Human Selves - Donatello

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You sigh as you run a hand through your hair, wincing as the fresh bruise on your arm starts to hurt again, you would think you'd be use to the pain by now, but unfortunately; you're not. You roll your eyes, looking out at the city again.

You hop down the fire escaping walking through the alleyway and into the streets, putting your hood up and walking at a face pace. You dodge past people as some people give you hollers, you hated men. 

You walk into a gas station, grabbing a drink and walking up to the cashier, listening to the door ding behind you. You gulp, handing the cashier your money and walking out. You had been jumpy around people since the whole 'robber' thing happened.

You huff, walking into the carnival that was just down the street. You pay for some food before looking out at all of the rides wishing Donnie was standing by your side. You sit down on a bench, continuing to look out at the rides, listening to the people scream and shout.

"May I sit?" A male voice asks, you raise a brow, looking over your shoulder with a slight nod, you lift up your hood a little bit to get a good look at him;

He was pretty well built, broad shoulders and big muscles, he was probably about 6 feet tall, a light purple, almost white, shirt on, followed by tight skinny jeans with sneakers, he was cute, his big brown eyes accompanied by glasses and a little bit of freckles, he even had dimples, he had longish light brown hair that was covered by a hat.

"So, did you come with someone?" He asks, his voice slightly high, but not high enough to be seen as a females voice. You shake your head, "No, my boyfriends busy today." You state, emphrasing the word 'boyfriend'.

He nods, "My girlfriends a pretty busy girl, too." He says, smiling at the thought of her, you look out at all of the lights, taking a bite of your expensive carnival food. He scoots towards you, throwing an arm around your shoulder, "Do you want to go on a ride with me, (Y/N)?"

You look at him strangely, "I never told you my name." Standing up, you look at him, crossing your arms while getting out one of your sharp self-defense tools you created, "(Y/N), it's me, Donnie? Donatello?" He says, holding his hands out.

Your gaze sharpens, "Don't lie to me. Who are you?" You question more sternly this time. He sighs, grabbing a gadget out of his pocket, "I made something, using one of your formulas, well- kind of, I fixed it a little bit to my liking and then made something that could turn all of us into humans, I promise you, it's me."

Your item slips out of your hand and onto the rock floor as you run into his arms, holding back tears. "Wow- just- wow." You state while laughing, he chuckles, running a flesh hand through your hair, you grab his wrist, looking at his fingers.

"You look like you've never seen a human before." He says, watching you adoringly as you mess around with his now human body parts. "I just don't understand. Like- yeah, sure, I've created some cool things but turning yourself into a human? What?"

Donnie smiles, taking your hand in his and dragging you off, "Where are we going now?" you ask, taking another bite of your food. "We're going to ride the ferris wheel." Donnie smiles, grabbing out a wallet of the back pocket of his jeans, handing the girl at the ticket stand enough money for the two of you.

You lean your head on his shoulder, the lady smiles, looking in between you two, "You guys are such a cute couple." she says, handing Donnie your tickets, you smile, "Thank you." You state as Donnie blushes,

It makes you wonder; how many times as he blushed as a turtle and you just didn't know it?

Donnie pulls the both of you away as you keep your hand in his, making your way towards the ferris wheel, you two walk over to the line, waiting in silence while just enjoying each others company. 

You walk in front of him, stepping on his feet and hugging his waist, putting your head on his chest. He smiles, putting his face into your hair, moving you and himself up in line until you eventually got onto the ride.

"Y'know, I've been wanting to do this with you for like- forever." You state as you strap yourself into the cart, Donnie sitting across from you. He smiles, "Me too." he states, getting comfortable in his seat.

You look out to the lights again as the ride starts moving, heading up to the top, your cart eventually stops at the top, swaying slightly in the wind. You smile, looking out at the lights of the city.

Donnie leans over in front of you, "Want to reenact a cheesy love movie?" He asks, grabbing your chin gently. You nod while smiling, the both of you leaning in for a passionate kiss, you wrap your arms around the back of his neck, deepening the kiss.

He smiles into the kiss, his lips were even softer than you could've imagined. He falls onto your lap when the ride starts moving again, basically straddling you. You continue to kiss as you stop at the next stop.

You pull away from him as you start moving again, chuckling, "Although cheesy, love movies can be helpful in different relationship scenarios." Donnie states, kissing you again, you shrug, "I like your turtle self more."


To be continued...

Word count: 955

𝐓𝐌𝐍𝐓 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬Where stories live. Discover now