Hanging out - Leonardo

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I will not be adding in "Plus Sizes" for the rest of this series, I feel extremely rude and disrespectful putting a whole different outfit for someone of a different size. So, sorry, but I will no longer be doing that. 


You had just gotten done with school a few hours ago and it was now around 6:30. You were so excited for Leo to come over.

You changed after taking a quick shower and decided to make a small movie set up, just in case he wanted to do that.

You were waiting around while scrolling through social media on your phone until you heard knocking at your bedroom window. You went up to check and sure enough, Leo was standing there smiling. You quickly let him in and told him to make himself feel at home.

He smiled and started to observe your room, seeing all of your art he pointed to one of your best pieces. You chuckled. "Do you make all of these yourself?" He asks, while he continues to observe your art. You nod and also look.

"What's this one?"

You look over to where his gaze landed, and your eyes widen, it was a sketch of a family photo that had never gotten taken.

"Uhm... That's nothing, really, it's just a doodle." You say yanking it from the wall and throwing it in the trash, you had never liked your family, and they never liked you, so there was no point in keeping it.

Leo watched as you threw away the large piece of paper, worried he might have upset one of his only friends, he walks over and places a hand on your shoulder.

You look up and your teary gaze meets Leo's, his eyes widen, and he pulls you in for a hug, you had never liked physical contact, but it just felt different with Leo.

You felt... safe.

That's a word you thought you'd never use again, but it was true, Leo made you feel safe, and you didn't know how to feel about it. You let a few tears out as Leo held you in his arms. He pets your hair soothingly, and it felt nice, you never had this, and now if you don't mess anything up you might have an actual chance.

"Are you okay?" Leo asked as he pulled away from your hug after a few minutes, you nodded missing the warmth of his arms around you. He pulled you down gently on your bed and sat next to you, it was silent for a few seconds, but you enjoyed it anyways.

"Mind telling me about it?" He asked, you looked at him and sighed, "Sure."

"It all started when I-"

You guys talked all night, the conversation eventually moving into happier things, like Leo and his brothers, or questions like, "What's your favorite food?"

You enjoyed the night, but eventually fell asleep to Leo's calming voice telling you a story from his past, in the middle Leo looked over to find you fallen over sideways on the bed sleeping peacefully.

Leo chuckled while shaking his head, he took off your shoes and put the blanket over you, not wanting to invade your privacy by changing your clothes.

He kissed your forehead as you smiled in your sleep, Leo slipped out the window after leaving a note saying he was heading home after you fell asleep. He watched you sleep for a few more seconds, taking in all your features, before snapping out of it and heading back to the lair.


To be continued

Word count: 571

𝐓𝐌𝐍𝐓 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐬Where stories live. Discover now