Siesta (Raura)

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OMG DAD IS COMING! EEPPP, and that means Raura is gonna be put into action. So while I was in Siesta dad told me that he took Laura on mini dates but she had no clue that they were. 😂 typical Laura! Rydel texted me saying that they all took the luggage I packed for them but Rocky was being stubborn and removed some of the stuff to place Mac and Cheese! 😑 but Delly handled it! I'm so excited!! Me and my friends are having a blast here but I kinda miss the fam! The past couple days have been repeats really. Eat, tan, swim, beach, party, drink, sleep. Me and T have been sight seeing too. Henry hasn't been bothering us so I'm pretty glad about that! Anyways me and T are waiting for dad and the gang at the airport! I couldn't wait to see them! Dads security guard came with us, Brian's a pretty cool dude. There is a line of fan girls waiting for my family at the airport, and some inside too. It's scary how they know the schedule, but it's cute at the same time. Me and T were waiting at the gate when a lady on the speaker com said "Flight 182 from Cali has arrived" that's dads flight! Brian got serious all of a sudden! He's a nice and caring guy, you should see him talk about his kids! Anyways here comes dad walking out with Laura! I ran straight towards them and gave them a hug!
L: I missed you too my princess dork!
R: hey princess, how is here?
E: it is great!! But I missed you!
Ro: hey are you forgetting about us?
E: no of course not!! I missed you guys too!
Ri: then come give us a hug cupcake!
It was a big old family reunion! We walked out the airport and was greeted by reporters and fans. Everyone stopped and took pictures other and than me and T. Reporters stopped me and T
??: hi, aren't you Elizabeth? Daughter of Ross Lynch?
E: um yea?
??: I'm Josh, from channel 2
E: hello.
J: what is the update on Raura?
E: well come to dads performance and you'll find out!
J: is that a tip?
E: well everyone who lives here should go see the performance and everyone around the world should watch the live performance. It's going to rock!
J: I have some more questions
R: Elizabeth, let's go!!
E: well that's dad calling me, sorry I got to go! Everyone should just watch R5s performance! Bye!
We went back to the hotel, and the family got settled in. Mostly everyone unpacked and fell asleep cause of jet lag but Laura was still awake.
E: Hey Laura, want to join me?
L: for what?
E: I was gonna go sit on the beach and watch the sun set.
L: sure, is T coming?
E: no he's knocked out with dad.
L: aahhh I see, well let's go then.
E: okie dokie! I'll just leave them a note so they don't flip!
Me and Laur sat on the beach and watch the sun. It was peaceful. But I wanted to get out some info!
E: hey Laur?
L: what's up?
E: what did you and dad do while I was gone?
L: well we filming, Ross took me out to eat, the movies, the mall.
E: so practically little dates?
L: yea I guess so, well that's what he called them.
E: well how about you?
L: I classified them as dates too.
E: that's good. I like to see dad happy. And he smiles and does his best with you.
L: awe thanks Liz!
E: well let's get back, I've gotten about 30 text from T.
L: Same, Ross about 50.
E: what would they do without us?
L: I don't even know!
Me and Laur walked back to the hotel. I was thinking I wanted to help dad set up a really really nice date with Laur so that the day after he can finally ask Laura to be his girlfriend. I already know what it's gonna be! I just need Dellys help and to let dad know! As we walked through the door me and Laur were bombarded with questions.
E: guys calm down, me and Laur were at the beach, didn't you get my note?
R: what note?
E: the one I left on the table for you guys?
Ro: you mean this note?
E: yes that one.
Ro: sorry I used it to wipe off the gum that was on my shoe.
R: really Rocky!!
E: it's okay dad. Calm down!
R: Well I'm just glad you guys are okay!
L: what could've happen?
T: um you guys getting kidnapped!
L: I'm going to bed, I'm tired!
E: night Laur!
L: night everybody!
E: dad and Delly we need to talk!
Delly: but I was beating Ratliffs butt!
E: you could do it later, it's about the thing and the thing!
Delly: the what?
E: OH COME ON! Let's just go!
We were at the loby talking about Raura.
E: dad I was thinking you should ask Laura on a really big date to lead up to the fact that you are gonna ask her out live at your performance!
R: are you sure?
E: yes if you followed my planes that I've been texting you with the dates while I was here it should be fine!
R: I have but I don't think they were enough!
E: that's why this one is gonna be over the top!
Delly: I like it!
R: what's the plan?
E: I'm gonna need everyone's help!
R: alright!
E: I'll call everyone down cause this will be put into action tomorrow!
R: you cant get everything done by then!
E: you don't know me to well yet dad! I got this! Trust me!
R: alright!
EEPP let's get Raura into action!

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