Chapter 09 • Real

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October 10th

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George's chat was interesting, to say the least.

They tell him not to curse, yet I could find at least three messages every reload with the word 'fuck' in them.

This was my first time being live, and I wasn't even live myself.

George had invited me onto his stream, and I had agreed because how could I say no to him?

Even in my five years of being on YouTube, I have never been live.

Lucky for me, it's not as bad since it's not my stream.

I just have to be careful because whatever I say will be on the internet and unable to be deleted or cut out.

I usually don't try that hard to watch what I say when I record, usually because I can just cut out when I edit, but now I'm on a live in front of thousands of people.

I need to put in extra effort.

George deafened on discord, probably to greet his chat whilst I went to go grab some water.

I came back into the room and put my headphones back on just as George undeafened.



I had his stream open on one of my monitors, on my discreet twitch account, and watched his chat go batshit crazy.

"Pfft. My chat thinks I dumped you."

I scoffed, "you aren't allowed to leave me George. Only I can leave you."

"Noted." He laughed.

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"Why did you tag me in a tweet, by the way?"

"Because I'm your wife, you should know which sexy Halloween costume I'm going to wear." I stated as if it was obvious.

A donation came in and the annoying robot voice started to speak again.

"Wait are you guys actually dating/married or is this all a bit"

"No, no we aren't." George spoke before I could.

I let out a dramatic scoff, pretending to cry.

"George, how could you?" I 'sobbed'.

"I thought we had something real," I 'sniffled', "I thought we had a read connection."

George was covering his mouth, trying not to laugh at me as I proceeded to fake cry even more.

"And here I was," I sniffled again, "thinking our one month anniversary would be fun."

"Wait it's been a month?"

"Yes!" I cried, "A month since we put our Minecraft beds next to each other."


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"What if we kissed?" I said as I brought my Minecraft character closer to his.

"I mean," His character crouched, "I wouldn't be opposed."

I internally screeched, my stomach doing summersaults.

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"So it's uh.. about that time."

"What time?" George turned his character to look at mine.

"George, have you met Technoblade before?" I asked, leading the pig inside of our recently completed house.

He burst out into laughter.

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"He's just mad I get more bitches than him."

"Well, you aren't wrong." He chuckled.

"Wait what? You don't get bitches?" I wheezed.

"No, not really."

I cackled, having to hold my stomach.

"George, have you ever kissed a girl before?"

He nodded, humming a yes.

"Okay, okay. At least you've kissed a girl." I grinned smugly despite him not seeing it.

"Sylvonne, why are you giggling like that?"

"I've probably kissed more girls than you, though." I slammed my head on my desk.

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"George, why is Dream angrily DMing me?"

"I dunno."

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550 Words

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Strawberry Cow [GeorgeNotFound x OC]Where stories live. Discover now