Chapter 16 • Halloween

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October 31st

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Sylvy <3 @SylvonneMIofficial

  Happy Halloween!

5:48 PM - 10/31/20 - Twitter for iPhone

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5:48 PM - 10/31/20 - Twitter for iPhone


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"Okay, okay, we're live." Styro said as she clicked off the starting soon screen.

Sylvonne awkwardly waved at the camera. She could handle being in live voice chats, but now she was on camera. What if her fly was down?

"Hi everyone! I'm currently not using my own set up so forgive me if something's off." Styro addressed and greeted her chat.

The two girls were in Vivienne's room, all dressed up in cute halloween outfits. It was mainly the makeup that made it a costume, the outfits were straight out of Viv's closet.

Halloween was the one time of the year Vivienne didn't regret being a cosplayer.

"Yes! Happy halloween everyone!" Sylvonne was broken out of her trance. "I should have started with that but whatever." Styro muttered.

"Today we're just going to do a short question and answer stream. So donate your questions and we'll answer them!" Styro explained the point of the stream, turning to Sylvonne to display the catch.

Sylvonne put a smug look on her face, she
leaned down and pulled a big bottle of tequila
out of the void.

"If we don't answer a question, we have to take
a drink of this." She flashed a bright cheshire grin at the camera as she pressed the cold liquor to her cheek.

"Alright. Shall we begin?" Styro looked towards
her friend expectantly. Sylvonne began to poor some of the alcohol into their shot glasses, Styro angled the camera down slightly so that the viewers could see the glasses.

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Styro and Sylvonne getting drunk
on stream


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"When was your first kiss?"

"I had my first kiss when I was seven years old. It was with some creepy guy in an upper grade." Styro answered the question first.

"My first kiss was with a mechanic when I was fifteen. He also took my v-card." Sylvonne slipped in an extra detail. She had already had a few shots and her tolerance was low, so now she was getting mouthy and blabby.

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"Describe your first relationship"

"My first real relationship was with this badass punk rock bitch in junior year. She used to take me on long motorcycle rides and would often steal stuff from gas stations for me." Sylvonne then blew a kiss towards the camera. "Miss you Veronica."

"Oh. Lovely. My first relationship was with this guy named Jonathan when I was like twelve. He was the straightest, whitest boy you have ever seen." Styro had to hold in her laugh at the memory of him.

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"Sylvonne, smash or pass gnf"


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"How many kids do you want"

Sylvonne threw her head back and winced at the liquor slipping down her throat.

"I want one. Just one little mini me." Styro answered with a sweet smile, her cheeks flushed.

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"Smash or pass the dream team"

"I already said I'd smash George." Sylvonne shrugged, looking over at Styro.

"I'd pass on George. I'm not a fan of british boys." Styro looked back at her. "I'd pass Dream too. He's too... American."

"What about Sapnap?"

"Oh smash one hundred percent."

"He's from Texas! He's as American as you can get!" Sylvonne sputtered.

"Okay and?! Who wouldn't smash Sapnap?!"

"Me?! He's my kid!"

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"What's your favorite song to get railed to"

"Why are these so sexual?" Styro's eye twitched.

"I haven't gotten railed since I was in a loving relationship with Veronica," Sylvonne blew a kiss at the camera and mouthed I love you, "but probably custer by slipknot just for the beat."

Styro took another shot.

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"Sylvonne, are you and George actually dating?"

"Yes and very happily."

"Wait what-"

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620 Words

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