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" found them , ooh fancy . you guys are living the life down here aren't you ?"
I say as I see my uncles having tea in a fancy cell with carpets and sofas and fancy drapes.

" why are you guys with him , he brought us here you know . ?" uncle Rudo says looking at my parents and aunt . I take out my wand and mend their memories . I don't like doing it Luna is the expert , but she is not here so yeah .

" ta-da , now you can come out uncles. " I say as I unlock the cell, they come out and hug everyone .

" Did anyone else arrive here with you ?' I ask them and they nod , pointing to another fancy looking cell .

I walk towards it  and what I see really surprises me .

" Is that Sirius and Greyback ?." I whisper to my uncles. As I see Sirius and Greyback sleeping , with Sirius' head on Greyback's chest and Greyback's hands around Sirius' waist .

" yep they are a thing now ."

" They are so cute , i'll remove the blocks and Ivy will take them to their room .I don't wanna wake them ."


Another day floating about looking for a weak soul to possess . This is what I have become again , A floating piece of nothing , that Potter boy really knows how to piss me off , How many years until another loyal follower of mine decides to bring me back , after I've repeatedly tormented them first of course .

" Maybe I should give up this time , Potter has won I guess. Now I'm just a floating blob of nothing . Correction ,I'm a floating Blob of thinking nothing , or is it thinking Blob of noth.." My rant is cut short by a forced summoning , which is like me , the blob ,just being accioed . And of course this makes me black out .

" Sev why is he not waking up? ." A voice of an angel says . So I'm probably in what muggles call heaven . I release a sigh .

" Tommy , wake up my Tom " The voice says .

" Harry I don't think that is gonna work " Severus says . wait Severus is not dead , that means I'm not dead . I open my eyes to see where the heck I am .

" ow Sev he is up , you may go now . Remember no one is allowed here for a week . Thank you " an angel , at least I was right about that . Severus leaves and the Angel twirls around and skips to the jug of water by my bedside .

" who...Who you? " I ask with difficulty as my throat burns with every letter.

" Drink this " He says , and I do as he says .

" Don't you remember me Tommy , it's me Harry Narcissa Malfoy ." He says with his head tilted , he is cute , wait Malfoy . I remember now .

" Sunflower ?" I whisper in disbelief

" Hey Tommy " He says with a cute smile.

" What happened ?"

" Dumbledore happened . I'll tell you later about the evil man . you need to eat . How long has your vampire been sleeping . ?" my eyes widen as I remember Nigel my vampire .

" For so long , maybe even years , the last thing he said was he will come back when his beloved has found us"

" He will be hungry when he wakes then , eat and then rest Tommy you are still weakened by weeks of no proper body. " I again follow his instructions , which surprises me cause I don't just listen to any one .

" Nigel will be very hungry when he wakes I will get him animal blood . He should be waking soon . " He says as he feeds me soup .

" How do you know he will wake is our mate close ?"

" Yep . Now rest . " he says as I finish the soup . He then skips out of the room humming .

I allow the softness of the bed to lull me into a dreamless sleep .


NIGEL'S POV (short)

The smell of sweet blood wakes me from my years of sleeping . I have control of my humans body , as he is asleep .

I open my eyes and look around , my eyes stop on a beautiful human , dancing around the room . They look up , only then do I notice he is male . I remember him , he was a lot more younger then .

" Harry? " I ask trying to ignore the craving for blood nagging at the back of my mind . He looks my way and the mate pull forces me off my bed and by his side in a second .

" You smell so good . " I say as I pull him close and breath in his scent .

" Of course , I do silly , I'm your mate . Ivy !" . He says with the cutest giggle I've ever heard . A house elf pops in with a jug of blood and a goblin . She then pops back out .

" Drink up my mate , I don't want you going crazy and start killing the closest living things to us , which is our family . " He says as he pours the blood in the goblin and hands it to me .

" This will be painful , I haven't  had blood in so long this body only has human food . I will be weakened for a week at most . " I say with a sigh .

" Don't  worry , I will take care of you my mate . " he says leading me back to the bed and sitting me down . I nod and I drink the blood . He tells me of Dumbledore's evils but never of who he was before he got his memories back .

I start feeling queasy and tired .

" Sleep , I will be here when you wake  , my mate " .and i do just that .



I wake up to a cooling breeze . I open my eyes to see Harry sitting by the window looking outside .

" Harry " i say to get his attention.

" hello my Tom " he says smiling .

" you are my mate . I can feel Nigel is wide awake and the pull towards you is extremely strong ."

" of course I am . Oh yeah , sorry I killed you, I was not me " he says absent mindedly. 

" You killed me ? But that would mean you were. Harry Potter" I say in disbelief.

" yeah I was him . You not gonna hate me for who I was are you ? Cause if you do I might have to kill you again . Remind me to ask Ron to call a meeting with the death eaters I think we need to renew the loyalty charms in their marks . Tom you need to start drinking blood again or Nigel will get weak meaning you will get weak . Today you get to move around our wing cause you are getting your strength back. " He says all this with out stopping for my answer or anything.

" Um Ron ?"I ask.

" He is my best friend and right hand man first person I told about what Dumbledore did to me and the others , He had been suspicious of him for a long time , even had the twins set up some recording charms in their family home . He is so in love with Draco , he would probably kill anyone that tries for Draco's attention . Better warn mom and dad , if they even think of setting Draco up with anyone but Ron , heads will roll , literally , he invents torture spells on his spare time. And then we have Luna , She is practically my little sister , she is sweet but very dark , like use your body to make fire kind of dark . Neville my cousin , aunt Bella's son , let's just say the crazy got to him , he may seem a bit dull but that is his I'm thinking of poisonous plants face . he drives Blaise crazy , Blaise has always had a thing for Neville even before our memories were altered . we all actually somehow became friends despite the influence of the light and we practiced dark spells together in the ROR , so us being on the Dark side is really not that much of a change . Daphne Greengrass can out smart even my father when it comes to politics she also has a lot of Blackmail material . Hermione is a Parcelmouth , she also get's along with any and all creatures . Did I leave anyone out?, No I don't think so ."

" you left yourself out "

" ow me , I'm just the Queen . " He says with the sexiest most disturbing grin ever .

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