Part 18

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" And on his head he wore a crown , like the queen that he is he wore his gown, to the trial of a traitor he was to go and look his best he was going to . his name is Harry , given to him by the Zen master of the castle and the Dope king Lucius..."

" does your father know he is a dope king.. we are going to be late to the trial " vibe killer Tom says 

" ok geez Tom at least help me with my shoes then since you messed up my song "

This is why i get dressed alone .. no one complains when i take my time .

Baby come in baby respond with a kick . I think to the babe . I might be teaching him/her legilimency

" .. rry .. harry "

" what ? "

" did you tune me out again? ."

" was just talking to the baby "

" you know that excuse is not gonna work after you give birth . "

" it's not an excuse .. now help me up " he does that and we walk to the floo room where the rest of the family is waiting so that we can go to the trail.

" Harry you are about to pop .. you should stay . " Hermione says with her spawn in her arms .

" ignored  ..Tom apparate us outta this negativity "

We arrive at the ministry and there are so many people like give me some room y'all. 

" Queen Queen .. what really is your name you have told us to address you as such we would like to know you" one of my fans says .

" A lot will be revealed in this trial including where Harry Potter is "

" When is the baby due ? "

" Any day now "

" kiss my baby . "

Yeah nope , ignored 

" people ,people ,people give the queen a break a press conference will be had after the trial all questions will be answered there . " Blaise says leading me and Tom to the court room .. when did he get here .

" I loved that " I say

" you were literally in the spotlight so obviously.  " Tom says

" yeah I'm awesome"

" you are so humble"

" Thanks I know "

" Court is in session . " Amelia Bones says as she sits in the judges chair.

" The trial of Albus Dumbledore that has been going on for 3 months now, will be ending today . The last of the witnesses may be called up . "

" Harry Narcissa Malfoy-Riddle " that's right bitches I'm a married queen now .

I stand up and the court is so silent only my heels can be heard as I move to sit at the assigned seat . I make it bigger cause I am not about to squish my baby .

" veritaserum will be administered " the judge , Amelia Bones says .

" yeah .. nope , I will not be drinking any ministry potion thank you very much . I love my life y'all "

" Mr. Malfoy-Riddle I assure you it is perfectly safe ."

" Sev babes do you have any on you "

" Harry I do not walk around with potions . "

" why do I keep you around then .. ok I'll make an oath will that be ok ?"

" yes that will suffice"

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