Chapter 13 • 4AM

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October 23rd

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I sighed, staring intensely at the clock to my left, dreading the second the digits changed.




4:00 AM

I sat up, turning on my phone and going on Instagram.

The app opened on my recent messages.

"Why the hell is George active?" I mumbled, tapping on his name and beginning to type something out.

Are you awake?

I got an immediate response.

Yeah lol

Why lmao

Just can't sleep. What about you? Why are you awake?

I can't sleep either

Wanna call?

Suree XD

I flinched at the sudden ringing, despite being mentally prepared for it.

I tapped the blue check mark, immediately being welcomed with George's profile picture.


"Greetings." I said in a weird voice, getting uncomfortably close to my phone's mic.

He laughed, "Don't do that it's weird."

"Do what?" I asked, doing exactly what I did before even though he told me not to.

"Stop it! I don't like that."

"Okay, okay."

The call went silence, I just simply stared at the screen. I was tired, per say, but now I had George to keep me company so now I was going to stay awake.

My vision blurred as I began to zone out, an accidental yawn escaping my mouth.

"If you're tired, why are you awake?" He suddenly spoke, scaring me.

"Jesus— because." I shook my head, moving my gaze to the ceiling instead.

"Is there something keeping you awake?"

I thought for a moment, digging into the deepest corners of my mind.

"I want to visit my mom." I blurted, upon finding the first reason.

The thought hadn't circled me in awhile, in years actually. It just sat in a dusty box in the corner of my headspace, waiting to be opened and found again.

"Hm? Is there something between you and your mom that's stopping you from visiting? If you don't mind me asking."

"She's in prison. In America." I spat out again, tears suddenly blurring my vision.

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize. You didn't mean to.. bring it up. It was my fault." I huffed and flopped onto my stomach, causing the mattress beneath me to creak loudly.

I winced at the sound, letting out a whine and digging my face into my pillow.

"Maybe you should visit her. You said you moved to England when you were seventeen.. so if you haven't visited her since then.." His voice got progressively quieter and quieter, trailing off a bit. "I don't know how you guys ended off so.."

"Maybe I will. Thanks George."

"You're welcome Vivienne."

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430 Words

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Strawberry Cow [GeorgeNotFound x OC]Where stories live. Discover now