Maybe One Day (All; His POV)

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(His POV)


Me and (Y/N) had been hanging out for a couple weeks now, and I really liked having another human friend that I could relate too.


That word disappointed me, because that's all that me and (Y/N) would ever be, she could never like me the way I liked her.

The way I loved her.

I loved a human, and I couldn't be any happier about it, but I knew that I could never have her. I can't help but love her, there's nothing not to love about her.

She's perfect.

Her beautiful (e/c) eyes, and her (h/l) (h/c) hair, and her personality, what's there not to like? She's beautiful.

And I'm... Me.

Maybe one day I'll try to ask her out,

Maybe one day...


Me and (Y/N) had gotten to know each other very well, and this (h/c) shorty might've just stolen my heart, and I couldn't stop it.

I threw playful insults at her all day, as a way to hide my feelings, and she threw them right back. She couldn't know I liked her.... why?

Because I'm scared of rejection.

She would never like a freak like me, let alone love one. So, I hid my feelings, and she'd probably never know, she couldn't know.

She's the only friend I have that actually means anything to me. I can't lose her, and if it means hiding my feelings, then I'll take it.

I like- no, love everything about her, and I can't help it, I mean, she's perfect. Everything a guy could ever want in a girl.

Maybe one day I'll have a chance.

Just maybe...


I couldn't get the (h/c) girl out of my mind, after I left her house, I quickly went down to the lair and hid myself away in my thoughts.

Am I... Over April?

"I'm over April..." I whisper to myself, looking to my left at the picture I had of April. I smiled, "I'm over April!" I shouted to myself.

Donnie's brothers looked weirdly at the lab door, before shrugging it off and going back to whatever they were doing.

I don't understand how I could like someone like her, were like, complete opposites. I didn't care though, I loved someone.

And for starters, it wasn't April, or anyone like her. And I was so happy for that, I didn't need April to make me happy, she was merely just another one of my friends now.

She was perfect, from the way her eyes sparkled, to the way her brain just clicked with things, and then all the way to her "I don't care" attitude.

Maybe I could ask (Y/N) out one day.

Maybe, just maybe.


I had been getting these weird feelings around (Y/N) lately, especially when we touch each other. It was like a fish was swimming around in my stomach whenever I was around her.

I couldn't help but kind of like the feeling, I didn't know what it was, but Donnie would probably know.

"Hey Donnie?" I ask as I walk into his lab, he seemed very focused on what he was doing, but I decided to interrupt him anyways.

"Donnie!" I shouted at him, making him jump, and glare at me while fixing his glasses, "What Mikey? As you can see, I'm kind of busy."

"What does it mean when I feel weird around a girl?" Donnie looked at me with wide eyes, "You like a girl!? Wait- Your friends with a girl!?" I smiled.

"Wait! I like (Y/N)! Thanks Donnie!" I say running out of the lab, not noticing Donnie's shocked stare from behind me.

I liked (Y/N)!

I was totally going to ask her out one day.


To be continued

Word count: 624

𝐓𝐌𝐍𝐓 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬Where stories live. Discover now