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Today ,Tom and I will be leaving our wing , finally .I love it when it's just me and Tom but I miss my family, but Tom is taking his sweet sweet time 

" You ready ? " Tom asks as he hugs me from behind .

" Bitch I've been ready . You are so slow , me gosh . " I say power walking to the main dinning room .

" Did you just call me Bitch ? And how are you so fast ?" Tom asks from behind me trying to catch up .

" mmm ok and its called power walking . "

" You didn't answer the first question ."

" Which was ? "

" Did you call me Bitch ?"

" mmh ok" I say shrugging and opening the door to the dinning room .

" Harry !" Draco screams before jumping up and running to me .

" My baby , I missed you so much . " I says hugging him .

"Missed you too " Draco whispers as i pick him up and walk to the table and take my seat and motion for Tom to sit next to me .

"Good morning .  Ow to those who don't know him, this is Tom.  Tom this is our family . "

" good to see you old friend" my dad says and he and Tom start talking about something along with Aunt Bella ,Mom and Sev 

" We missed you.. "Fred says

" ..Boss" George adds

" Ow my merlin guys when did you get here . Gin , is that a bruise. What happened ? . "I ask worriedly waving my wand and healing her bruise. She probably thought it looked cool and stopped her brothers from healing her . She's a badass like that.

" I told Dumbledore that he is the real Dark Lord and anyone that follows him is a fool . Then mom slapped me , Fred and George apparated me away . I heard that Charlie requested a review of head of the family since dad is a puppet and everyone knows that mom won't be the head since the title can't be given to a violent or abusive person . " Ginny says with a grin .

" Ow wow . I can't even " I say shoving eggs into my mouth .

" Can't even what?" Tom asks

"I just can't even "

Tom looks at me confused .

" How do I explain this ? . What it means is he is at a point where saying I can't believe this is an understatement " Aunt Bella explains to my surprise .

" exactly "

" ok so who exactly is Felicia, an ex friend ?. "

" I don't know any Felicia , where did you hear that ? " I say 

" I may be old but I remember you say .'.. So me and Hermione were like bye Felicia and her face was all froggy "

" hahaha .I remember that Luna did the snapping a Z thing and it was so weird cause she did it with no attitude it looked like she was blessing them . " Daphne says laughing and the women laugh .

I look at Tom who looked like he was trying to figure out what she just said .

" Bye Felicia is like saying bye bitch . "I try explaining it to Tom . 

" So Felicia was your friend and she turned on you and you told her bye " 

" Sure love . " I say not knowing how to explain it 

" So Ron any Updates?" 

"Death eater meeting after breakfast . Sirius lives with Fenrir now . Neville and Blaise are dating . " Ron says looking at Draco the whole time .

" Congrats you guys . I'm glad Sirius is happy and Tom you ok with the meeting being so short notice ?"

" Yes it's alright . "

" ow and Hermione's pregnant . " Ron adds

" Ron have you learnt nothing .. you lead with everything cute . Hermione's pregnant , Nev and Blaise ,Siri and then death eaters . Wait Hermione's pregnant . Hermione your pregnant . "

" Yes , I've been hiding it with a Glamour . I didn't want people asking about the dad , plus I was gonna be a target for the light . They don't like seeing people happy . "

" Ow my you are pregnant . I'm having another baby . Draco you getting a sibling . "

" That's not how it works son " Dad says .

" I know but you know how we all agreed that Draco is my baby . "

" We didn't agree to that since Draco is only a year younger than you . "

" but you were like this is your baby . "

" Brother . This is your baby brother. "

" I  might have tuned you out . "

" so all this time you thought we gave you Draco as your baby .?" Mom asked in concern

" hahhaa yeah * awkwardly cough* no what not at all milady . "

" yeah you still can't lie . "

" you still getting a sibling Draco . "

" He is sleeping Harry . "

Magic hands

" So i have an idea on how to get back at the wizarding world . " I say with a smirk .



" I think everyone is here . we can begin the meeting . " Dad says to me and Tom . 

" My loyal friends . I must apologies . My past actions put you all in danger my insanity caused you to fear me . I had prided myself in having so many acquaintances . People who came to me for help, sometimes guidance . You can fear me no more for I am no longer insane. Our work is not done , the wizarding world has made a grave mistake . They have turned their backs on their savior . He is the reason I am back before you so soon after my supposed demise . " He then motioned for me to stand up . 

" I would first and foremost like to apologize for the loss of your fellow death eaters . Their deaths will not be in vain . we will revamp , we will regroup and we will re enter the wizarding world and take it bye storm . " I say and I get a lot of cheers in return . 

'We will see what Dumbledore thinks about that ' i hear a thought as I look at the sea of Death Eaters . 

I mean , To spy is to occlument .

" Huh ok . so here's the Plan . First you will all get your marks renewed. Your oaths will be different . This way we can't have spies telling The Old Fool anything ." I say staring right at the spy 

Let's let him stew in his fear a bit . He will be a present for the Light. A first of many . 


Hey lovelies

So as you can see the updates are slow but I will update when I can . And hopefully I'll have a schedule in place soon .

Should I start naming Chapters ?

Love Y'alls ❤

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