Daughter and Daddy Convo! (Raura)

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E: hey dad, can I talk with you for a sec!
R: sure!
We went into dads room!
R: what up princess
E: so you and Laura went to the same high school?
R: yup
E: and according to Laura you were a hopeless romantic?
R: yea I guess.
E: and you guys still aren't together?
R: soo this is what we're talking about..
E: YYEESS! Dad you need to get it together!
R: I know and I'm sorry. But I was to afraid back then, and plus she was already dating Brad!
E: as in The Vamps Brad?
R: yes..
E: what was this a high school for future celebrity?!
R: yea it seemed like it.
E: man would I kill to be back there with you guys!
R: hey I wouldn't. Then I wouldn't have met you now!
E: thanks. But we are off topic! When are we putting Raura together?!
R: I don't know. I've been busy with R5, work, you, the family!
E: Hey, you don't need to worry about me! You'll worry about me after we get you and Laur together! And don't worry about R5 uncle Ry got that handled. And work is where your supposed to be having chemistry with Laur not stressed about it 😑.
R: well I do worry about you! Your my princess. And oh we do have chemistry!
E: well you shouldn't, I have 9 others in the house that does! And good! Now, we have to figure out how your gonna ask her on a date!
R: that's true. And okay got anything?
R: what?
E: SIESTA!! Isn't R5 performing?
R: well yea.
E: sooo get Laura to come to the performance. And write a song for her and ask her on a date afterwords!
R: that's a great idea!!
E: I know!! But I'll ask her to come!
R: okay maybe she'll say yes to you!
Ross POV
Man do I have a smart daughter! She left me with the hard part. Writing a song! I better get to work. I only have 3 weeks! I hope Laura likes this and says yes!
Laura POV!
Elizabeth came running down the stairs yelling my name!
L: I'm in the kitchen dork!
E: ahah I found you!!
L: after I said I'm in the kitchen!
E: noo I knew you were probably looking for gogurt!
L: wwhhaaatt ppssshhh no. Do you know where they hide them?
E: I knew it, and yea!
She took my hand and lead me to the fridge, there was a secret department in it where they had a stack full of gogurt!!
L: AAAHHH I've never noticed that before!! Why do they have soo many!
E: dad and I went grocery shopping. He knows how much you and I love gogurt so he bought a stack full. Only me and dad knows because it is for me and you of course!
L: ahah I sooo love Ross!
E: oooo soo you love my dad huh? 😏
L: you know what I meant!
E: do I?!
L: yes, now what's up!
E: I was hopping that you could PLEASE PLEASE WITH A CHERRY ON TOP go to R5 concert in Siesta!
L: I don't know?
E: PLEASE! You'd make me the happiest child on earth!
L: well what about work?
E: dad called. Since he is gonna be performing there is no shooting! Soo your off!
L: alright, I'll go!
She gave me a hug and ran upstairs! That child is crazy! I guess I'm going to Siesta!
Ah the mall! Yay, I need new clothes! This is gonna be cool!
Delly POV
Pumpkin barged in with a huge smile on her face!
That's all she had to say for me to know what's going on! We squealed together!!
E: get ready, mall in 15!
D: alright!!
Yay! Something im gonna look forward to! GIRL TIME! I can't believe Elizabeth is gonna be the one who finally put Raura together! That's super exciting! If this works, Rydellington might happen!
Ross POV
Princess barged in with a huge smile!
R: really?
R: that's great!!
E: alright! Well I'm gonna plan the whole outfit for you and Laura and the band! This is gonna be GREAT!! We are gonna go shopping for the outfits in 15. Love you! Bye!!
Well that was easy! I didn't think Laur would agree so easy! I guess Liz is putting an effect on the family! Did she say shopping? Oh no! That means boat load of bags to carry on tonight!
Alright, color scheme for the performance! MHM im thinking red! Since its Laura's fav color! But I'm gonna make Laura wear royal blue! I'm just too excited for this!! Dad is gonna drop his face when he sees Laur! Eepp! Alright we gotta go shopping!
At the mall
E: alright! Let's go shopping!!
Delly: this is gonna be great!
E: soo im choosing everyone's outfit!
L: how do you know everyone's size?
E: I have my ways!
L: oh um alrighty then.
We went in and out of stores like that! I got everyone's outfit. Concert, after concert, bathing suits! EVERYTHING! It has to be perfect! By the time I was finished getting everyone I was hungry!
L: hey let's go get food!
Delly: sounds good!
E: alright, well I want subways!
Delly: same!
L: subway it is!
Delly: did you get everything?
E: yup everything for everyone!
L: even yourself?
L: you were soo worried about everyone you forgot to go shopping for yourself?
E: I guess so! Ah I'll go tomorrow!
Delly: okay, you seem tired anyways, let's go home!
E: sounds good!
Ross POV
Delly drove up into the driveway! I walked out to notice Elizabeth was sleeping in the back!
Del: she fell asleep on the way back!
L: she dragged us everywhere! I wouldn't be surprised!
Del: she got everyone's clothes for Siesta but her!
L: she is such a cute dork!
Del: yea. Well we are gonna put everyone's clothes in there room. She even labeled everything!
L: that girl is something! It seems she wants this to be perfect?!
R: haha yea, perfect for just a concert!!
L: weird huh?
R: I don't think so!
L: of course not. Your both weird!
R: but you love this weirdness😉
L: I sure do!
R: soo you love me?
L: of course best friend!
R: ouch that hurt!
L: haha come on. Bring in my dork!
R: alright!!
I carried Elizabeth on my back. She was very light for her age. It was only 6 by the time the girls got back so everyone decided to sit and watch a movie. I brought Liz to her room and went downstairs. Only spot left was next Laur. I sat down and she smiled and started to cuddle next to me. We watched Letters to Juliet. Laura ended up falling asleep on me first and soon I drifted off too! I guess it was meant to be for me only to get a good night sleep with Laur in my arms!
Next Morning
I woke up to get ready for school and see everyone is asleep on the couch! That means I'm gonna have to get a ride to school! I made everyone breakfast and took some pics and printed them out and put them on the table. Little surprise for everyone. I left a note saying that I got a ride to school and I'll see them when I get home. Before I left the door I gave everyone a forehead kiss and left. When I got outside T.c was waiting for me.
E: thanks for driving me last min!
T: it's fine.
E: everyone in the house decided to stay up late and watch a movie and they fell asleep on the couch!
T: that's funny. And it's no problem. I wouldn't mind this being a daily thing! Your cool!
E: well thank you! So my family wants to meet my friends so they can see if they can trust you guys to let me go to Siesta with you!
T: oh sweet you might be able to go?
E: uh yea. They just want to meet you guys to see if they can trust you guys.
T: yea sure when do they want to meet the gang?
E: Thursday over dinner?
T: sounds great! I'll be there!
E: thanks!
T: no prob!
We got to school and I told the rest of the gang about dinner and everyone agreed to go. They were pretty excited except Marisa. I swear she doesn't like me and I don't know why? I'll talk to Sera about it. By second period I got a text from dad saying he was sorry about not being able to drop me off and they feel bad for it. And that breakfast was good and everyone laughed at the pictures! I texted back saying it was fine. He was more curious at who drove me to school. I told him it was T.c and he said that we were gonna talk about it more later and that I should focus in class.
E: hey Sera can I talk to you!
S: sure what up
E: so is it just me or does Marisa hate me?
S: it's not. She does like you but then she doesn't cause of who your family is. She is jealous, that someone took the lime light away from her. And that T.c pays way more attention to you then her.
E: well she doesn't have to worry about my family. I rarely talk about them. And T.c? What does he have to do with anything? We're just friends and plus he has a girlfriend.
S: well they used to have a thing and she still has feelings for him. Soo she sees that you guys are now best friends and doesn't like that idea and so him driving you to school was?!
E: my family overslept so no one could drive me to school. He offered me a ride and I took it.
S: OO I see.
E: yea, plus he has a girlfriend, how much do I have to stress that!
S: we know. We all met his girlfriend. She is okay but she cheats on him a lot. He just doesn't realizes it!
E: does she really?
S: yea..
E: and he doesn't know?
S: NOPE and none of us are gonna break it to him. Marisa did once and he didn't talk to her for a whole year.
E: wow..
S: yea, we just let it be.
E: that stinks. T.c is an awesome. Why would anyone cheat on him?
S: I can't give you an answer to that.
E: anyways so when are you, me and Jack gonna hang. Miss that dude!
S: we're all in a group chat!!
E: I know I'm talking about me third wheeling!
S: of course. Haha. This is why I love you!
E: I know!
S: let's get to the table. T.c probably worried!
E: why would he be?
S: nothing, oh nothing.
E: um okay?!
T: there you guys are! Thought something happened!
E: we were in line getting lunch. What would happen?
T: I don't know!
S: told you!
E: yea. He's weird!
T: who you guys talking about?
S&E: nobody!
A: so Liz?
E: yea?
A: find any guy you like so far?
E: MHM not really..
A: not even me?
E: shut up Amadi! You have a girlfriend!
A: I know, I like teasing you!
E: yea, yea!
N: so no one that interest you?
E: um there's Shawn but he already talks to Alana.
Th: dang. I thought you guys would be cute too!
E: haha thanks!
T: I don't..
M: so then who do you think she would look good with?
T: how would I know! I don't think like that..
S: so then why did you say she wouldn't look good with shawn?
T: because he talks to Alana! The code Sera the code!
N: that's true!
T: thank you Nathan!
E: guys it's fine. I don't need a boyfriend anyways! Plus I don't think my dad would ever let me get one anyways.. I'm cool with third wheeling with you guys. HAHAHA!
N: wow. Dedication right there!
M: I don't think you want to third wheel with me and Rory.
E: yea, excluding Marisa and Rory of course!
N: HAHA, there that bad?
E: you third wheel with them for a day and get back to me!
N: nah I'm good, me and Grace have plans..
E: that's what I thought!
M: we aren't that bad!!
A: yes, yes you are. Me and Hannah double date with you guys and it was bad!
T: yea we all know how you and Rory are!
Th: is it just me who haven't seen how they are?
E: trust me Theresa you don't want to!!
Th: I'll take your word!
M: haha wow thanks guys! Well I'm gonna go find Rory. We need to get ready for Thursday!
All: same!!
E: well I guess I'm seeing everyone there?
All: YUP plus bf/gf!
E: okay!
T: well that leaves us, let's go to class!
The rest of the day went as plan! I texted dad saying I was gonna go to the mall after school! T.c joined me since he was my ride. I guess he didn't mind! I finished my shopping for Siesta! And am I glad to say my outfits are super cute! We went back to my place and I could already see dad pacing back and forth in the living room.
E: thanks for the ride and company at the mall!
T: no probs it was fun. Text me if you need a ride tomorrow?
E: alright thanks!
He drove off!
Ross POV
I was waiting for Elizabeth to get home! She's been gone for a while. Yea she texted she was gonna be at the mall, but still! A car pulled up in the driveway and I could see Elizabeth sitting with a boy! A BOY! She's got a lot of explaining!
E: hey guys home from school and mall!
All: hey liz!
Del: how was it?
E: school or mall?
Del: both.
E: fine. Grandma!!
S: yes peach?
E: everyone agreed for dinner Thursday but they are also inviting their bf/gf since I'm friends with them and going with them too. If that's okay with you!
S: that's fine hunny!
E: cool!
R: so who drove you to school?
E: T.c
R: who's T.c?
E: my friend.
R: how old is he? What grade is he in and how do you know him.
E: dad calm down. He is 17, he already has his drivers license, he is a junior and I know him from school and the fact that I'm in every class he has!
R: is that the boy I saw? Isn't he a little to old for you to be hanging with him. I don't trust him.
E: yea. And really dad? No trust?
R: how do you have classes with him?
E: I take junior classes dad!
Ri: my little cupcake is smarter than her dad!
R: shut it Riker! Is he your boyfriend?
E: no dad. He has a girlfriend already. They've been together for a year! Her name is Anna!
R: oh okay.
E: you'll see her Thursday! Dang dad, your getting upset for no reason. He is a good guy! He's just like you.. So now if your done interrogating me, I'm going to put my clothes away and start my hw!
R: yea I'm done.
She walked up to her room.
L: what was that about?
Del: that was a little rough?
R: I was concerned!
L: really Ross. You interrogated her like she was a criminal!
R: I was just asking questions!
Delly: they were really harsh. They are just friends. You could have the right to trust her...
R: I do!
Ro: then there was no reason to ask her those questions.
L: yea Rossy, take it easy on her. Come on, let's go apologize!
Laura took my hand and lead me to Liz's room. She gave me a comforting smile before we walked in there.
L: hey Liz, your dad wanted to say something.
E: is he gonna ask to go through my phone next?
R: no, I came to apologize. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked and aid those things. I don't know him yet so it's hard for me to let you go out and hang with him.
E: it's fine dad, I get it! Well I have hw to finish.
R: okay..
We walked out her room. I still feel like she's mad at me. Uhg. Sometimes I do take it to far..
R: she's still mad..
L: don't worry, she'll forgive you.
R: I hope so!
Laura gave me a hug and we walked back down stairs.
Delly: did you apologize?
R: yea..
Ri: she still mad?
R: yea..
S: just give her time. It'll be okay! I'm gonna make dinner in about an hour.
All: okay!
The doorbell rang.
Del: I'll get it!
??: hi is Elizabeth here?
Del: um yea who's asking?
??: oh um T.c
Del: yea come on in. I'll get her!
T: thanks..
E: I'm coming. Oh hey. What's up?
T: you left one of the bag in the car?
E: OO yea. I was wondering where that one went.
T: yea, Anna was in the car and was asking who it was!
E: oh no sorry. She didn't freak on you did she?
T: nah. She's in the car.
E: here I'll go apologize.
That's when I see a blonde blue eyed girl step out the car.
E: hi you must be anna. I'm soo sorry. I left one of my shopping bags in the car. T.c here was being a good friend and drove me there and home.. I'm sorry!
An: it's fine. Don't worry about it. But it's nice to meet you!
E: y-
That's when Ryland cut her off!
Ry: SQUIRT! Where did you put my laptop?
E: oh um sorry about that.. Ry it's in my room
Ry: oh sorry was i inturupting something..
E: yea kinda but um, it's on my table in my room.
Ry: thanks
And he kisses Elizabeth cheek
An: was that your boyfriend?
E: haha no, that's my uncle. But as I was saying it's nice to meet you to and I'll see you on Thursday.
An: your uncle? He is young.. And right I'll see you Thursday.
E: um yea I guess. He's 18. But thanks again!
An: cool, same here. But no problem. Let's go babe. I'm getting hungry.
T: Bye Liz! I'll see you tomorrow?
E: Bye guys!
They hugged and he left, and she went back upstairs!
Delly: well that was interesting!
R: what do you mean?
Del: did you see the way Anna was looking at Ryland. She acted like she didn't have a boyfriend. And T.c seems like a nice and legit kid.
R: you don't know that for sure about her. And I guess so.
Del: seems like Anna is gonna be something at dinner!
Oh no! My daughter doesn't need drama in her life.. Can't wait till dinner!

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