Starting Notes

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Hello! Welcome to my fic.

Before you continue, mind reading a few things?

1.- If George, or anyone else mentioned in this book, is uncomfortable with it I will take it down/remove them immediately.

2.- Be nice. I'm not a professional author, I make mistakes, please be nice. Be nice to me, be nice to others.

3.- This is not an xreader. This is an xoc.

4.- Constructive criticism is welcome! Hate is not. Some people don't know the difference, so here's some examples.

Constructive Criticism-

"Hey! Your writing is really great, but I think you should try _. I think your writing will really improve."


"Your writing sucks. Get a new hobby."

"I just want to punch _"

"This is so cringeeeeee get a lifeeeeee"

See the difference? :)

5.- There might be some triggering subjects in this story. Homophobia, 'sewer slide', and alcohol are some examples. Please be aware of this before you continue. (Side Note: 'Sewer slide' is mentioned very early on. Please listen to this warning.)

6.- This book contains swearing. If you don't like that, go find another book.

7.- Everyone else has their own opinion. Do not fight with others over something stupid just because you have a different opinion. You look like an idiot.

8.- COVID-19 is not a thing in this book. Don't bring it up.

9.- If you don't like the book, just move on silently. Don't comment something like, "Dang. Thought this book would be good. Cya!" Just leave without saying anything. You don't like it, you don't like it. I don't want to hear it, I did not ask.

10.- If you continue reading despite a topic being in here that triggers you, don't whine about it in a comment. You're responsible for reading this, don't complain to me when I did not force you to read this. You had the option to leave.

Thanks for reading!

You may move on now, sorry if this was long or anything. Enjoy!

Strawberry Cow [GeorgeNotFound x OC]Where stories live. Discover now