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a/n: hey lovelies, thank you for being patient with me. i am suffering from some serious writer's block, plus i started school, and we all know how that balances out. but i'm still just glad i got to write this chapter and give you all an update.

i present to you...

"demise (part two)"

narrator's pov

dinner had ended almost two hours ago, and everything was lovely. it felt as though everything was going to be okay. lafayette was smiling; everyone was smiling. great waves of energy radiated and spread around the room, and there was no gloom to be seen.

even when narcissa and lucius said their final goodbyes, there was nothing sad about it. there were no 'if onlys' or 'i wish we could've had more time' it was only, see you laters.

"dinner was lovely this evening." narcissa spoke to the couple as she and her husband were being escorted to the door.

lucius only looked over to his friend for the last time and smiled. "see you in another lifetime, my friend. this one was fun while it lasted, but it got boring."

and now, deryah was cleaning up the kitchen and dining area, while everyone had gone their separate ways in the manor. she had told them that she would've liked to clean alone, seeing as it would've helped her relax. she quickly but carefully cleared the table while humming a tune or two. her feet moved swiftly and softly across the floor as she switched between the two rooms making sure that everything had been put away.

from clearing the table, she washed the dishes. she cleaned the glasses, then the utensils, and finally the plates and big pots that were used. sure, she could've used her magic, but she wanted to turn away from it for a while.

all was well, and everything was fine when she heard her mother call out for her. "deryah! can you please come here?" her voice echoed through the halls, making its way into the kitchen.

she didn't reply, but only dried her hands before jogging down the hall to her mother's library. "yes mother?"

"have a seat, would you?" nodding her head, deryah dropped down into the cushy chair, instantly relaxing. "how are you today, dear?"

"i'm good, why did you ask? how's dad? is he okay? are you okay? did something happen? what-"

"deryah!" elizabeth cut in before deryah could stress herself into a useless rambled. "everything is fine. i was just checking on you to see how you felt about tonight's dinner. seeing draco and all?"

"everything was lovely, and it was nice to see draco. even though these aren't the ideal circumstances, it was nice. we talked a lot and he got to see blaise which was cool too. i wish i could've seen the others, but another time would be okay." she smiled while talking about these things, and it made her mother smile as well.

"i'm glad you had a good time. i agree with you, it was good to see old friends and put aside the things that are troubling us right now."

"yeah, but is that all you needed? i should probably get in the shower and change before reading with dad." she smiled.

"yeah, i just wanted to check on you since we've all been pretty occupied this week. but i'll go see your father before you do"

"okay, let him know i'll be down in thirty!" getting up from the cushioned seat, deryah started on her way upstairs as elizabeth closed down her library and went into her room.

reaching the room, elizabeth opened the door softly to see her husband sitting at their bay window. he looked to be enjoying the moonlight until he turned to face his wife. "this evening was lovely, thank you for everything. how are you doing?" his tone was plain, and he seemed calm.

Love, Deryah | Blaise ZabiniWhere stories live. Discover now