Chapter 07 • Nothing Special

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October 1st

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I played back the edited recording, rewatching it before deciding it was okay to upload.

I was behind on my usual uploading schedule, so I wanted to get it done and up quickly.

"And's that's it for it today, folks! If you enjoyed, please leave a like. It is very appreciated! And I'll see you, hopefully, in the next video! Bye!"

The recording ended and I exported it.

I uploaded it then shut off my PC.

I stood up and yawned, stretching.

I had been sitting there all night, and all morning, editing and/or watching random videos in my youtube recommended.

I was tired, to say the least.

But I could not sleep because Sophia and I had arranged a meeting.

She usually has a really busy schedule, so when we found out we could meet today we took the chance immediately.

Sophia had just graduated college and is now taking a six week course to become a CNA.

Plus her YouTube and streaming job on the side, she usually doesn't have much free time.

I can't really say I have a busy schedule.

My only job is YouTube, and with my channel views dropping because of how old it is, I really need to find myself a job.

Despite having ten million subscribers, most are inactive because a lot of them are from when my channel was in its prime. Which means less money.

Sophia tried to convince me to become a CNA with her, but I'd rather die than clean an old man's dick.

I walked towards my closet, grabbing something simple, and then walking out to the bathroom for a shower.

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If you were to ask George how he felt about Vivienne, he would say that they're just friends.

But honestly, he doesn't really know how he feels about her.

He likes to think he and Vivienne are friends.

But for some reason he can't get her out of his head.

It's like every single thing she's ever said to him just loops in his head like a playlist. It's usually the flirting jokes that stick around for some odd reason.

He wouldn't go as far as to say he had a crush on her.

He met her like a few weeks ago for christ's sake.

Yeah she's pretty, caring, funny.

But he does not have a crush on her. No, no.

Like previously mentioned, he just met her a few weeks ago.

But then again, he has developed crushes on a couple of girls in less time than that when he was in high school.

That was high school though.

He's an adult now, he's different now.

It's just his head messing with him. It's nothing. Nothing special at all.

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I walked around the park, searching for the tall girl.

It's not like she'd be hard to find.

She's a black girl in a park full of white kids.

Wait that doesn't sound right-




I snapped my head around, "Sophia!"

We ran to each other in slow motion, probably looking like a couple of idiots.

I let her lift me off the ground, screeching a bit but not flailing like I did last time.

"Viv! Oh it's been so long!"

"I know right!"

We started to ramble on about random shit, sitting in her car.

That was another difference between us.

She has a license, I don't.

"McDonald's?" She interrupted herself.


"Mkay." She started her car, then continuing where she left off.

- "And that's why I think America should just get nuked and forgotten about."

"I agree." I shoved a fry in my mouth, "A hundred percent."

"Oh yeah, you remember Wilbur right? That one guy I showed you who plays that one song you liked."


"I was talking to him the other day, and I feel the need to thank you for the clout you have brought me."

"I brought you clout?" I raised an eyebrow. "How the fuck did I bring you clout?"

"People flocked to your channel, and then to mine. I gained an entire ten thousand more subscribers thanks to your.. hot face."

"I- thanks?"

She hummed, stuffing her face more.

"Speaking of clout, I want to be introduced to more of your husband's friends. I want more subscribers."

"Clout chaser."

"And proud!"

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735 Words

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