Meeting the Brothers - Michelangelo

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"Who's the dude who wrapped your leg, Mikey?"

You heard a gruff voice ask from inside your room, you cautiously made your way up to your door, careful not to spill any orange juice.

You peeked into your room and saw big figures waiting for Mikey to answer, Mikey saw you at the door and shook his head, as in to not come in.

You hid around the corner before any of them saw you. "No one did, I snuck in here and did it myself." The males obviously didn't believe this lie as they went out of your room and started searching the house for anyone.

You went into your room after they jumped over the railing to get downstairs, setting the orange juice down while slightly panicking, "Mikey?! Who the heck are they!?" You whisper shouted to him.

"They're my brothers now go and hide in the bathroom dudette!" He whisper shouted back, and you'll admit, it was weird seeing Mikey being anywhere close to serious. You huffed and did as he said, hiding in your shower while closing the curtains. Waiting until you heard them leave.

After waiting for what felt like an hour you heard your bedroom window close, climbing out of the shower while walking out into your room, immediately hearing the bathroom door lock behind you.

You jumped and turned around slowly, shrieking when you see a turtle with a red bandana right in front of your face, "Turns out it's not a dude after all." He says casually, looking behind you.

You see the other two standing not to far behind you, while Mikey gives you a small smile, "Sorry dudette, I tried." You nodded, going to sit down next to him, before the one in red grabbed the back of your shirt.

"Not so fast missy, you explain to us what happened to Mikey." He said from behind you. You huffed while standing still, "He got hurt, showed up at my window, and I helped him, there, happy?"

The one in blue spoke up, "Just let her go Raph, she's obviously telling the truth." Purple nodded along, and 'Raph' let you go.

You sighed in relief and walked over and sat next to Mikey, glaring at the red wearing turtle, "Sorry about that, miss, we were worried about our younger brother, that's all." The one in blue speaks up.

You nodded, "Yeah, I understand, I just hope you didn't break anything downstairs looking for me." The one in purple shook his head, "We don't break things, we fix them."

You nod again, "Can I at least know your names?" You ask while glancing at the one in red so he didn't come any closer. The one in blue quickly speaks up, "My name is Leonardo, but everyone calls me Leo, nice to meet you." The one in purple next to him introduces himself,

"And I'm Donatello, or Donnie, or Don, whatever you want to call me." He introduces himself rather awkwardly, which you thought was cute.

"My names (Y/N) and it's super cool to meet you! Mikey's told me barely anything about you."

You look at red expecting him to introduce himself, and when he didn't you huffed and turned to Mikey, "Anyways, how's your cuts?" He smiles at you cutely and gives you two thumbs up, which you smile at.

"Anyways, we should probably get Mikey back, sensei is freaking out." Leo said while walking over to help Mikey up.

You nod, wondering who sensei is at the same time. "It was nice meeting you, and we'll have to talk again sometime!" You say enthusiasticaly.

You see red roll his eyes and your smile quickly vanishes, and you rush to put back on a smile and wave goodbye to them.

After they hop out the window you wave one more time to Mikey and close and lock the window. Flopping on your couch and sighing.

"Reds a better name anyways."


To be continued

Word count: 667

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