Dinner and Drama

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Ross POV
It was the day of the dinner. Some of Elizabeth's friends came early to hang out. I like her friend Sera and her boyfriend Jack. They are nice and good for Elizabeth. Nathan and Grace seem friendly. I have a bad vibe with Marisa, she seems two faced but Rory is great. We were waiting on Amadi and Hannah and T.c and Anna. I really hope nothing goes wrong. Dinner was gonna be served at 8 and its 6:30 now. Everyone was in the living room watching a movie.
S: so Mr. Lynch, how is having a kid?
R: call me Ross, and it's amazing.
J: but you haven't experienced her hormonal side yet..
R: I have Rydel for that. So yea I do know!
Del: HEY!!
E: guys that's soo not necessary!
The doorbell rang.
E: I'll get it!
Delly POV
It's soo cool meeting Liz's friends. She gave all of us a lecture before they showed up about not calling her our nicknames we gave her in front of them! Ross already let a couple slip. We're just to used to it. Pumpkin came back in with four more people. Two I happen to recognize!
E: all my friends are here!
Del: that's great!! Well why don't we leave you guys alone?
A: no it's okay. Everyone can join! You guys are trying to get to know us better.
R: she's right Delly!
E: so what do you guys want to do?
A: let's play games!! Tag teams of course!
Ry: do I have to?
E: please RyRy!!
Ry: mmhm
Ry: fine, only for you squirt!
E: YAY!! Alright well let's play basketball!
All: same!
E: soo should we do couple teams?
A: how bout we switch it up!
E: um what do you have in mind?
A: hhmmm how about:
1) Sera and Jack
2) Nathan and Grace
3) Rydel and Ellington
4) Elizabeth and T.c
5) Ross and Laura
6) Riker and Vanessa
7) Me and Ryland
8) Marisa and Rory
9) Theresa and Rocky
10) Amadi and Hannah
E: I guess..
I have a feeling Anna wants to be set with Ryland.. She's planning something.
Del: well let's get this game going!
T: two on two!
Hour and a half later:
R: man where did you learn how to play like that princess?
E: I had too much free time!
S: you owned us
Mark: soo who was the last two teams?
Th: it was T.c and Elizabeth against Anna and Ryland!
Storm: who won?
N: Elizabeth and T.c by a three pointer!
Mark: aah that's my munchkin!
E: really gramps?
Mark: well it's true. Everyone wash up!
E: uumm you guys can use the showers we have!
All: alright sounds cool!
1 hour later
E: hey dad im gonna go get the laptop down from Ry's room..
R: okay..
E: Heeyy uncle R--y um sorry was I inturupting something?
A: oh it's not what it looks like..
Ry: yea it's not...
E: um im just here for the laptop... See you guys down for dinner...
I ran straight into Dellys room!
Del: what! Is something wrong..
E: I just walked into Ry's room and saw him making out with Anna!
Del: I knew something was going on..
E: what do we do?
Del: tell T.c
E: NOPE, nope, not gonna do it..
Del: why not?
E: 1) im not gonna hurt his feelings!
2) last time someone told him something about anna cheating he didn't talk to them for a year
3) he wouldn't believe me..
Del: if he was truly your friend you would tell him. And it couldn't been that bad... If you guys are friends he would believe you..
E: NOOO I can't do it..
Del: pumpkin.. You can't keep letting Anna do this to him..
E: I know but still..
Del: alright.. Just talk to Anna then..
Anna POV
Fuck Elizabeth saw us... I can't let her tell T.c!
Ry: when are you gonna break up with him?
A: Ry...
Ry: I've been lying to my niece! She thinks I'm a bad person after what she saw...
A: I know.. I've been lying to T.c. I don't have the heart to break up with him..
Ry: why not? Do you love him?
A: no, I love you but he is so kind hearted.
Ry: then it's best if you end it here so you don't hurt him more. Plus he has Elizabeth.
A: yea I know. She understands him more than I do. There perfect for each other..
Ry: soo...
A: okay okay.. But let me talk to Elizabeth..
Ry: alright.
I gotta fine Elizabeth. I looked in her room and saw her reading...
A: hey can I talk to you?
E: uumm sure..
A: look please don't tell T.c
E: it's not my place to tell him so why would I?
A: so you weren't gonna tell him?
E: no, I want to but that's not my job. I think it would be best if he heard it from you..
A: thanks. I get why T.c admires you so much..
E: what?
A: nothing.
E: so you and Ry? How long?
A: we've been dating for a year now.
E: what about T.c?
A: same. I meant T.c first and yea I liked him but soon I didn't feel the same way and I meant your uncle. He still gives me butterflies..
E: and you've never considered just breaking up with T.c?
A: I didn't want to break his heart.. He is so kind hearted and sweet. It kills me inside doing this to him.
E: he's gonna be hurt no matter what. But I'd break it off before it gets out of hands.
A: thanks Elizabeth. Please don't be mad at Ry. It pained him not telling you or the family.
E: it's fine.. Let's go down to eat dinner!
My heart ached knowing what's going on. Especially for T.c! But I hope Anna does the right thing! Everyone sat around the dinner and had a nice conversation. I couldn't keep my mind straight cause I was worried about T.c and when she is gonna do it. I felt a tap on my shoulder.
Ri: cupcake you okay?
E: huh? Oh um im fine.
Ri: you sure? You seem out of it..
E: I'm fine.
Dinner was finished. Grandma Storms said that everyone could stay the night if they pleased. Everyone agreed. So we decided to watch a movie for the rest of the night! The adults didn't want to intrude so they went upstairs. Of course Raura were together. They haven't been apart from each other! I guess my plan for them is working.. Anna decided to head to bed first.. But I knew where she was going. Rylands room! The rest of us were on the couch. Everyone sat next to their boyfriend or girlfriend. There was a seat next to T.c so I took it. Next thing you know I was out like a light. It was a stressful day.. I have no idea what's gonna come in store for me next!
Next day:
I woke up with arms wrapped around me. I look up to see its T.c. Everywhere around me I see sleeping teens. I guess I was the first one up! I took a pic of me and T.c cause I found it extremely cute when he sleeps. There wasn't school today because of superintendents day. So I fell back to sleep!
Dinner was pretty cool. Something was wrong with Liz tho. I'll find it out. We're like best friends now. I didn't really care that Anna went to bed first. She looked pretty tired. Liz kept me company all night which was cool. We talked through the movie and laughed. She fell asleep on me first. (Flashback):
N: hey T.
T: what's up?
N: look she fell asleep..
T: yea I guess she did.
G: what's up with you and her?
T: nothin why?
A: you guys act like yall together..
T: 😑 we're not. She's my best friend!
Th: I'm not gonna lie, you guys would be cute.
S: retweet!
T: we do?
J: yea, you guys have more fun and connection than you and Anna..
H: yea she was being really close to Ryland today.
M: we all know how she is..
T: Marisa!!
R: chill dude..
Th: your gonna wake her up!
S: yea she already has trouble sleeping at night...
T: what??
S: Oopps did I say that out loud..
T: yea..
S: haha well anyways... I'll tell you guys later.. I want to finish this movie!
T: better!
I couldn't concentrate on the movie. Sera words stuck to me. We happen to be the only one up.. Nows my chance.
T: sera, what did you mean?
S: she hasn't told you yet has she. 😕
T: told me what?
S: how she came to be here..
T: well no. She hasn't told anyone here.. I didn't want to push her..
S: that's good.
T: she told you didn't she?
S: yea..
T: what's she been through hasn't been able to let her sleep hasn't it..
S: your right on point! Well I don't think I should be the one to tell you.. Let her do it. It's easier that way.. Well im pretty tired night!
T: night
We got back and sera crashed. I was still up of course.. Liz started fidgeting around, so I took her into my arms. She calmed down. Looked like she had a nightmare.. I fell asleep (Back to present): Everyone was still asleep but I heard talking in the kitchen. I decided to slowly remove my self from Liz so she was still sleeping. The kitchen was filled with the Lynches.
T: morning, thanks for everything last night.
Del: no problem. How'd pumpkin sleep?
T: Liz?
Del: oh um yea.. Sorry used to the nickname.
T: it's fine and she was fine, why?
Ri: usually she wakes up in the middle of the night from the same nightmare she has.
Ry: we usually switch on and off on who goes and checks on her.
T: how long has this been happening? And it's happens at the same time?
L: UMM it's been happening ever since she came to Cali and yea.
Ro: yea usually around like 3 in the morning.
V: yea it was my turn to check and it seemed that it didn't occur..
R: it hasn't for the past three days now.. Wonder why?
T: wow.. She's been through that much?
St: she hasn't told you yet?
T: no. Only person who knows is sera I guess. I didn't want her to tell me until she was ready.. But I just want to let her know that I'm gonna always be here for her.
M: that's nice, she knows that. Don't worry she'll tell you.
T: thanks. Do you guys need help? I was gonna wake up the rest of them and maybe head out for breakfast..
R: no, but thanks..
T: oh have you seen Anna? She didn't sleep with us on the couch so she has to be here somewhere?
Ry: oh I know where she is. I'll wake her up for you..
T: um thanks.. I'll go wake up the rest of them..
That was weird that he knew where Anna was. Oh well I'll ask her later. I was gonna wake up Liz first but she wasn't there. I heard some shuffling in the bathroom.. She walked out looking horrible. Pale and sweat running down her face.
T: hey Liz you okay?
E: yea I'm fine. Just a little tired.
T: you sure?
E: yup.
T: okay well I'm gonna go wake up the others and we're gonna go out for breakfast..
E: sounds great.
We woke up the other and got dressed. We were waiting for the girls. Man they take forever.. They all came down in sync till Elizabeth fainted and fell!

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