Chapter 17 • Stress

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November 1st

— • _ - • - _ • —

Vivienne woke up to the lovely sound of her phone going off. She was getting a call.

She grumbled as she pressed the checkmark.

"Hello?" She said groggily.

"Oh sorry, did I wake you?" George spoke back to her, a bit of worry and panic in his voice.

She smiled at his voice, humming for a second.

"It's alright. I need to wake up right now anyway." She sat up and stretched. "Why'd you call? You never call first, well at least without asking first."

"Why did you say we're dating?"

"Huh?" She immediately perked up.

"Last night, on your stream with Sophia. You said we're dating. It's all over twitter."

"Wait did I?" She put him on speaker and immediately opened twitter.

Surely enough, there it was. Clips and
clips of Vivienne saying her and George were
happily dating.

As if on cue, Sophia burst open her bedroom door cackling. "You're screwed!"

"Shut the fuck up!"

"It's too early for this!" One of the older men in the house yelled from downstairs. Vivienne was too hung over to tell which one it was.

Sophia kept cackling and shut the door. She face planted next to Vivienne.

"George I am so sorry. Hold on I'll address it real fast." She opened up a new tweet, muttering more apologies under her breath.

"Don't worry about it, I already said something. You don't have to apologize." George said calmly.

Sophia started to make kissing noises and rubbing against Vivienne's side.

"Are you sure? I can- hey knock it off!" Vivienne tried to push her away.

"It's alright, really. Don't stress about it."


— • - • - • —

She was stressing about it.

She laid on her back, goosebumps littering her arms. She stared up at the ceiling, wide awake.

Sophia laid next to her on her stomach, an arm across Vivienne's abdomen. She was dead asleep, a puddle of drool forming by her lips.

Vivienne would occasionally glance over at her, admiring her features and the way they'd glow under the moonlight streaming in through Viv's blinds. She was still somehow so beautiful despite the drool falling from the corner of her mouth.

Her long eyelashes and the way they'd curl towards the ends. The natural highlight of her cheekbones. Her left canine was a bit crooked.

"God I'm such an idiot."

Vivienne muttered under her breath.

Strawberry Cow [GeorgeNotFound x OC]Where stories live. Discover now