works out maybe she can help get rydellington together too!
Laura POV
I was kinda sad that Elizabeth didn't want me to be in the plan she had going on with the rest of the family. It's bumming! Maybe she doesn't like me, 😪 that would suck. I really want her approval. We could be best friends! I'm probably overthinking! Elizabeth came out the room with a huge smirk on her face! She grabbed my hand and we ran down to the kitchen!
E: hey Laurie, want to help me get some snacks! We're gonna have a family bonding time!
L: sounds fun! Soo what did u and the family talk about?!
E: a surprise that's gonna happen
L: I'm confused?!
E: don't worry Laura you'll find out soon enough!
L: well alright let's get these snacks going
We started getting the snack ready! There was a lot considering how many people there is in the house! We sat around the table, seating order Rocky, Ryland, Riker, Ness, Rydel, Ratfliff, Liz, Ross, and Me. Elizabeth wouldn't let me sit anywhere else except next to Ross. This child is gonna be the death of me! Everyone was having their own conversation. Ross sat their starting at me.. Yes guys, me!!
L: Ross what are you staring at?
R: OO um y-you.
He said while scratching the back of his head. He was blushing!
L: awe Ross. Your cute
R: thanks Laur but not as cute as you!
I shoved his arm playfully.
R: oh your in for it now!
Next thing I know Ross picked me up!
L: Ross put me down. Ssttopp. Put me down.
L: ROOOSSSS, put me down!
R: if you say soo.
Next thing I know I was thrown in the pool. Everyone else decided to join us! Ever since we got into the pool, Ross hasn't kept his eyes off of me! I'm not gonna lie I love the feeling! Soon Elizabeth called all of us out the pool to play Truth or Dare(spin bottle edition) in the living room. This is gonna be fun!!
E: alright guys seating order!
Rik and Ness
Dels and Rat
RyRy and Mac and Cheese
Dad and Laurie
Then me!
All: sounds good!
E: alright ill go first!
The bottle lands on Riker!
E: Uncle Rik, truth or dare?
Rik: dare!
E: I dare you to let Ness give you a full makeover and you have to post it on your Instagram!
Rik: awe do I have too.
E: YES!! You chose dare 😏 hehe!
Rik: fine. Come on Ness. Makeover time!
Ness POV
Ohh this is gonna be fun. Thank you Elizabeth!! Such a devil!! I love her!! Alright now I gotta give my loving boyfriend a makeover! I decided to chose his outfit. A simple R5 shirt with a nice black pencil skirt and one of my black wedges. I painted his nails and toes red to go with the shirt. I did smokey eyes for his eyes and a light pink lip gloss. I straighten his hair and grabbed my heart locket he gave to me for our 2 year anniversary for him to wear! I hope the guys will like it!! I had to help the pretty boy down the stairs! I think I did a pretty good job with the reactions I got from the group!
Aunt Ness did an amazing job with uncle Rik. He looked somewhat good looking! Now time for the picture!
E: hey ness stand next to Riker!
N: alright!
I took the picture and posted on his Instagram! @vanessamarano thanks to this doll for my makeover. I look hot, but not as hot as you. Love you ❤️😘 thanks for the dare cupcake 😉
Delly: wow Riker, this is great!!
E: alright Rik your turn to spin!
Rik: alright Rydel, truth or dare?!
Del: um truth.
Rik: is it true that you like someone..
Del: yea! Alright my turn. Vanessa truth or dare?
Ness: um dare?!
Del: I dare you to run up and down the street yelling the nazi are coming!
Ness: alright.. Uhg here it goes!
I was laughing so hard I snorted cola out my nose! The game continued till the bottle landed on Laura!! Time to get started!
E: Laura truth or dare?
L: dare!
E: I dare you to go into the closet with dad for 20 minutes!
L: Uumm what?!
E: yup, now goo!!
R: I don't think Laura is comfortable?
L: it's fine let's get this over with I guess
E: alright, we'll be out here if anything happens!
Ross POV
Thanks to my wonderful daughters dare, I'm in a closet with Laura for 20 minuets! This is so nerve wrecking!
R: Laura you know we don't have to do anything if you don't want to.
L: it's fine, I don't think there gonna let us out if we just sit here.
R: well then.. Haha!
I cup my hands around Laura's face and we start leaning in. Next thing you know we're kissing. This kiss, it was magical. All my feelings rushed in. How much I love Laura. All the reasons why I love her. It was perfect. I just wish I could tell her my feelings. I started to have feelings for Laura when she walked into that cast meeting. I knew she was the one. Those chocolate eyes and that beautiful smile is what I fell in love with. Maybe she doesn't feel that same way. Maybe this kiss to her meant just a kiss. Soon there was a knock at the door.
We soon stopped catching our breath and stood up and left the closet. My face was soo red! And I could tell Laura's was too!
Laura POV
OMG I kissed Ross! Yea kissed him so many times but those were Auslly moments not a RAURA moment! But this kiss, this kiss meant soo much more to me. I felt sparks. I wanted more. I didn't want us to stop. His lips on mine. Those soft pink lushes lips. I could kiss them all day! I've always liked Ross since I first met him but I thought it was just a crush but over these four years it's grown into something more. It's not like but love! I love Ross Shot Lynch and I'm proud of it. But I don't think he has the same feelings for me! Uhg!
All: alright!
Everyone rushed to the seats so that RAURA had to sit next together. I went and grabbed the popcorn from the kitchen. Laura walked in after me.
E: hey Laurie, aren't u supposed to sit next to Ross?
L: I thought you could use some help!
E: thanks! Soo how was it?
L: how was what?
E: really Laur? Come on tell me your feelings! SPILL, I want to know everything! Every emotion you felt!
L: you sure do know me well!
E: of course. Even if you were practically far from me, I still tried to get to know you as a person. I figured you guys out in my head! And I think I got it dead on! Soo spill!
L: alright but don't be mad!
E: why would I? I've waited for 4 years for RAURA to happen!!
L: well I guess when we kissed j felts sparks. Something I've always felt when he held my hand, hugged me or even kissed for the script! I guess I just tried to keep it down! But I doubt he likes me!
E: your kidding right?! Laura, what wouldn't dad like about you?! I can tell he is in LOVE with you! Don't let negativity bring you down. He loves you. I can tell! The way he looks at you. The warm eyes he gives you. The smile you out on his face when you giggle! Trust me Laur, he doesn't like you. He LOVES you!
L: thanks Liz, are you sure you won't mind if we do happen?
E: why would I?
L: I don't want you feeling that he loves me more than you and spend all his attention on me?!
E: Laura, I know he loves me. He gave me what I never got before a family. A place to call my home. A family that shows me love every day of my life! Nothing could take that a way. I want dad to be happy, if that means being with you, I'll take that! You guys are meant to be!
L: thanks Liz! I love you. And if we get together I'll make sure we're the perfect family you've always deserved!
E: alright come on, there probably looking for us!
Laura went back to the couch first and she sat right next to Ross. I hope they tell each other their feelings soon. I want Laura to be my mom! It would be cool. I put on Romeo and Juliet. Dad squealed! I sat on the floor. Look at what a great family. ESPECIALLY RAURA! Uhg they are soo cute! I took a picture of my family! Something I won't forget.

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