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I look over at, my love . Only to notice he is silently cackling and there is no doubt in my mind that he is related to Bella.

" Harry , what has got you so excited ?" I ask putting my napkin down . We were all having lunch before continuing with renewing the oaths of our followers .

" We are done eating and now the lion will know never to underestimate a snake . I'm a freaken anaconda for merlin's sake . " He says with fire in his eyes and then he stands up and skips out the room .

" I just wanted to know why he is  happy" I say in complete confusion .

" He is about to reveal something and he will enjoy every moment of it . " Ronald says as he finishes eating and taking Draco's hand as they leave .

I decide to follow . When I get to the meeting room . Everyone is done eating and the person who was first in line before we went for lunch comes to me and I wait for him to say the oath .

After a while of the man not saying anything . Harry giggles " What ? Snake got your tongue?" He says

" N... noo . M .. Q
... Queen ? "

" ow how you bore me John  McMill ? Did you not think I will know where your loyalty stands ?  You my dear will be an example of what we do to friends , acquaintances and anyone who dares betray us . I promise you your cries will be the sound I sleep to at night" Harry says and then claps his hands twice and the man vanishes .

" Next !"

The oaths where finishes two hours ago and It's been an half an hour since Harry woke up from his nap and he is really pissed off , why? Because apperantly he had a dream that we had a Party without him . 

" No Hermione that's not how you did it , you did a split and then you got up and twerked " Harry says in frustration 

" I'm pregnant " Hermione says 

" you were also pregnant in my dream and you didn't complain , you were just like 'Yaaassss' and Sev was like 'Daaymn . Dad was hugging mom from behind and they were swinging from side to side like they were at a concert , And Aunt Bella was on stage going like' i wish i wish i wish i wish a bitch wooouuuuld' "he says with a pout

" You a stupid hoe you a you a stupid hoe " Bella walks in singing and handing out our mails .

" See I told you  , you guys were having a party when I was sleeping "

" MOM! "Neville says in shock 

" What ? besides , Harry you probably heard the song as you were  going for a nap I just had a Nicki Session " 

" Really? can I join your session next time , I just can't even with the rest of you , I mean really Hermione a simple, from the top make it drop move is impossible because you are carrying another human being in you " Harry says 

" Get pregnant and do it ,then we'll talk . For now let me have my snack in peace " Hermione says rolling her eyes and shoving vanilla ice cream , pickles and kiwi in her mouth .

" Well ,Tom. shall we ?" 

" uhm , we have a prisoner" I say changing the subject . Don't get me wrong I Love Harry and I want to eventually mate with him , but I do not want to rush into anything , I would like to get to know him not as my mate but as a person first  . Plus I'm old and old traditions are a pat of who I am how I grew up , I won't necessarily want us to get married first but I would like to court him and when we get to a point where we are both comfortable we can see what happens from there . 

" Yes, I have a plan for him . I have a bunch of ideas on how to expose Dumbledore and his order , but at the end of the day I think going after his reputation will do .  And Tom don't think I didn't see what you did there . Follow me we need to talk . " Harry says the last sentence with a frown .

" yous in trouble " Lucius whispers with a smirk that quickly vanishes from his face when Narcissa gives him the look .

I follow Harry to the tea room and find him pacing .

" The truth Tom why are you avoiding the fact that we should mate . "

" I think we should get to know each other better first you know . "

" I'm not stupid . What's the real reason . Either way we are going to end up together forever you knowing me should not be your excuse and I know you better than that . You are lying . " he says with a sneer .

" excuse me if I do not want to hop in to bed with the first man that shows interest in me but i am not like you . " as soon as I said it I knew I was wrong . I should not have said that.

My thoughts where cut off by cackling . I look at Harry and he is pissed off .

" Did you ... *hahaha* just call me ...*haha* a whore. "
He says and then the room falls into complete silence .

" wow Tom I'm not even back for a month atleast and you have insulted my mate . Good freaken job getting him to stay with us " Nigel seeethes in my head .

Harry stands up abruptly and leaves the room with out a word . I shift to sit on the sofa .

What have I done . Why couldn't i just tell him the truth .

" Apparently your rooms are now next to the Greyback couple's room so don't go to Harry's wing . " Ron's voice makes me look up . Tucked under his arm is Draco giving me a dirty look before they leave .

" I need my mate Tom.  Do you not want him ? "

" I love him "

" what a way to show him . You better fix this cause i will not drink blood from anyone else . I would rather die " Nigel says shutting off our connection .

Stupid mouth spilling stupid words .

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