Official - Donatello

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"I love you, (Y/N)."

Your eyes widen in shock, you don't know what you were expecting, but it wasn't that. The emotion you had just gotten for this male were being sent back to you, from said male.

Donnie let's a few tears fall, "This was hopeless, how could someone like you like someone like me... I never should of came here in the first place."

You grabbed his hand as he started walking away, "Donnie, don't doubt yourself like that, of course I like you back. I mean- I love you too."

You inwardly cringed, not liking the way you said it, hoping it made even just a little bit of sense. You wiped his tears for him and gave him a small smile.

He smiled and immediately pulled you into a huge hug, which you wouldn't of liked if it were anyone else but Donnie. He started laughing happily in relief into your shoulder, as you smiled into his. You both enjoyed each other's company.

He eventually set you down, "Sorry I was ignoring you for awhile, like I said, I just needed to get some thoughts straight." You smiled briefly, "I told you it was fine, Donnie, you don't have to apologize a second time." He nodded and looked off into the lights of New York City.

You followed his actions, admiring the quietness of the night that you never get to experience when your home. You slightly smiled, closing your eyes and inhaling a deep breath of the fresh air, not noticing Donnie's eyes watching you the whole time.

You opened your eyes after a while, looking over and seeing Donnie staring at you with a small smile, he quickly looked away with a blush after he noticed you looking at him.

You were confused as to why he'd be staring at you, but you dismissed it as him just spacing out, "So, (Y/N)." You look over at him,

"Will you be my uhm- g-girlfriend?" You smiled slightly, "Of course I will Donnie." He smiled back hugging you again. You two side hugged as you watched the city lights, smiling the entire time, for the first time in forever you were actually happy.


That was a first, but you were glad, happiness was a new thing for you and you were really enjoying it, that was until,

Your mother called and started yelling about how you needed to get home immediately, you knew you would get a beating after you get back.

It was worth it though.


To be continued

Word count: 430

𝐓𝐌𝐍𝐓 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬Where stories live. Discover now