Chapter 19 • Drinks and Confessions

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November 2nd

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The uber pulled up against the curb. George gave the driver a tip as he exited the car and politely waved as it drove off.

He was about to pull out his phone to text Vivienne, but then arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him back, he nearly fell.


George's heart nearly stopped.

Vivienne basically choked him, keeping his head pressed against her sternum.

She looked down at him with a warm smile, contrasting her rather violent embrace.

"Hi." He managed to force out, beginning to lose air. She let go, looking at him up&down.

"Are you wearing a batman shirt?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, do you have a problem?" George crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow back at her.

"No.. it's just silly." Vivienne shrugged. "Come on, let's go inside. I have an assortment of alcohol to choose from!"


Vivienne opened up the fridge in the garage, George by her side, and started skimming through all of the alcohol in it.

"What do we feel like drinking?" Vivienne asked, looking over at him before turning back to the many bottles and cans in front of her. "We also have all of those too, as well." She gestured to a shelf besides the fridge with more bottles.

"we have Tito's, Jack Daniel's, we have a shit ton of malibu, we have multiple kinds of whiskey and tequila. I think we have cheap wine inside somewhere as well."

She looked over at him again, all he did was shrug. George wasn't the best at making decisions.

"You take Tito's, I take the gold tequila?"

He nodded.


Back in Vivienne's room, they started the stream.

"Hey guys! Welcome to another stream, today I have a very special guest here today. Can you guess who?" She welcomed her viewers.

She moved over, giving George room to move into frame. They both made faux shocked faces, smiling as that chat started to race.

"Today we're gonna drink, and just chill." Vivienne held up two shot glasses, her two favorites. The one assigned to her was her special 'boobies' shot glass, it's a shot glass shaped like breasts. The one she gave George is a regular glass with the words, 'I take it in the ass' on it. He didn't approve.

The first shots were poured and downed.

This is where it gets interesting.


George was rambling about something stupid Dream said a year ago, Vivienne was listening intently.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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