Where It All Begins - Michelangelo

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You rolled back to the kitchen in the pizzeria as your shift ended, you were the last staff member here, and boy were your feet tired.

You were usually a fun person to be around but had quite a temper when someone annoys or angers you. That's why you had been seeing an anger councilor for a few weeks.

You had always been a very pretty person and a lot of people used you for your looks, mostly the boys, but there were a few girls every now and then.

As you took off your roller skates you sighed in relief as the cool restaurant air hit your sweaty feet, you quickly changed socks before putting your regular shoes back on.

Closing down all of the restaurant, washing and putting away the dishes, cleaning up the bathroom, making sure no one left anything in the booths, then tuning off all of the lights and finally making sure no one was hiding away somewhere.

You walked to the back of the pizzeria, opening the back door and checking the alleyway while also taking the trash out.

As you closed the dumpster you heard a voice from on top of the roof, "Dudes, can we please get pizza! I'm starving!" You looked up, confused as to who was on the roof at this time.

"Mikey! Be quiet there's someone down there!" You hear a deeper voice shush the other one, you immediately feel eyes on you, but you couldn't tell from where.

"Dude, she's hot-" you hear the younger voice whisper yell to someone before you head a slapping sound.

You giggle quietly to yourself, before heading back to the door, "Dudes she works there let's just ask her for pizza!" You hear the funny one says before you hear a thump behind you.

Your hand freezes on the door handle of the back door of the pizzeria as you feel someone tap on your shoulder, you slowly turn around seeing a very tall turtle, with nun-chucks and an orange mask.

You gasp, and he quickly puts his hands up in surrender, "Don't worry dudette I'm not going to hurt you I was just wondering if you could make a couple pizzas for me and my bros?"

You calmed down, and nodded getting your notepad out, "Uhm- what would you like?" He then lists off his order, which had some very weird mixes.

You shrug, "It'll be out in a few," you smile at him. He nods quickly and jumps back up to the rooftop.

The last thing you hear before closing the door was, "Wow Mikey, I'm surprised that actually worked." You giggled then got to making the pizzas, which you were surprisingly good at.

After finishing the pretty big order of pizzas, you put them in boxes and brought them out to the alleyway, "Hey, Mikey, I've got your order ready."

He was quickly right in front of you, and you handed over the pizza boxes, "Oh! How rude of me, I didn't ask your name Sweet cheeks." You lightly blushed at the nickname,

"Guess you'll have to figure it out another day," you laugh, covering your name tag. He huffed and frowned, before smiling,

"Are you saying we'll see each other again Sweet cheeks?" You shrugged, "If you ever need pizza again you know where to find me."

You walked back inside finishing up closing the pizzeria, before walking home, little did you know Mikey watched you as he peered down at your name tag,

"Till we meet again- or until I need pizza again (Y/N)."


To be continued

Word Count; 604

𝐓𝐌𝐍𝐓 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬Where stories live. Discover now