Chapter 11 • Among Us

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October 19th

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I took in a deep breath before joining the call.

I've played among us before, but not with these people.

I stayed silent, looking at the people in the lobby to make a mental note of them.




Ooh Poki's here!

Spedic- Jack's here too.

Pewds is here.





I'm not entirely alone!

Dream's little green bean approached mine and we began to circle around each other.

"Wait- Sylvonne aren't you and George like married?" A deep voice interrupted the previous chaos.

"Holy shit-" I flinched, having to take a second.

"I- I- uhm- well not anymore- I mean- you single?" I did a 'fuckboy' chin rub.

The call burst out into laughter.

"Mom! How could you?" Dream pretended to be offended, stopping his circle.

"Don't call me mom, you're my husband's boyfriend. That's weird."

"What IS your family dynamic?" The deep voice spoke again.

"George and I are married and have Sapnap, Tommy, and Tubbo as our children. And Dream is just George's boyfriend."

"JUST George's boyfriend?" Dream put up the offended tone again. "Sylvonne I thought we had something special."

"Special?" I cackled. "All you did was take your pants off and twerk in front of me."

"That's special! I don't do that for everyone, y'know." He huffed.

"Well I'd hope so—"

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220 Words

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Strawberry Cow [GeorgeNotFound x OC]Where stories live. Discover now