New School

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Ross POV
It's Elizabeth's first day of high school as a sophomore. She is already caught up to where she is supposed to be. What I'm worried about is her making friends! I hope everything goes well. 😥😓😪
I was in my first day of school outfit. It was cute I guess. I had on a black R5 crop top and blue high waisted shorts with black converse. My hair was straighten and very light makeup. I rarely wear any. I was in the kitchen when dad came down. He was more worried about me going to school than me.. 😂😭 Its okay tho! I just finished eating and Laura and dad are gonna drop me off to school. Dad didn't want to be alone in the car after dropping me off. In the car:
R: so you nervous?
E: Not really..
L: That's the spirit. Remember if you need help with school work, just give me a text..
E: then expect me to text you on a daily basis!
R: Well here we are!
E: grreaattt....
R: you'll be great, everyone is gonna love you. If anything happens text me! I'll be waiting for you to get out of school!
E: thanks dad!
Dad rolled up to the school and everyone was already looking at me getting out the car. Most faces were shocked that Ross Lynch and Laura Marano is here at Marino High School. I gave dad and Laura a hug and shouted a good bye. I was walking into the Attendance Office to get my schedule and was greeted by a very nice lady who name happen to be Victoria. I was waiting for the person who was supposed to show me to my classes. I was sitting there for a while till I felt a tap on my shoulder, I looked up and saw a tall boy standing in front of me.
??: hi, names T.c and I'll be showing you your classes
E: oh hi names Elizabeth.
T.c: nice to meet you, you ready to go?
E: uumm yea let me just grab my bag!
He showed me where my locker was, and just my luck it was next to his. We kicked it off and he is now my first friend I have here.. My schedule matched his since I was probably the only sophomore to have junior classes. Did I mention he was a junior?! Our first class was English. It was boring.. I made more friends throughout my classes mostly guys.. I found out who the most popular girl in the school was, turns out it's Chris's girlfriend.. Her name is Julia. We're friends I guess. Just not BFFs and I'm pretty cool with it. Me and T.c got to know each other a little more. He plays on the basketball team, he can drive, and he is popular to the girls and he has a girlfriend. Damn, that killed my spirits.. We were in global when I sat next to this girl name Sera. She was super nice and sweet. We literally became best friends in one day! She is half of my classes I just didn't know cause she came in late to school. Right now it's lunch.. Great, I have no clue where to sit..
(T=T.c, C=Chris, J=Julia, A=Amadi, N=Nathan, S=Sera Th=Theresa, M=Marisa)
T.c: hey Liz, come over here and sit with us!!
E: are you sure? I don't want to intrude.
T: I'm sure, we're all friends here..
E: um alright I guess..
J: soo where were you before you came to Marino?
E: I was home schooled.
C: OO so your parents decided you shouldn't get home schooled anymore?
E: you could say something like that..
M: so is it true that your dad is Ross Lynch?
E: yea..
M: You look nothing like him?
E: oh um he adopted me..
Th: I'm really confused?
Then the bell rings. Saved by the bell!
E: well I'll tell you guys tomorrow. If that's okay?
All: sure!
T: let's go Liz, we have class, see you guys at the fountain, 2:25!
All: alright!!
T: you know you don't have to tell them if your not comfortable..
E: I want to but I kinda don't trust Marisa, I feel like she hates me lowkey.
T: well then don't tell her. Just know whatever it is I won't judge you..
E: thanks!
We hugged and I felt sparks. That's not supposed to happen!! He has a girlfriend! Uhg it's probably nothing.. Uhg it's a good thing this is the last period!! Yas, I can go home!! I wasn't really paying attention in class cause I guess the bell rang and T.c knocked me out of my thoughts!
E: lol sorry. I was thinking!
T: it's fine, lets go everyone is waiting..
E: oh alright..
We met everyone at the fountain in front of the school. I got everyone numbers and we now have a group chat. This is gonna be fun. We were talking when I heard a car horn honked and uncle Rat yelling out the window with the nick name he gave me 😰😰! Uhg..
S: who's sunshine?
E: hahaha that's uumm my nick name he gave me..
N: that's cute..
E: thanks I guess, well I got to go. See you guys tomorrow.. Text you guys later..
All: alright bye!!!
In the car:
E: really uncle Rat!!
Rat: sorry!!
E: uhg..
R: how was your first day sweety.
E: I actually made friends. Let's just hope uncle rat didn't ruin it tho. I'm telling aunt Delly!!
Rat: 😱😱😱 please don't!!
E: 😒 MHM.. I'll see!
L: well how about any guys you like?
R: NOO, NOPE, no guys!
E: 😒 wow dad, it's okay there was none!
L: what about the one you hugged.
E: T.c? He has a girlfriend!
Rat: well it looked like he likes you..
E: nah..
L: yes.. But okay.
R: well I guess you guys avoided my concerning father part!
L: you gotta let her live. She is a teen girl. She's gonna fall for guys. And you never know he might be a total sweetheart, just like you were to me when we in high school!
E: you guys went to school together?
L: yup and your dad over here was the most sweetest and romantic kid I met!
E: and you guys still aren't together?
Rat: that's what I've been wondering too!
E: smh! Uhg.. Dad what's going on right now..
R: hey don't yell at me!
E: we are gonna have a serious talk about this!
R: great!
When we got home I was pounded with questions about school! I answered of course, but I was pretty exhausted! Went upstairs did my homework and was out like a light when I hit my bed.
2 hours later
Delly woke me up tell me it was 4 and I should wake up or I won't be able to sleep tonight! I looked over to see my phone buzzing. I had about 50 new messages! Only did I realize it was from the group chat and the other two were from Sera and T.c. They both were concerned if I was okay. I texted back and told them I was doing hw and took a nap. The group chat was talking about plans for hanging out during Spring Break that's coming up in 3 weeks! I guess everyone was planing on going to Siesta. I was invited of course but I don't think dad was ever gonna let me go! I decided to go down in the living room to see what's everyone up to. Man did I walk in at the wrong time..
L: hey liz, did we wake you from your nap?
E: nah, Delly woke me up. So does this always happen?
Delly: yup..
E: well....
Ri: hey cupcake, how was your nap?
E: pretty good.
Ro: so I see someone's popular? Your phones blowing up like crazy!
E: no, it's just the group chat im in. We're talking about Spring Break plans.
V: what's the plan?
E: oh um they wanted me to go to Siesta with them.
S: Siesta? Doesn't R5 have a little concert there during that time?
Ry: yeah we do!
L: then why don't you guys let her go with them, and meet her there when you guys perform and relax there?
Dad: NO, NO WAY! I heard things that happen there! No way am I letting you go there!
E: Dad relax, never did I ask, I was just telling you.
M: what's wrong with letting her go? She's trustworthy!
Dad: I know I can trust her. It's that she's leaving me for a whole week!
L: rossy, you'll see her when you guys perform. Plus she has great friends to be there!
Dad: I've never met them before!
Delly: then pumpkin can invite them over and we can all meet them!
Dad: fine.
E: well I guess that was decided?! When do you want to meet them?
S: how about over dinner Thursday?
E: sure I'll tell them!

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