Chapter 15 • ASMR

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(Hi. I'm changing the pov of this story. Get wrecked. Lol. L. Ratio. Bozo.)

October 30th

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"Vivienne Rose Maddox." Sophia said sternly. She sat slumped in her gaming chair with her arms crossed. Her pink headset was neatly placed over her ears. She even pulled out the two front braids to look nice and pretty.

Vivienne on the other hand, looked like a crusty rat. She hadn't showered in about a few days so her hair was visibly oily. Her headset pushed back her hair and exposed her forehead. She was breaking out a little bit on her cheeks as well.

"Sophia Shaina Harris." Vivienne repeated in the same tone, mimicking Sophia's posture.

"You added George not found to our hardcore world." Sophia said, narrowing her eyes.

"Okay bye." Vivienne left the call, laughing as she heard the other's immediate protests cut off. She turned off her pc and spun in her chair.

She opened her phone, watching the recent compilation of her and George screaming on her hardcore world. She smiled.

As if on cue, the snowman texted her.

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I can't sleep

Is it the thought that I'm going to
be in a sexy demon costume
within the next 9 hours


Fuck you then


It's okay to be a simp Georgie
Nothing to be ashamed of

Everything to be ashamed of

Wanna call



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Discord: George

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"Hello?" George spoke first.

Vivienne got close to her mic, having to hold in her laughter as she began to whisper.

"Hello and welcome to my asmr channel. In today's video I will be breathing deeply into the mic to help ease my little kitten to sleep." She nearly broke at his snickering. "Shhhhh little kitten."


"Kitten I said shhhh!"

"Oh my god."

Vivienne began to breath deeply into her mic. At one point she put the mic in her mouth.

George kept complaining. She didn't stop though. She had to refrain from grabbing her water bottle every five seconds.

"Hush little kitten don't you cry, mama's gonna eat your dad's ass tonight."

"I dare you to sing that to Tommy."

"Not for free." Vivienne finally spoke normally.

"I'll do anything." George started to beg.
"Literally anything!"

"Anything?" A mischievous look made it's way onto Vivienne's face.

"Absolutely anything."

"Come to my house."


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390 Words

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(I wrote this while listening to whiny men
moan on spotify.)

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