Chapter 18 • In My Dreams

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November 2nd

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She was all he could think about.

Even as he goofed off with his friends
last night, all he could think about is
messaging her.

He wanted to tell her about how it was his birthday and how good the cake his mom made him was. But at the same time, he didn't want to tell her.

He remembered the stress in her voice that morning, imagine how she'd feel if he told her she missed his birthday and that he had fun without her.

He stared at his phone screen, curtains
closed. The only illuminating his room was his phone screen, which was way too bright for the dark lighting.

He flinched when he read Sylvonne<3
is typing...

He blinked.



Sylvonne<3 is typing...

"Wanna get white girl wasted with me?"

He typed out a response.

"What does that mean?"

"You'll see. :)"

"What does that even mean?" He muttered to himself, opening up safari to look it up.

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White girl wasted

The phenomenon which occurs when a
person consumes too much alcohol and proceeds to embarrass themselves and their friends for however long they remain conscious. It is usually characterized by off-beat dancing, the stripping of clothes, groping strangers, the overwhelming smell of fruity alcohol, and a general sloppiness that can only be associated with drinking.


"So you in or out?"

"Sure, when?"

"Tonight ofc"

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233 Words

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(filler, :)
happy gay month!)

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