Teasing Raura!

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Rydel POV
I was the first one to wake up. I decided to go into pumpkins room.
E: I'm up Delly, I was just reading on my phone! Shheess no need to yell!
Delly: OO sorry, what ya reading?!
E: RAURA fanfactions!
Delly: wooww when is it not about RAURA with you?!
E: HEEYYY. I read rydellington too 😏😏 and plus these stories are super cute! And I know it's gonna happen soon. After what happen last night I definitely know dad is making a plan to get Laura!
Delly: you read stories about me and Ratliff? And I know did you see him kiss Laura 😱 it was super fantastic!
E: yes I read stories about you and and uncle Rat! You guys would be tots cute. And plus it's totally obvi you like him. You should ask me to help you guys you know HAPPEN! And yes. I took a picture! Eeepp
Delly: wwhhaaatt I-i don't like Ratliff. Ppppssshhh.. Your crazy!
E: really... Come on aunt Dels you totally have the hots for him. Just admit it!
Delly: okay okay fine. I do! Please help!
E: yes I knew it!! And of course anything for my favorite aunt!
Delly: can't believe I'm asking a 15 year old for help!
E: hey not just any 15 year old! The 15 year old that is a master of getting people together!! Hehe
Delly: alright!
E: well I'm going to make breakfast for everyone. Want to join me?
Delly: sounds fun!
Me and pumpkin walked down to the kitchen. I watched as Elizabeth was making pancakes and scrambled eggs for everyone. She is an amazing cook! Wondered where she learned?! But I don't want to go on such a touchy subject. I know that she will tell us her feelings when she's ready! She told me to call everyone down for breakfast! I did as I was told! Liz told me that she wanted to wake up RAURA! And that I should stand aside and take a picture of them embarrassed!
It's time to wake up RAURA!! OO I'm super stoked!!
E: DAD, Laurie, wake up! Breakfast is ready!!
RAURA: five more minuets!
E: but I made dads favorite!
Ross POV
When I heard my princess said she made my favorite I knew it had to be PANCAKES!! I started to open my eyes and felt a weight on me! It was Laura! She was still sleeping. I was embarrassed because she was on my chest and I had my arm around her waist. My face was red, then Laura started to shift and her eyes fluttered open. She was looking at me.
Laura POV
I fluttered my eyes open and they met Ross beautiful hazel eyes!
L: good morning Ross.
R: morning Laur!
I started to realize that I was still on his chest and that my arms were wrapped around him! I got up off him and started to blush like crazy! Then I hear is clicks! Mine and Ross's face were bright red!
L: sorry Ross. You should've told me I was still on you!
R: it's fine Laur. You were still sleeping I didn't want to ruin it. And plus I didn't mind!
L: alright if you say so!
R: let's go eat breakfast! Princess made us breakfast!
Ross grabbed my hand and lead me into the dinning room where our plates of food was waiting on the table for us. It felt soo good sleeping with Ross. It was so comfortable and cozy! How my body fits with his still amazes me! He slid out the chair for me like the gentlemen he is. We sat down and ate!
Ross POV
R: wow princess these are amazing!!
E: thanks dad
Rik: yea cupcake, where did you learn?
E: uumm, you know I had to learn how to cook for myself when my parents wouldn't...
Rik: awe sorry cupcake!
E: it's fine, it's nice not cooking for myself for once!
Delly: well it's totally delicious! I think they are 2nd best after moms pancakes!
E: I'm not gonna lie. Grandma storms pancakes are killer! So how'd you to love birds sleep last night?!
My face lit up, I was blushing!
Raura: good.
E: Mmmhhmm you guys looked offaly cozy and close on that couch!
L: we weren't that close!
Delly: eehh don't thinks so Laur. You guys had arms around each other and your frets were tangled with each other!
R: wwhhaaatt pppfffttt no..
E: I have pictures for proof!
Raura: what let me see!
E: well you guys can check your Instagram! Hehe
She didn't do what I think she did? Yup she did! It's a pick of me and Laura! Both of us sleeping! We both have a different pic and caption. She is soo evil! It's cute how she tagged herself for photo creds! Well it's a good think the press and paparazzi already know about Elizabeth. The R5 family excepted her and I'm happy! Ever since then, she's gain millions of fans and followers on Twitter and Instagram!
She is fitting in just well around here. Delly's first pic of us together was when we shared our first father and daughter moment! Her name was already @elizabethlynch already so it wasn't hard to find her! Anyways, me and Laura were being teased the whole day about us sleeping on the couch together! Payback is gonna come to them. Don't they worry!

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