Intro • Tragedy

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(Age Seven)

I blinked my tears away, shoveling more rice in my mouth.

"I told you this already! Matt is just a co-worker!"

"Then why am I not allowed to meet him?!"

"I- just because! Dude, fuck off! You don't control me!"

"I never said I did! You are your own person! Your body, your choice! I'm just wondering why I can't meet this one person!"

"You're just as bad as your father!"

I flinched.

Grandpa is a very touchy topic with dad..

I looked between the two, the silence getting thicker and thicker by the second.

"I'm- I'm sorry. I didn't mean-"

"Shut up. You've done enough."

He stood up and left the room, going into the garage and slamming the door.

"I'm sorry, Viv. Your father's just.."

"He's just what?" I glared at her, stuffing more of my food into my mouth. "You need to stop lying to him and tell him the truth. I'm not going to keep covering for you."

"Viv, I can't-"

"You can't what?" I put my fork down and crossed my arms. "You know grandpa is a horrible person. Dad is nothing like him."

"Hunny, it was-"

"Stop making excuses." I stood up. "Just tell him the truth. I'm tired of watching you hurt him even more."

I walked out of the dining room, "I'm not hungry anymore!"


Two Years Later


(Age Nine)

"Mom, dad! I'm home!"

I took off my shoes and walked around the house, looking for either one of the adults.

Mom must be as work. Her office is locked.


I peeked inside their shared room, seeing the bathroom light on.

Oh. Okay then.

I left the room and walked down the hall to my own room.

I closed the door behind me and set my backpack down in it's usually spot.

I sat at my desk and began my homework early, deciding I'd rather get it done now than later.

I turned on my TV for some background noise and started with my math.

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