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a/n: sorry it took me so long to update, i've been procrastinating a bit lol. but hope you guys are having a lovely start to your week! if not, then i only hope it gets better! xoxo hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

i present to you...

winter break: day one

narrator's pov

"do you have your bonnets?" elizabeth questioned, making sure deryah had everything she needed before leaving as she scanned through her trunk once more.

"yes mom, i have them. you also gave me another one just in case-"

"-something happens to the first one" they said in unison.

deryah rolled her eyes and chuckled at her mom's thoroughness, and continued to watch her sort through her trunk. "mom, i'm 16, i can pack my own stuff. and besides, if i do forget anything, i can always apparate or use the floo network to get back." deryah knew how precise and anxious her mother could be at times, and she had grown accustomed to it, but she did have to admit that sometimes; she did go overboard.

closing the trunk and latching it shut, elizabeth placed the trunk on the floor next to the door. just as elizabeth dropped the case, deryah heard the doorbell go off. she went to leave the room before her mom blocked her and closed the door. "mom- what are you-" she groaned as she tried to get past her mother.

"hush child, sit down on the bed." she interrupted, shooing her over to the bed as she followed behind.

confused, she followed her mom's instructions and sat on the bed. "is this going to be long? that's probably dra-"

"okay, your father might kill me for this, but it'll be worth it." furrowing her brows, deryah continued to listen to her mother's confusing words. "okay, so i'm going to give you two things." reaching into her pocket, elizabeth pulled out a small box. "these pills are birth control, i'm sure you know that." deryah nodded, listening attentively. "you already know what they're used for without me having to explain them to you. just take one everyday, and always let me know two weeks before you run out."

deryah nodded, letting her mother know that she understood what she was saying, before she tried to get up again. once again, elizabeth pulled her onto the bed. "mom-"

"i wasn't done." she pulled out her wand, telling deryah to pull out hers as well. "okay, i'm going to teach you a charm."

"mom- i really-"

"just let me finish. the more you interrupt, the longer we'll be here. and i think your father is talking to draco." deryah's eyes widen, making her basically jump back on the bed.


five minutes later, deryah had learned the contraceptive charm, and elizabeth and made sure she took her first pill. thanking her mother, deryah hugged her before they opened the door and headed down the stairs, excited to see draco.

reaching the bottom of the stairs, deryah placed her trunk down beside her and made her way over to the men in the main room; just as she thought, it was draco. he sat semi straight but relaxed on the couch, while her father sat in his armchair. noticing her presence in the room, lafayette stood, draco following his actions. "darling, we were just talking about you!" he announced, walking over to hug deryah. "draco tells me that the two of you are dating?" he said, cocking his eyebrow, asking the question without asking.

slightly shrugging, giving a not so sure answer, deryah responded to him while pulling away from the hug. "yes, we are together." she smiled softly, making eye contact with a very cheesy draco.

Love, Deryah | Blaise ZabiniWhere stories live. Discover now